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Index - T
T and B lymphocyte assays (see:
B and T cell screen
(Medical Test)
T cell count (see:
T-cell count
(Medical Test)
T-cell count
(Medical Test)
T-lymphocyte count (see:
T-cell count
(Medical Test)
T3 radioimmunoassay (see:
T3 test
(Medical Test)
T3 resin uptake (see:
T3RU test
(Medical Test)
T3 test
(Medical Test)
T3RU test
(Medical Test)
Tabes dorsalis
Tabetic neurosyphilis (see:
Tabes dorsalis
Tachy-brady syndrome (see:
Sick sinus syndrome
Tachycardia (see:
Tachycardia (see:
Cardiac arrhythmia - conduction system overview
Tachycardia (see:
Cardiac arrhythmia tests: ECG and EKG
Tachycardia (see:
Cardiac arrhythmia: Additional tests
Tachycardia (see:
Cardiac arrhythmia: Physical exam
Tachycardia (see:
Cardiac arrhythmia: Heart palpitations and other symptoms
Tachycardia (see:
Cardiac arrhythmia: Taking a medical history
Tachycardia (see:
Cardiac arrhythmia symptoms
Tachycardia - cardioversion (see:
(Special Topic)
Tachycardia - EPS (see:
Intracardiac electrophysiology study (EPS)
(Medical Test)
Tachycardia - Holter (see:
Holter monitor (24h)
(Medical Test)
Tachycardia - ventricular (see:
Ventricular tachycardia
Tachycardia - Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (see:
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW)
Tachypnea (see:
Rapid shallow breathing
Taenia saginata (see:
Tapeworm infection - beef or pork
Taenia solium (see:
Tapeworm infection - beef or pork
Taeniasis (see:
Tapeworm infection - beef or pork
Taeniasis - ova and parasites (see:
Stool ova and parasites exam
(Medical Test)
Tagamet overdose (see:
H2 receptor antagonists overdose
Tagged RBC scan (see:
RBC nuclear scan
(Medical Test)
Tailbone trauma
Tailbone trauma - aftercare
Takayasu arteritis
Takayasu disease (see:
Aortic arch syndrome
Taking antacids
Taking care of your back at home
(Special Topic)
Taking care of your new hip joint
Taking care of your new knee joint
Taking care of your vascular access for hemodialysis
Taking iron supplements
(Special Topic)
Taking medicine at home - create a routine
Taking medicines - what to ask your provider
(Doctor Questions)
Taking medicines to treat tuberculosis
Taking multiple medicines safely
(Special Topic)
Taking narcotics for back pain
Taking the first steps to manage pain
Taking warfarin (Coumadin)
Taking warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven) - what to ask your doctor
(Doctor Questions)
Talc poisoning (see:
Talcum powder poisoning
Talcum powder poisoning
Talipes (see:
Talipes equinovarus (see:
Talipes equinovarus - repair (see:
Clubfoot repair
Talking to someone with hearing loss
Talking to your child about smoking
(Special Topic)
Talking to your teen about drinking
Talking with a child about a parent's terminal illness
(Special Topic)
Talwin (see:
Pentazocine overdose
Tamponade (see:
Cardiac tamponade
Tangent screen exam (see:
Visual field
(Medical Test)
Tape test (see:
Pinworm test
(Medical Test)
Tapeworm (see:
Tapeworm infection - beef or pork
Tapeworm - infection (see:
Tapeworm infection - hymenolepis
Tapeworm infection - beef or pork
Tapeworm infection - hymenolepis
TAPVR (see:
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return
Tar remover poisoning
Tarantula spider bite
Tardive dyskinesia
Tardive syndrome (see:
Tardive dyskinesia
Targeted prostate biopsy (see:
Prostate biopsy
(Medical Test)
Targeted therapies for cancer
(Special Topic)
Targeted therapy: questions to ask your doctor
(Special Topic)
Tarsal tunnel syndrome
Tarsal tunnel syndrome - InDepth (see:
Foot pain - InDepth
Tartar and plaque on teeth (see:
Plaque and tartar on teeth
(Special Topic)
Taste - impaired
Taussig-Bing anomaly (see:
Double outlet right ventricle
TAVR (see:
Aortic valve surgery - minimally invasive
TAVR (see:
Transcatheter aortic valve replacement
Tay-Sachs - resources
(Special Topic)
Tay-Sachs disease
TB (see:
Pulmonary tuberculosis
TB - medicines (see:
Taking medicines to treat tuberculosis
TB - scrofula (see:
TB meningitis (see:
Meningitis - tuberculous
TB skin test (see:
PPD skin test
(Medical Test)
TB smear (see:
Sputum stain for mycobacteria
(Medical Test)
TBG blood test
(Medical Test)
TBG level (see:
TBG blood test
(Medical Test)
TBI - children (see:
Preventing head injuries in children
TBI - subdural hematoma (see:
Subdural hematoma
TBI in children - discharge (see:
Concussion in children - discharge
TBVL (see:
Amaurosis fugax
TCD (see:
Transcranial Doppler ultrasound
(Medical Test)
TCD ultrasonography (see:
Transcranial Doppler ultrasound
(Medical Test)
TCO2 (see:
CO2 blood test
(Medical Test)
TD (see:
Tardive dyskinesia
Td (tetanus, diphtheria) vaccine - what you need to know
(Special Topic)
Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) vaccine - what you need to know
(Special Topic)
