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Index - U
UAC (see:
Umbilical catheters
(Special Topic)
UAE (see:
Uterine artery embolization
UAE - discharge (see:
Uterine artery embolization - discharge
UC - children (see:
Ulcerative Colitis - children - discharge
UDP-galactose-4 (see:
UFE (see:
Uterine artery embolization
UFE - discharge (see:
Uterine artery embolization - discharge
UIP (see:
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
UKA (see:
Partial knee replacement
Ulcer - aphthous (see:
Canker sore
Ulcer - duodenal (see:
Peptic ulcer
Ulcer - duodenal - discharge (see:
Peptic ulcer disease - discharge
Ulcer - duodenal - InDepth (see:
Peptic ulcers - InDepth
Ulcer - foot (see:
Diabetes - foot ulcers
Ulcer - gastric (see:
Peptic ulcer
Ulcer - gastric - discharge (see:
Peptic ulcer disease - discharge
Ulcer - gastric - InDepth (see:
Peptic ulcers - InDepth
Ulcer - mouth (see:
Mouth ulcers
Ulcer - peptic (see:
Peptic ulcer
Ulcer - peptic - discharge (see:
Peptic ulcer disease - discharge
Ulcer - peptic - InDepth (see:
Peptic ulcers - InDepth
Ulcerative colitis
Ulcerative Colitis - children - discharge
Ulcerative colitis - colonoscopy (see:
(Medical Test)
Ulcerative colitis - discharge
Ulcerative colitis - ileostomy and your child (see:
Ileostomy and your child
Ulcerative colitis - ileostomy and your diet (see:
Ileostomy and your diet
Ulcerative colitis - ileostomy and your ileostomy type (see:
Types of ileostomy
Ulcerative colitis - ileostomy and your pouch change (see:
Ileostomy - changing your pouch
Ulcerative colitis - ileostomy discharge (see:
Ileostomy - discharge
Ulcerative colitis - InDepth
Ulcerative colitis - living with (see:
Living with your ileostomy
Ulcerative colitis - low fiber diet (see:
Low-fiber diet
Ulcerative colitis - toxic megacolon (see:
Toxic megacolon
Ulcerative esophagitis (see:
Ulcerative proctitis (see:
Ulcerative colitis
Ulcerative proctitis - children (see:
Ulcerative Colitis - children - discharge
Ulcerative proctitis - discharge (see:
Ulcerative colitis - discharge
Ulcerative proctitis - InDepth (see:
Ulcerative colitis - InDepth
Ulcers - male genitals (see:
Genital sores - male
Ulcers - venous (see:
Stasis dermatitis and ulcers
Ulcus molle (see:
Ulnar claw (see:
Claw hand
Ulnar collateral ligament injury (see:
Skier's thumb - aftercare
Ulnar nerve dysfunction
Ulnar nerve dysfunction - claw hand (see:
Claw hand
Ulnar nerve palsy (see:
Ulnar nerve dysfunction
Ulnar nerve palsy - claw hand (see:
Claw hand
Ultrasonography of the breast (see:
Breast ultrasound
(Medical Test)
(Medical Test)
Ultrasound - abdomen (see:
Abdominal ultrasound
(Medical Test)
Ultrasound - carotid (see:
Carotid duplex
(Medical Test)
Ultrasound - coronary artery (see:
Cardiac intravascular ultrasound
Ultrasound - eye orbit (see:
Eye and orbit ultrasound
(Medical Test)
Ultrasound - pregnancy (see:
Ultrasound pregnancy
(Medical Test)
Ultrasound - thyroid (see:
Thyroid ultrasound
(Medical Test)
Ultrasound - transvaginal (see:
Transvaginal ultrasound
(Medical Test)
Ultrasound - vascular - carotid (see:
Carotid duplex
(Medical Test)
Ultrasound pelvis (see:
Pelvic ultrasound - abdominal
(Medical Test)
Ultrasound pregnancy
(Medical Test)
Ultrasound-guided breast biopsy (see:
Breast biopsy - ultrasound
(Medical Test)
Ultraviolet light test (see:
Wood lamp examination
(Medical Test)
Umbilical catheters
(Special Topic)
Umbilical cord blood transplant (see:
Bone marrow transplant
Umbilical cord blood transplant - children - discharge (see:
Bone marrow transplant in children - discharge
Umbilical cord blood transplant - discharge (see:
Bone marrow transplant - discharge
Umbilical cord care in newborns
(Special Topic)
Umbilical hernia
Umbilical hernia repair
Umbilical hernia surgery (see:
Umbilical hernia repair
Umbilical herniorrhaphy (see:
Umbilical hernia repair
Uncal herniation (see:
Brain herniation
Uncertain genitalia (see:
Ambiguous genitalia
Uncinaria stenocephala (see:
Creeping eruption
Uncircumcised penis - bathing (see:
Penis care (uncircumcised)
(Special Topic)
Uncomfortable fullness after meals (see:
Uncomplicated urinary tract infection (see:
Cystitis - acute