Tdap - shots (see:
Babies and shots
(Special Topic)
TDR (see:
Disk replacement - lumbar spine
Teaching children (see:
Discipline in children
(Special Topic)
Tear test (see:
Schirmer test
(Medical Test)
Tearing - entropion (see:
Tearing - increased (see:
Watery eyes
Tearing test (see:
Schirmer test
(Medical Test)
Technetium scan (see:
Liver scan
(Medical Test)
Teen depression - helping (see:
Helping your teen with depression
Teen depression - medicine (see:
Helping your teen with depression
Teen depression - talk therapy (see:
Helping your teen with depression
Teen drinking (see:
Alcohol use and safe drinking
(Special Topic)
Teenagers and drugs
(Special Topic)
Teenagers and sleep
(Special Topic)
Teens and safe driving (see:
Safe driving for teens
(Special Topic)
Teeth - aging (see:
Aging changes in teeth and gums
Teeth - broken (see:
Broken or knocked out tooth
Teeth - broken, chipped, fractured (see:
Broken or knocked out tooth
Teeth - caring for (see:
Dental care - adult
(Special Topic)
Teeth - delayed or absent formation (see:
Tooth formation - delayed or absent
Teeth - widely spaced (see:
Widely spaced teeth
Teeth grinding (see:
Teeth grinding and clenching (see:
(Special Topic)
TEF repair (see:
Tracheoesophageal fistula and esophageal atresia repair
(Special Topic)
Telemedicine (see:
(Special Topic)
Telogen effluvium (see:
Hair loss
Temper tantrums
(Special Topic)
Temperature - normal (see:
Body temperature norms
(Special Topic)
Temperature measurement
(Medical Test)
Temporal lift (see:
Forehead lift
Temporal lobe epilepsy (see:
Temporal lobe seizure (see:
Focal seizure
Temporary visual loss - amaurosis fugax (see:
Amaurosis fugax
Temporomandibular disorder (see:
TMJ disorders
Temporomandibular joint disorders (see:
TMJ disorders
Temporomandibular muscle disorders (see:
TMJ disorders
Tendinitis - rotator cuff (see:
Rotator cuff problems
Tendinitis of the heel (see:
Achilles tendinitis
Tendinopathy - De Quervain tendinitis (see:
De Quervain tendinitis
Tendon repair
Tendonitis - elbow (see:
Tennis elbow
Tendonitis - steroid (see:
Steroid injections - tendon, bursa, joint
Tendonitis-steroid (see:
Steroid injections - tendon, bursa, joint
Tenecteplase (see:
Thrombolytic therapy
(Special Topic)
Teniasis (see:
Tapeworm infection - beef or pork
Tennis - back pain (see:
Back pain and sports
Tennis elbow
Tennis elbow surgery
Tennis elbow surgery - discharge
Tennis shoulder (see:
Rotator cuff problems
Tensilon test
(Medical Test)
Tension (see:
Stress and your health
Tension - InDepth (see:
Stress - InDepth
Tension free vaginal tape - discharge (see:
Urinary incontinence surgery - female - discharge
Tension headache
Tension headache - danger signs (see:
Headaches - danger signs
Tension-type headache (see:
Tension headache
Tension-type headache - self-care (see:
Managing tension headaches at home
Tension-type headache - what to ask your doctor (see:
Headache - what to ask your doctor
(Doctor Questions)
Teratoma - extragonadal (see:
Malignant teratoma of the mediastinum
Teriparatide (Forteo) (see:
Medicines for osteoporosis
Tertian malaria (see:
Tertiary syphilis (see:
Test for precipitating antibodies (see:
Aspergillosis precipitin
(Medical Test)
Test of adrenal reserve (see:
ACTH stimulation test
(Medical Test)
Test/procedure preparation - adolescent (see:
Adolescent test or procedure preparation
(Special Topic)
Test/procedure preparation - infant (see:
Infant test procedure preparation
(Special Topic)
Test/procedure preparation - preschooler (see:
Preschooler test or procedure preparation
(Special Topic)
Test/procedure preparation - school age (see:
School age test or procedure preparation
(Special Topic)
Test/procedure preparation - toddler (see:
Toddler test or procedure preparation
(Special Topic)
(Special Topic)
Testicle lump
Testicle pain
Testicles (see:
(Special Topic)
Testicular biopsy
(Medical Test)
Testicular cancer
Testicular cancer - screening - self-exam (see:
Testicular self-exam
(Medical Test)
Testicular enlargement (see:
Scrotal swelling
Testicular failure
Testicular failure (see:
Testicular feminization (see:
Androgen insensitivity syndrome
Testicular ischemia (see:
Testicular torsion
Testicular mass (see:
Scrotal masses
Testicular neoplasm (see:
Leydig cell testicular tumor
Testicular neoplasm (see:
Testicular cancer
Testicular self-exam
(Medical Test)
Testicular sonogram (see:
Scrotal ultrasound
(Medical Test)
Testicular torsion
Testicular torsion repair
Testicular tumor (see:
Leydig cell testicular tumor
Testicular tumor - Leydig (see:
Leydig cell testicular tumor
Testicular twisting (see:
Testicular torsion
Testicular ultrasound (see:
Scrotal ultrasound
(Medical Test)
Testis infection (see:
(Medical Test)
Testosterone - hypogonadism (see:
Testosterone deficiency (see:
Could you have low testosterone?
(Special Topic)
Tests and visits before surgery
Tests for H pylori
(Medical Test)
Tests of adrenal reserve (see:
ACTH stimulation test
(Medical Test)
Tet (see:
Tetralogy of Fallot
Tetracosactide stimulation test (see:
ACTH stimulation test
(Medical Test)
Tetrahydrozoline poisoning
Tetralogy of Fallot
Tetralogy of Fallot repair (see:
Congenital heart defect - corrective surgery
Tetralogy of Fallot repair - discharge (see:
Pediatric heart surgery - discharge
Tetryzoline (see:
Tetrahydrozoline poisoning
Texas Wonder plant poisoning (see:
Caladium plant poisoning
Texsolve S poisoning (see:
Stoddard solvent poisoning
TGA (see:
Transposition of the great arteries
TGV (see:
Transposition of the great arteries
Thal fundoplication (see:
Anti-reflux surgery
Thal fundoplication - children (see:
Anti-reflux surgery - children
Thal fundoplication - children - discharge (see:
Anti-reflux surgery - children - discharge
Thal fundoplication - discharge (see:
Anti-reflux surgery - discharge
Thalamic deep brain stimulation (see:
Deep brain stimulation
Thalassemia - electrophoresis (see:
Hemoglobin electrophoresis
(Medical Test)
Thalassemia - osmotic fragility (see:
Osmotic fragility test
(Medical Test)
Thallasemia - electrophoresis (see:
Hemoglobin electrophoresis
(Medical Test)
Thallium stress test (see:
Nuclear stress test
(Medical Test)
The day of surgery for your child
The day of your surgery - adult
The differences between acute and chronic low back pain
The drip (see:
The effects of major depression
The effects of thyroid disease
The goals of proper type 2 diabetes management
The inflammatory response: Symptoms and causes of airflow limitation
The night before your surgery
The night before your surgery - children
The PKU test (see:
Newborn screening tests
(Medical Test)
Theophylline overdose (see:
Aminophylline overdose
Therapeutic drug levels
(Medical Test)
Therapeutic drug monitoring (see:
Therapeutic drug levels
(Medical Test)
Thevetia peruviana poisoning (see:
Oleander poisoning
Thiamine (see:
Thiamine deficiency (see:
Thiamine deficiency - Wernicke (see:
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
Thiazide overdose
Thienopyridines (see:
Antiplatelet drugs - P2Y12 inhibitors
Thin bones (see:
Thin bones - InDepth (see:
Osteoporosis - InDepth
Thinking - unclear (see:
Thinning of skin (see:
Aging changes in skin
(Special Topic)
Thinning of skin - InDepth (see:
Skin wrinkles and blemishes - InDepth
Thioglycolate poisoning (see:
Cold wave lotion poisoning
Thioridazine hydrochloride overdose (see:
Thioridazine overdose
Thioridazine overdose
Third cranial nerve palsy (see:
Cranial mononeuropathy III
Third degree burn (see:
Third nerve palsy - ptosis (see:
Eyelid drooping
Third-degree heart block (see:
Heart block
Thirst - absent
Thirst - excessive
Thomsen's disease (see:
Myotonia congenita
(Medical Test)
Thoracic aortic aneurysm
Thoracic aortic aneurysm - CTA chest (see:
CT angiography – chest
(Medical Test)
Thoracic aortic aneurysm - dissection (see:
Aortic dissection
Thoracic CT (see:
Chest CT
(Medical Test)
Thoracic disk arthroplasty (see:
Disk replacement - lumbar spine
Thoracic MRI (see:
Chest MRI
(Medical Test)
Thoracic outlet syndrome
Thoracic radiation - lung cancer (see:
Chest radiation - discharge
Thoracic spine CT scan
(Medical Test)
Thoracic spine films (see:
Thoracic spine x-ray
(Medical Test)
Thoracic spine x-ray
(Medical Test)
Thoracic x-ray (see:
Thoracic spine x-ray
(Medical Test)
Thoracoscopy (see:
Lung surgery
Thoracoscopy - discharge (see:
Lung surgery - discharge
Thoracotomy (see:
Lung surgery
Thoracotomy - discharge (see:
Lung surgery - discharge
Thoracotomy - discharge (see:
Lung surgery - discharge
Thormahlen's test (see:
Urine melanin test
(Medical Test)
Thorn apple (see:
Jimsonweed poisoning
Thoughts - cloudy (see:
Threadworm (see:
Threatened abortion - vaginal bleeding (see:
Vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy
Three day measles (see:
Throat cancer (see:
Throat or larynx cancer
Throat cancer - neck dissection (see:
Neck dissection
Throat culture and sensitivity (see:
Throat swab culture
(Medical Test)
Throat lesion biopsy (see:
Oropharynx lesion biopsy
(Medical Test)
Throat or larynx cancer
Throat swab culture
(Medical Test)
Thrombasthenia (see:
Glanzmann thrombasthenia
Thrombasthenia - Glanzmann (see:
Glanzmann thrombasthenia
Thrombi (see:
Blood clots
Thrombi (see:
Cardiac and vascular disorders: Blood clot
Thromboangiitis obliterans
Thrombocyte count (see:
Platelet count
(Medical Test)
Thrombocytopenia - bone marrow aspiration (see:
Bone marrow aspiration
(Medical Test)
Thrombocytopenia - cancer treatment (see:
Bleeding during cancer treatment
Thrombocytopenia - platelet antibody (see:
Platelet antibodies blood test
(Medical Test)
Thromboembolism (see:
Deep vein thrombosis
Thromboembolism - discharge (see:
Deep vein thrombosis - discharge
Thromboembolus (see:
Blood clots
Thrombolytic drugs for heart attack
(Special Topic)
Thrombolytic therapy
(Special Topic)
Thrombophilia - thrombophlebitis (see:
Thrombophlebitis - superficial (see:
Superficial thrombophlebitis
Thrombosis - pulmonary embolism (see:
Pulmonary embolus
Thrombosis - thrombolytic (see:
Thrombolytic therapy
(Special Topic)
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Thrombran overdose (see:
Trazodone overdose
Thrush - children and adults
Thrush in newborns
Thumb sucking
(Special Topic)
Thymoma - mediastinal (see:
Mediastinal tumor
Thymus derived lymphocyte count (see:
T-cell count
(Medical Test)
Thyroglobulin antibody (see:
Antithyroglobulin antibody test
(Medical Test)
Thyroid - medullary carcinoma (see:
Thyroid cancer - medullary carcinoma
Thyroid adenoma (see:
Thyroid nodule
Thyroid adenoma - nodule (see:
Thyroid nodule
Thyroid antimicrosomal antibody (see:
Thyroid peroxidase antibody
(Medical Test)
Thyroid cancer
Thyroid cancer - aspiration (see:
Fine needle aspiration of the thyroid
(Medical Test)
Thyroid cancer - medullary carcinoma
Thyroid cancer - nodule (see:
Thyroid nodule
Thyroid cancer - papillary carcinoma
Thyroid cancer - pheochromocytoma (see:
Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) II
Thyroid cancer - radioiodine (see:
Radioiodine therapy
Thyroid cancer - thyroidectomy (see:
Thyroid gland removal
Thyroid carcinoma (see:
Thyroid nodule
Thyroid carcinoma - nodule (see:
Thyroid nodule
Thyroid crisis (see:
Thyroid storm
Thyroid echogram (see:
Thyroid ultrasound
(Medical Test)
Thyroid function tests
(Medical Test)
Thyroid gland removal
Thyroid gland removal - discharge
Thyroid hormone - hyperthyroidism (see:
Thyroid hormone - hypothyroidism (see:
Thyroid hormone - hypothyroidism - InDepth (see:
Hypothyroidism - InDepth
Thyroid hormone-binding ratio (see:
T3RU test
(Medical Test)
Thyroid incidentaloma (see:
Thyroid nodule
Thyroid nodule
Thyroid nodule - aspiration (see:
Fine needle aspiration of the thyroid
(Medical Test)
Thyroid nodule - medullary (see:
Thyroid cancer - medullary carcinoma
Thyroid nodule - scan (see:
Thyroid scan
(Medical Test)
Thyroid nodule - ultrasound (see:
Thyroid ultrasound
(Medical Test)
Thyroid nodule fine needle aspirate biopsy (see:
Fine needle aspiration of the thyroid
(Medical Test)
Thyroid nodules - hyperthyroidism (see:
Thyroid nodules - thyroidectomy (see:
Thyroid gland removal
Thyroid peroxidase antibody
(Medical Test)
Thyroid preparation overdose
Thyroid scan
(Medical Test)
Thyroid sonogram (see:
Thyroid ultrasound
(Medical Test)
Thyroid stimulating hormone (see:
TSH test
(Medical Test)
Thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin (see:
TSI test
(Medical Test)
Thyroid storm
Thyroid tumor (see:
Thyroid nodule
Thyroid tumor - nodule (see:
Thyroid nodule
Thyroid ultrasound
(Medical Test)
Thyroid uptake (see:
Radioactive iodine uptake
(Medical Test)
Thyroidectomy (see:
Thyroid gland removal
Thyroidectomy - discharge (see:
Thyroid gland removal - discharge
Thyroiditis - hyperthyroidism (see:
Thyroiditis - hypothyroidism (see:
Thyroiditis - hypothyroidism - InDepth (see:
Hypothyroidism - InDepth
Thyroiditis - silent (see:
Silent thyroiditis
Thyroiditis - T3 (see:
T3 test
(Medical Test)
Thyroiditis - thyroglobulin antibody (see:
Antithyroglobulin antibody test
(Medical Test)
Thyroiditis - TSI (see:
TSI test
(Medical Test)
Thyrotoxic crisis (see:
Thyroid storm
Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis
Thyrotoxic storm (see:
Thyroid storm
Thyrotoxicosis (see:
Thyrotoxicosis - Graves (see:
Graves disease
Thyrotoxicosis - nodular goiter (see:
Toxic nodular goiter
Thyrotoxicosis - nodule (see:
Thyroid nodule
Thyrotoxicosis - T3 (see:
T3 test
(Medical Test)
Thyrotoxicosis - thyroid storm (see:
Thyroid storm
Thyrotoxicosis factitia (see:
Factitious hyperthyroidism
Thyrotoxicosis medicamentosa (see:
Factitious hyperthyroidism
Thyrotropin (see:
TSH test
(Medical Test)
Thyroxine test (see:
Free T4 test
(Medical Test)
Thyroxine test by equilibrium dialysis (see:
Free T4 test
(Medical Test)
TIA (see:
Transient ischemic attack
TIA - carotid artery (see:
Carotid artery disease
TIA - carotid duplex (see:
Carotid duplex
(Medical Test)
TIA - CTA neck (see:
CT angiography - head and neck
(Medical Test)
TIA - InDepth (see:
Stroke - InDepth
TIA - prevention (see:
Stroke risk factors
TIA - prevention (see:
Preventing stroke
(Special Topic)
TIA - prevention, Transient ischemic attack - prevention (see:
Preventing stroke
(Special Topic)
TIA - vertebrobasilar insufficiency (see:
Vertebrobasilar circulatory disorders