Unconjugated benign bilirubinemia (see:
Gilbert syndrome
Unconjugated bilirubin - blood (see:
Bilirubin blood test
(Medical Test)
Unconsciousness - first aid
Uncontrollable passage of feces (see:
Bowel incontinence
Uncontrollable urination (see:
Urinary incontinence
Uncontrollable urination - care at home (see:
When you have urinary incontinence
Uncontrollable urination - InDepth (see:
Urinary incontinence - InDepth
Uncontrolled eye movements (see:
Uncontrolled movements (see:
Movement - uncontrollable
Uncoordinated movement (see:
Movement - uncoordinated
Underactive thyroid (see:
Underactive thyroid - InDepth (see:
Hypothyroidism - InDepth
Underactive thyroid - TBG (see:
TBG blood test
(Medical Test)
Underactive thyroid - thyroglobulin antibody (see:
Antithyroglobulin antibody test
(Medical Test)
Underage drinking - risks (see:
Risks of underage drinking
Underage drinking - teenager (see:
Talking to your teen about drinking
Underbite (see:
Underbite (see:
Malocclusion of teeth
Understanding cancer staging
(Special Topic)
Understanding cardiovascular disease
(Special Topic)
Understanding health insurance plans
(Special Topic)
Understanding Medicare
(Special Topic)
Understanding the DASH diet
Understanding your breast cancer risk
(Special Topic)
Understanding your cancer prognosis
(Special Topic)
Understanding your colorectal cancer risk
(Special Topic)
Understanding your health care costs
(Special Topic)
Understanding your hospital bill
(Special Topic)
Understanding your prostate cancer risk
(Special Topic)
Undescended testicle
Undescended testicle repair
Undifferentiated sarcomas (see:
Uterine sarcoma
Undifferentiated uterine sarcoma (see:
Uterine sarcoma
Undulant fever (see:
Unemerged tooth (see:
Impacted tooth
Unerupted tooth (see:
Impacted tooth
Unexplained weight loss (see:
Weight loss - unintentional
Unformed bowel movements (see:
Unguis incarnates (see:
Ingrown toenail
Unguis incarnates surgery (see:
Ingrown toenail removal - discharge
Unguis incarnatus (see:
Ingrown toenail
Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (see:
Partial knee replacement
Unicondylar knee replacement (see:
Partial knee replacement
Unilateral hydronephrosis (see:
Hydronephrosis of one kidney
Unipolar depression (see:
Major depression
Unisol overdose (see:
Castor oil overdose
Univentricular heart (see:
Double inlet left ventricle
Univentricular heart of the left ventricular type (see:
Double inlet left ventricle
Unloading brace (see:
Knee braces - unloading
Unresponsiveness (see:
Decreased alertness
Unstable angina
Unstable angina - ACS (see:
Acute coronary syndrome
Unstable angina - ACS - InDepth (see:
Heart attack and acute coronary syndrome - InDepth
Unstable angina-ACS (see:
Acute coronary syndrome
Unstable bladder (see:
Urge incontinence
Unused medicines (see:
How and when to get rid of unused medicines
UP junction obstruction (see:
Ureteropelvic junction obstruction
UPEP (see:
Urine protein electrophoresis test
(Medical Test)
Upper airway biopsy
(Medical Test)
Upper and lower motor neuron disease (see:
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
Upper endoscopy (see:
EGD - esophagogastroduodenoscopy
(Medical Test)
Upper endoscopy - discharge (see:
EGD discharge
Upper endoscopy - gastric tissue biopsy (see:
Gastric tissue biopsy and culture
(Medical Test)
Upper gastrointestinal bleeding (see:
Black or tarry stools
Upper GI and small bowel series
(Medical Test)
Upper GI bleeding (see:
Gastrointestinal bleeding
Upper GI series (see:
Upper GI and small bowel series
(Medical Test)
Upper motor neuron syndrome - care (see:
Caring for muscle spasticity or spasms
Upper respiratory illness - RSV (see:
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
Upper respiratory infection - home care (see:
How to treat the common cold at home
Upper respiratory infection - viral (see:
Common cold
Upper respiratory infection - viral - InDepth (see:
Colds and the flu - InDepth
Upper respiratory infection - what to ask your doctor - adult (see:
Colds and the flu - what to ask your doctor - adult
(Doctor Questions)
Upper respiratory infection - what to ask your doctor - child (see:
Colds and the flu - what to ask your doctor - child
(Doctor Questions)
Uppers overdose (see:
Methamphetamine overdose
UPPP (see:
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP)
Upset stomach (see:
Nausea and vomiting – adults
Upset stomach - viral (see:
Viral gastroenteritis (stomach flu)
Urea cycle - hereditary abnormality (see:
Hereditary urea cycle abnormality
Urea nitrogen urine test
(Medical Test)
Uremia (see:
Prerenal azotemia
Ureter cancer (see:
Renal pelvis or ureter cancer
Ureteral calculi - hydronephrosis (see:
Hydronephrosis of one kidney
Ureteral injury (see:
Injury - kidney and ureter
Ureteral reflux (see:
Reflux nephropathy
Ureteral reimplant (see:
Ureteral reimplantation surgery - children
Ureteral reimplant surgery - children (see:
Ureteral reimplantation surgery - children
Ureteral reimplantation surgery - children
Ureteral retrograde brush biopsy
(Medical Test)
Ureteral stone removal - ureteroscopy (see:
Ureteral stone surgery (see:
Ureteric stent - discharge (see:
Percutaneous urinary procedures - discharge
Ureteroneocystostomy - children (see:
Ureteral reimplantation surgery - children
Ureteropelvic junction obstruction
Urethral cancer - cytology (see:
Cytology exam of urine
(Medical Test)
Urethral discharge - Gram stain (see:
Gram stain
(Medical Test)
Urethral discharge culture
(Medical Test)
Urethral discharge Gram stain (see:
Gram stain of urethral discharge
(Medical Test)
Urethral disruption (see:
Traumatic injury of the bladder and urethra
Urethral injury (see:
Traumatic injury of the bladder and urethra
Urethral meatal stenosis (see:
Meatal stenosis
Urethral obstruction malformation sequence (see:
Prune belly syndrome
Urethral sling - discharge (see:
Urinary incontinence surgery - female - discharge
Urethral stricture
Urethral suspension (see:
Urinary incontinence - tension-free vaginal tape
Urethral syndrome (see:
Urethral syndrome - acute (see:
Cystitis - noninfectious
Urethritis - chlamydia (see:
Chlamydial infections - male
Urethritis - culture (see:
Urethral discharge culture
(Medical Test)
Urethritis - Gram stain (see:
Gram stain of urethral discharge
(Medical Test)
Urethroplasty (see:
Hypospadias repair
Urge incontinence
Urge syndrome (see:
Frequent or urgent urination
Urge urinary incontinence (see:
Urinary incontinence - what to ask your doctor
(Doctor Questions)
Urgency-frequency syndrome (see:
Frequent or urgent urination
Urgent care - child (see:
When to use the emergency room - child
(Special Topic)
Urgent urination (see:
Frequent or urgent urination
URI - home care (see:
How to treat the common cold at home
URI - RSV (see:
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
URI - what to ask your doctor - adult (see:
Colds and the flu - what to ask your doctor - adult
(Doctor Questions)
URI - what to ask your doctor - child (see:
Colds and the flu - what to ask your doctor - child
(Doctor Questions)
Uric acid - blood
(Medical Test)
Uric acid - stones (see:
Kidney stones
Uric acid - stones - InDepth (see:
Kidney stones - InDepth
Uric acid stones - nephrostomy (see:
Percutaneous urinary procedures - discharge
Uric acid stones and self-care (see:
Kidney stones - self-care
Uric acid urine test
(Medical Test)
(Medical Test)
Urinalysis - clean catch (see:
Clean catch urine sample
(Medical Test)
Urinary 24 hours sodium (see:
Sodium urine test
(Medical Test)
Urinary appliance pasting (see:
Changing your urostomy pouch
Urinary Ca+2 (see:
Calcium - urine
(Medical Test)
Urinary casts
(Medical Test)
Urinary catheter - infants
(Special Topic)
Urinary catheter - neonatal (see:
Urinary catheter - infants
(Special Topic)
Urinary catheters
(Special Topic)
Urinary catheters - what to ask your doctor
(Doctor Questions)
Urinary chloride (see:
Chloride - urine test
(Medical Test)
Urinary diversion - urostomy pouch (see:
Changing your urostomy pouch
Urinary diversion - urostomy stoma (see:
Urostomy - stoma and skin care
Urinary diversion - urostomy supplies (see:
Urostomy pouches and supplies
Urinary frequency or urgency (see:
Frequent or urgent urination
Urinary incontinence
Urinary incontinence - devices (see:
External incontinence devices