TIA-CTA head (see:
CT angiography - head and neck
(Medical Test)
TIA-CTA neck (see:
CT angiography - head and neck
(Medical Test)
TIBC (see:
Total iron binding capacity
(Medical Test)
(Special Topic)
Tibia vara (see:
Blount disease
Tibial artery - angioplasty (see:
Angioplasty and stent placement - peripheral arteries
tibial artery-angioplasty (see:
Angioplasty and stent placement - peripheral arteries
Tibial nerve dysfunction (see:
Tarsal tunnel syndrome
Tibial nerve entrapment (see:
Tarsal tunnel syndrome
Tibial periostitis - self-care (see:
Shin splints - self-care
Tibial periostitis - self-care (see:
Shin splints - self-care
Tibialis anterior tendon transfer (see:
Clubfoot repair
Tic - chronic motor tic disorder (see:
Chronic motor or vocal tic disorder
Tic - facial (see:
Facial tics
Tic - transient tic disorder (see:
Provisional tic disorder
Tic disorders - Tourette syndrome (see:
Tourette syndrome
Tic douloureux (see:
Trigeminal neuralgia
Tick bite
Tick paralysis
Tick removal
Tick-borne relapsing fever (see:
Relapsing fever
Tick-borne relapsing fever, Louse-borne relapsing fever (see:
Relapsing fever
Tilted uterus (see:
Retroversion of the uterus
Time out
(Special Topic)
Time outs
Time-restricted eating - rapid weight loss (see:
Diet for rapid weight loss
(Special Topic)
Timing of breastfeeding
Tinea (see:
Tinea - capitis (see:
Ringworm of the scalp
Tinea barbae (see:
Tinea circinata (see:
Ringworm of the body
Tinea corporis (see:
Ringworm of the body
Tinea cruris (see:
Jock itch
Tinea of the body (see:
Ringworm of the body
Tinea of the foot (see:
Athlete's foot
Tinea of the groin (see:
Jock itch
Tinea of the scalp (see:
Ringworm of the scalp
Tinea pedis (see:
Athlete's foot
Tinea unguium (see:
Fungal nail infection
Tinea versicolor
Tingling and numbness (see:
Numbness and tingling
Tinnitus - acoustic (see:
Acoustic neuroma
Tip rhinoplasty (see:
Cleft lip and palate repair
Tip rhinoplasty - discharge (see:
Cleft lip and palate repair - discharge
Tipped uterus (see:
Retroversion of the uterus
TIPS (see:
Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS)
Tips for labor coaches
(Special Topic)
Tips on how to quit smoking
(Special Topic)
Tiredness (see:
Tissue adhesive (see:
Lacerations - liquid bandage
Tissue biopsy - Gram stain (see:
Gram stain of tissue biopsy
(Medical Test)
Tissue emphysema (see:
Subcutaneous emphysema
Tissue infection - clostridial (see:
Gas gangrene
Tissue plasminogen activator (see:
Thrombolytic therapy
(Special Topic)
Tissue sampling (see:
(Medical Test)
Tissue typing (see:
Histocompatibility antigen test
(Medical Test)
Tissue/organ rejection (see:
Transplant rejection
(Special Topic)
Titer - antibodies (see:
Antibody titer blood test
(Medical Test)
TKA - knee replacement (see:
Knee joint replacement
TKA - knee replacement revision (see:
Total knee joint replacement - revision
TKI-targeted (see:
Targeted therapies for cancer
(Special Topic)
TLE - discharge (see:
Epilepsy or seizures - discharge
TLH (see:
TLH - discharge (see:
Hysterectomy - laparoscopic - discharge
TM (see:
Transverse myelitis
TMD (see:
TMJ disorders
TMJ dislocation (see:
Broken or dislocated jaw
TMJ disorders
TMLV (see:
Amaurosis fugax
TMVL (see:
Amaurosis fugax
TnI (see:
Troponin test
(Medical Test)
TnT (see:
Troponin test
(Medical Test)
Tobacco - nicotine replacement therapy (see:
Nicotine replacement therapy
(Special Topic)
Tobacco - talking to your children (see:
Talking to your child about smoking
(Special Topic)
Tobacco cessation (see:
Benefits of quitting tobacco
(Special Topic)
Tobacco cessation - tips (see:
Tips on how to quit smoking
(Special Topic)
Tobacco cessation - weight gain (see:
Weight gain after quitting smoking: What to do
Tobacco use (see:
Nicotine and tobacco
Toddler development
(Special Topic)
Toddler test or procedure preparation
(Special Topic)
Toenail (see:
Ingrown toenail removal - discharge
Toenail ingrowth (see:
Ingrown toenail removal - discharge
Toes - pale (see:
Fingers that change color
Toes that change color (see:
Fingers that change color
TOF (see:
Tetralogy of Fallot
Tofranil overdose (see:
Imipramine overdose
Tofranil overdose, Norpramin overdose (see:
Imipramine overdose
Toilet bowl cleaners and deodorizers poisoning
Toilet seat injury (see:
Genital injury
Toilet training tips
(Special Topic)
Tolectin overdose (see:
Tolmetin overdose
Tolguacha (see:
Jimsonweed poisoning
Tolmetin overdose
Tolmetin sodium overdose (see:
Tolmetin overdose
Toluene and xylene poisoning
Tongue - patchy (see:
Geographic tongue
Tongue biopsy
(Medical Test)
Tongue infection (see:
Tongue inflammation (see:
Tongue problems
Tongue tie
Tonic neck reflex (see:
Infant reflexes
(Medical Test)
Tonsil and adenoid removal - discharge
Tonsil removal - what to ask your doctor
(Doctor Questions)
Tonsillar herniation (see:
Brain herniation
Tonsillectomies and children
(Special Topic)
Tonsillectomy - discharge (see:
Tonsil and adenoid removal - discharge
Tonsillectomy - what to ask your doctor (see:
Tonsil removal - what to ask your doctor
(Doctor Questions)
Tonsillitis - abscess (see:
Peritonsillar abscess
Tonsillitis - strep (see:
Strep throat
Tonsillitis - tonsillectomy (see:
Tonsillitis-strep (see:
Strep throat
Tonsils removal (see:
Too much saliva (see:
Tooth - abnormal colors
Tooth - abnormal shape
Tooth - knocked out (see:
Broken or knocked out tooth
Tooth - unemerged (see:
Impacted tooth
Tooth abscess
Tooth anatomy
(Special Topic)
Tooth decay (see:
Dental cavities
Tooth decay - early childhood
Tooth discoloration (see:
Tooth - abnormal colors
Tooth extraction
Tooth formation - delayed or absent
Tooth infection (see:
Tooth abscess
Tooth pigmentation (see:
Tooth - abnormal colors
Tooth plaque (see:
Plaque and tartar on teeth
(Special Topic)
Tooth removal (see:
Tooth extraction
Tooth staining (see:
Tooth - abnormal colors
Tooth - knocked out (see:
Broken or knocked out tooth
Toothpaste overdose
Tophaceous gout (see:
Tophaceous gout - InDepth (see:
Gout - InDepth
Tophi (see:
Tophi - InDepth (see:
Gout - InDepth
TORCH screen
(Medical Test)
Torn iliopsoas muscle - aftercare (see:
Hip flexor strain - aftercare
Torn tracheal mucosa (see:
Tracheal rupture
Torsion of the testis (see:
Testicular torsion
Total abdominal colectomy
Total ankle arthroplasty (see:
Ankle replacement
Total ankle arthroplasty - discharge (see:
Ankle replacement - discharge
Total anomalous pulmonary artery correction (see:
Congenital heart defect - corrective surgery
Total anomalous pulmonary artery correction - discharge (see:
Pediatric heart surgery - discharge
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return
Total bilirubin - blood (see:
Bilirubin blood test
(Medical Test)
Total cholesterol
(Medical Test)
Total CO2 (see:
CO2 blood test
(Medical Test)
Total colectomy or proctocolectomy - discharge
Total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) (see:
Can you boost your metabolism?
(Special Topic)
Total disk replacement (see:
Disk replacement - lumbar spine
Total elbow arthroplasty (see:
Elbow replacement
Total elbow arthroplasty - discharge (see:
Elbow replacement - discharge
Total hip joint replacement - revision
Total hip replacement (see:
Hip joint replacement
Total hip replacement - discharge (see:
Hip replacement - discharge
Total iron binding capacity
(Medical Test)
Total knee implant revision (see:
Total knee joint replacement - revision
Total knee joint replacement - revision
Total knee replacement (see:
Knee joint replacement
Total knee replacement - discharge (see:
Knee joint replacement - discharge
Total knee replacement revision (see:
Total knee joint replacement - revision
Total laparoscopic hysterectomy (see:
Total laparoscopic hysterectomy - discharge (see:
Hysterectomy - laparoscopic - discharge
Total laryngectomy (see:
Total mastectomy (see:
Total mastectomy - discharge (see:
Mastectomy - discharge
Total parenteral nutrition
Total parenteral nutrition - infants
(Special Topic)
Total proctocolectomy and ileal-anal pouch
Total proctocolectomy with ileostomy
Total protein
(Medical Test)
Total shoulder arthroplasty (see:
Shoulder replacement
Total shoulder arthroplasty - discharge (see:
Shoulder replacement - discharge
Total T4 test (see:
Free T4 test
(Medical Test)
Total thyroidectomy (see:
Thyroid gland removal
Total thyroidectomy - discharge (see:
Thyroid gland removal - discharge
Total thyroidectomy - discharge (see:
Thyroid gland removal - discharge
Total veins (see:
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return
Toupet fundoplication (see:
Anti-reflux surgery
Toupet fundoplication - children (see:
Anti-reflux surgery - children
Toupet fundoplication - children - discharge (see:
Anti-reflux surgery - children - discharge
Toupet fundoplication - discharge (see:
Anti-reflux surgery - discharge
Tourette syndrome
Tourette's syndrome (see:
Tourette syndrome
Toxemia (see:
Toxemia - self-care (see:
Preeclampsia - self-care
Toxemia - self-care (see:
Preeclampsia - self-care
Toxic dilation of the colon (see:
Toxic megacolon
Toxic erythema of the newborn (see:
Erythema toxicum
Toxic goiter - hyperthyroidism (see:
Toxic hepatitis (see:
Drug-induced liver injury
Toxic injury of the kidney (see:
Injury - kidney and ureter
Toxic megacolon
Toxic metal - nutritional considerations (see:
Lead - nutritional considerations
Toxic multinodular goiter (see:
Toxic nodular goiter
Toxic nodular goiter (see:
Simple goiter
Toxic nodular goiter