(Special Topic)
Urinary incontinence - InDepth
Urinary incontinence - injectable implant
Urinary incontinence - retropubic suspension
Urinary incontinence - tension-free vaginal tape
Urinary incontinence - urethral sling procedures
Urinary incontinence - urge (see:
Urge incontinence
Urinary incontinence - vaginal wall repair (see:
Anterior vaginal wall repair
Urinary incontinence - what to ask your doctor
(Doctor Questions)
Urinary incontinence products
(Special Topic)
Urinary incontinence products - self-care
Urinary incontinence surgery - female - discharge
Urinary leakage - care at home (see:
When you have urinary incontinence
Urinary leakage - stress incontinence (see:
Stress urinary incontinence
Urinary lithiasis (see:
Kidney stones
Urinary lithiasis - InDepth (see:
Kidney stones - InDepth
Urinary obstruction (see:
Hydronephrosis of one kidney
Urinary or ureteral stents (see:
Urinary ostomy (see:
Urostomy pouches and supplies
Urinary pouch (see:
Changing your urostomy pouch
Urinary retention - BOO (see:
Bladder outlet obstruction
Urinary tract infection - adults
Urinary tract infection - catheter associated (see:
Catheter-related UTI
Urinary tract infection - children
Urinary tract infection - clean catch (see:
Clean catch urine sample
(Medical Test)
Urinary tract infection - InDepth
Urinary tract infection - urinalysis (see:
(Medical Test)
Urinary tract infection in girls - aftercare
Urinary tract infection in women - self-care
Urinary tract stones (see:
Bladder stones
Urinating more at night
Urination - difficulty with flow
Urination - excessive amount
Urination - painful
Urination - uncontrollable (see:
Urinary incontinence
Urination - uncontrollable - InDepth (see:
Urinary incontinence - InDepth
Urine - abnormal color
Urine - bloody
Urine - citric acid test (see:
Citric acid urine test
(Medical Test)
Urine - hemoglobin (see:
Hemoglobinuria test
(Medical Test)
Urine - red blood cells (see:
RBC urine test
(Medical Test)
Urine 24-hour volume
(Medical Test)
Urine albumin (see:
Urine protein dipstick test
(Medical Test)
Urine amino acids (see:
(Medical Test)
Urine appearance and color (see:
(Medical Test)
Urine Bence-Jones protein (see:
Quantitative Bence-Jones protein test
(Medical Test)
Urine catecholamines (see:
Catecholamines - urine
(Medical Test)
Urine chemistry
(Medical Test)
Urine collection - clean catch (see:
Clean catch urine sample
(Medical Test)
Urine collection - infants
(Medical Test)
Urine concentration test
(Medical Test)
Urine coproporphyrin (see:
Porphyrins urine test
(Medical Test)
Urine creatinine test (see:
Creatinine urine test
(Medical Test)
Urine culture
(Medical Test)
Urine culture - catheterization (see:
Urine culture - catheterized specimen
(Medical Test)
Urine culture - catheterized specimen
(Medical Test)
Urine culture - clean catch (see:
Clean catch urine sample
(Medical Test)
Urine cytology (see:
Cytology exam of urine
(Medical Test)
Urine density (see:
Urine specific gravity test
(Medical Test)
Urine dermatan sulfate (see:
Acid mucopolysaccharides
(Medical Test)
Urine drainage bags
Urine drug screen
(Medical Test)
Urine glucose test (see:
Glucose urine test
(Medical Test)
Urine heparan sulfate (see:
Acid mucopolysaccharides
(Medical Test)
Urine immunoglobulin electrophoresis (see:
Immunoelectrophoresis - urine
(Medical Test)
Urine ketones (see:
Ketones urine test
(Medical Test)
Urine melanin test
(Medical Test)
Urine metanephrine (see:
Catecholamines - urine
(Medical Test)
Urine myoglobin (see:
Myoglobin urine test
(Medical Test)
Urine Na+ (see:
Sodium urine test
(Medical Test)
Urine odor
Urine output - decreased
Urine pH test
(Medical Test)
Urine potassium (see:
Potassium urine test
(Medical Test)
Urine protein (see:
Urine protein dipstick test
(Medical Test)
Urine protein - 24 hour (see:
Urine 24-hour volume
(Medical Test)
Urine protein - 24 hour (see:
24-hour urine protein
(Medical Test)
Urine protein dipstick test
(Medical Test)
Urine protein electrophoresis (see:
Urine protein electrophoresis test
(Medical Test)
Urine protein electrophoresis test
(Medical Test)
Urine specific gravity test
(Medical Test)
Urine sugar reagent poisoning (see:
Clinitest tablets poisoning
Urine sugar test (see:
Glucose urine test
(Medical Test)
Urine urea nitrogen (see:
Urea nitrogen urine test
(Medical Test)
Urine uroporphyrin (see:
Porphyrins urine test
(Medical Test)
Urine volume (see:
Urine 24-hour volume
(Medical Test)
Uroflow (see:
(Medical Test)
(Medical Test)
Urokinase (see:
Thrombolytic therapy
(Special Topic)
Urolift (see:
Prostate resection - minimally invasive
Urolift (see:
Prostate resection - minimally invasive - discharge
Urolithiasis - citric acid test (see:
Citric acid urine test
(Medical Test)
Urolithiasis Renal calculi - InDepth (see:
Kidney stones - InDepth
Urological disorders (see:
Renal and urological disorders
Uromodulin associated kidney disease (see:
Autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial kidney disease
Uropathy - obstructive (see:
Obstructive uropathy
Urostomy - stoma and skin care
Urostomy bag (see:
Urostomy pouches and supplies
Urostomy pouches and supplies
Urothelial cancer (see:
Bladder cancer
Urothelial carcinoma (see:
Renal pelvis or ureter cancer
Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA, ursodiol) (see:
Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA, ursodiol) - InDepth (see:
Gallstones and gallbladder disease - InDepth
Urticaria (see:
Urticaria - antihistamine (see:
Antihistamines for allergies
Urticaria - hives (see:
Urticaria pigmentosa
Use of restraints
(Special Topic)
Using a cane
Using a humidifier for colds (see:
Humidifiers and health
(Special Topic)
Using a multi-dimensional approach to treat diabetes
Using a walker
Using an incentive spirometer
Using antibiotics wisely
(Special Topic)
Using crutches
Using over-the-counter medicines safely
(Special Topic)
Using oxygen at home
Using oxygen at home - what to ask your doctor
(Doctor Questions)
Using your shoulder after replacement surgery
Using your shoulder after surgery
Usual interstitial pneumonitis (see:
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Uteric stent - discharge (see:
Percutaneous urinary procedures - discharge
Uterine adenocarcinoma (see:
Endometrial cancer
Uterine artery embolization
Uterine artery embolization - discharge
Uterine bleeding - fibroids (see:
Uterine fibroids
Uterine bleeding - hysteroscopy (see:
Uterine bleeding - living with fibroids (see:
Living with uterine fibroids
Uterine bleeding - polyps (see:
Endometrial polyps
Uterine bleeding - transvaginal ultrasound (see:
Transvaginal ultrasound
(Medical Test)
Uterine cancer (see:
Endometrial cancer
Uterine cancer - pelvic radiation (see:
Pelvic radiation - discharge
Uterine cancer - sarcoma (see:
Uterine sarcoma
Uterine cancer-sarcoma (see:
Uterine sarcoma
Uterine corpus cancer (see:
Endometrial cancer
Uterine endoscopy (see:
Uterine fibroid embolization (see:
Uterine artery embolization
Uterine fibroid embolization - discharge (see:
Uterine artery embolization - discharge
Uterine fibroids
Uterine polyps (see:
Endometrial polyps
Uterine prolapse
Uterine prolapse - vaginal wall repair (see:
Anterior vaginal wall repair
Uterine sarcoma
Uterine synechiae (see:
Asherman syndrome
Uterine synechiae, Intrauterine adhesions (see:
Asherman syndrome
Uteroplacental vascular insufficiency (see:
Placental insufficiency
Uterosalpingography (see:
(Medical Test)
Uteroscopy (see:
Uterotubography (see:
(Medical Test)
Uterus retroversion (see:
Retroversion of the uterus
UTI - acute (see:
Cystitis - acute
UTI - acute cystitis (see:
Cystitis - acute
UTI - adults (see:
Urinary tract infection - adults
UTI - catheter associated (see:
Catheter-related UTI
UTI - children (see:
Urinary tract infection - children
UTI - clean catch (see:
Clean catch urine sample
(Medical Test)
UTI - InDepth (see:
Urinary tract infection - InDepth
UTI - self-care (see:
Urinary tract infection in women - self-care
UTI - urinalysis (see:
(Medical Test)
UTIs - InDepth (see:
Urinary tract infection - InDepth
UVC (see:
Umbilical catheters
(Special Topic)
(Special Topic)
Uvulopalatal flap procedure (see:
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP)
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP)
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