Toxic nodular goiter - T3 (see:
T3 test
(Medical Test)
Toxic shock syndrome
Toxic shock-like syndrome (see:
Toxic shock syndrome
Toxic synovitis
Toxicology screen
(Medical Test)
(Special Topic)
Toxocariasis (see:
Visceral larva migrans
Toxoplasma antibody titer (see:
Toxoplasma blood test
(Medical Test)
Toxoplasma blood test
(Medical Test)
Toxoplasma serology (see:
Toxoplasma blood test
(Medical Test)
TPA (see:
Thrombolytic therapy
(Special Topic)
TPN (see:
Total parenteral nutrition
TPN - infants (see:
Total parenteral nutrition - infants
(Special Topic)
TPOAb (see:
Thyroid peroxidase antibody
(Medical Test)
Trach - eating (see:
Tracheostomy tube - eating
Trach - speaking (see:
Tracheostomy tube - speaking
Tracheal rupture
Tracheoesophageal fistula (see:
Esophageal atresia
Tracheoesophageal fistula and esophageal atresia repair
Tracheomalacia - acquired
Tracheomalacia - congenital
Tracheostomy care
Tracheostomy tube - eating
Tracheostomy tube - speaking
(Special Topic)
TRAM (see:
Breast reconstruction - natural tissue
TRAM flap - what to ask your doctor (see:
Mastectomy and breast reconstruction - what to ask your doctor
(Doctor Questions)
Trans fatty acids (see:
Facts about trans fats
(Special Topic)
Trans-femoral amputation (see:
Leg or foot amputation
Trans-femoral amputation - discharge (see:
Leg amputation - discharge
Trans-hiatal esophagectomy (see:
Esophagectomy - open
Trans-hiatal esophagectomy - discharge (see:
Esophagectomy - discharge
Trans-metatarsal amputation (see:
Leg or foot amputation
Trans-metatarsal amputation - discharge (see:
Foot amputation - discharge
Trans-thoracic esophagectomy (see:
Esophagectomy - open
Trans-thoracic esophagectomy - discharge (see:
Esophagectomy - discharge
Trans-tibial amputation (see:
Leg or foot amputation
Trans-tibial amputation - discharge (see:
Leg amputation - discharge
Transabdominal ultrasound (see:
Pelvic ultrasound - abdominal
(Medical Test)
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) (see:
Transcatheter aortic valve replacement
Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (see:
Aortic valve surgery - minimally invasive
Transcatheter aortic valve replacement
Transcranial Doppler study (see:
Transcranial Doppler ultrasound
(Medical Test)
Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography (see:
Transcranial Doppler ultrasound
(Medical Test)
Transcranial Doppler ultrasound
(Medical Test)
Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) (see:
(Medical Test)
Transfer bed to wheelchair (see:
Moving a patient from bed to a wheelchair
Transfer from bed to wheelchair (see:
Moving a patient from bed to a wheelchair
Transfusion - blood typing (see:
Blood typing
(Medical Test)
Transfusion reaction (see:
Hemolytic transfusion reaction
Transfusion reaction - hemolytic (see:
ABO incompatibility
Transgender (see:
Gender dysphoria
Transient binocular visual loss (see:
Amaurosis fugax
Transient familial hyperbilirubinemia
Transient ischemic attack
Transient ischemic attack - carotid duplex (see:
Carotid duplex
(Medical Test)
Transient ischemic attack - InDepth (see:
Stroke - InDepth
Transient ischemic attack - prevention (see:
Preventing stroke
(Special Topic)
Transient monocular blindness (see:
Amaurosis fugax
Transient monocular visual loss (see:
Amaurosis fugax
Transient RDS (see:
Transient tachypnea - newborn
Transient synovitis (see:
Toxic synovitis
Transient tachypnea - newborn
Transilluminated power phlebotomy (see:
Varicose vein - noninvasive treatment
(Medical Test)
Transitional cell cancer of the renal pelvis or ureter (see:
Renal pelvis or ureter cancer
Transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder (see:
Bladder cancer
Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS)
(Special Topic)
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (see:
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Transmission-based isolation precautions (see:
Isolation precautions
(Special Topic)
Transobdurator sling (see:
Urinary incontinence - urethral sling procedures
Transobdurator sling - discharge (see:
Urinary incontinence surgery - female - discharge
Transobturator sling (see:
Urinary incontinence - urethral sling procedures
Transobturator sling - discharge (see:
Urinary incontinence surgery - female - discharge
Transplant - bone marrow (see:
Bone marrow transplant
Transplant - bone marrow - children - discharge (see:
Bone marrow transplant in children - discharge
Transplant - bone marrow - discharge (see:
Bone marrow transplant - discharge
Transplant - calories (see:
Eating extra calories when sick - children
Transplant - calories (see:
Eating extra calories when sick - adults
Transplant - dry mouth (see:
Dry mouth during cancer treatment
Transplant - heart (see:
Heart transplant
Transplant - hypercalcemia (see:
Hypercalcemia - discharge
Transplant - kidney (see:
Kidney transplant
Transplant - liver (see:
Liver transplant
Transplant - pancreas (see:
Pancreas transplant
Transplant rejection
Transplant services
(Special Topic)
Transplantation - dry mouth (see:
Dry mouth during cancer treatment
Transplantation - heart (see:
Heart transplant
Transplantation - hypercalcemia (see:
Hypercalcemia - discharge
Transplantation - pancreas (see:
Pancreas transplant
Transposition of great vessels repair (see:
Congenital heart defect - corrective surgery
Transposition of great vessels repair - discharge (see:
Pediatric heart surgery - discharge
Transposition of the great arteries
Transposition of the great vessels (see:
Transposition of the great arteries
Transrectal prostate biopsy (see:
Prostate biopsy
(Medical Test)
Transsexualism (see:
Gender dysphoria
Transtelephonic event monitors (see:
Cardiac event monitors
(Medical Test)
Transtentorial herniation (see:
Brain herniation
Transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) (see:
(Medical Test)
Transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) - children (see:
Echocardiogram - children
(Medical Test)
Transthoracic needle aspiration (see:
Lung needle biopsy
(Medical Test)
Transurethral electrovaporization (see:
Prostate resection - minimally invasive
Transurethral electrovaporization - discharge (see:
Prostate resection - minimally invasive - discharge
Transurethral incision (see:
Prostate resection - minimally invasive
Transurethral incision - discharge (see:
Prostate resection - minimally invasive - discharge
Transurethral microwave thermotherapy (see:
Prostate resection - minimally invasive
Transurethral microwave thermotherapy - discharge (see:
Prostate resection - minimally invasive - discharge
Transurethral needle ablation (see:
Prostate resection - minimally invasive
Transurethral needle ablation - discharge (see:
Prostate resection - minimally invasive - discharge
Transurethral resection of the prostate
Transurethral resection of the prostate - discharge
Transvaginal ultrasound
(Medical Test)
Transverse colectomy (see:
Large bowel resection
Transverse colectomy - discharge (see:
Large bowel resection - discharge
Transverse myelitis (see:
Neuromyelitis optica
Transverse myelitis
Transverse palmar crease (see:
Single palmar crease
Transverse rectus abdominous muscle flap (see:
Breast reconstruction - natural tissue
Transverse rectus abdominus muscle flap (see:
Breast reconstruction - natural tissue
Transverse upper gracilis flap (see:
Breast reconstruction - natural tissue
Trauma - compartment syndrome (see:
Compartment syndrome
Trauma - inner ear (see:
Acoustic trauma
Traumatic - head injury (see:
Head injury - first aid
Traumatic amputation
Traumatic brain injury
Traumatic brain injury - concussion (see:
Traumatic brain injury
Traumatic brain injury - concussion - discharge (see:
Concussion in adults - discharge
Traumatic brain injury - decerebrate posture (see:
Decerebrate posture
Traumatic brain injury - decorticate posture (see:
Decorticate posture
Traumatic brain injury - preventing in children (see:
Preventing head injuries in children
Traumatic brain injury - subdural hematoma (see:
Subdural hematoma
Traumatic brain injury - what to ask the doctor (see:
Concussion in adults - what to ask your doctor
(Doctor Questions)
Traumatic events and children
Traumatic injury of the bladder and urethra
Traumatic injury of the kidney (see:
Injury - kidney and ureter
Travel health tips (see:
Vacation health care
(Special Topic)
Travel to developing countries - InDepth
Traveler's diarrhea - E. coli (see:
E coli enteritis
Traveler's diarrhea - giardiasis (see:
Giardia infection
Traveler's diarrhea - InDepth (see:
Travel to developing countries - InDepth
Traveler's diarrhea - shigellosis (see:
Traveler's diarrhea diet
Traveler's guide to avoiding infectious diseases
(Special Topic)
Travelers' health (see:
Traveler's guide to avoiding infectious diseases
(Special Topic)
Traveling with breathing problems
Traveling with children
Trazadone hydrochloride (see:
Trazodone overdose
Trazodone overdose
Treacher Collins syndrome
Treacher Collins-Franceschetti syndrome (see:
Treacher Collins syndrome
Treatment - endovascular embolism (see:
Endovascular embolization
Treatment - muscle strain (see:
Muscle strain treatment
(Special Topic)
Treatment for childhood cancer - long-term risks
(Special Topic)
Tremor - arms (see:
Tremor - CyberKnife (see:
Stereotactic radiosurgery - CyberKnife
Tremor - drug-induced (see:
Drug-induced tremor
Tremor - essential (see:
Essential tremor
Tremor - familial (see:
Essential tremor
Tremor - hand (see:
Tremor - self-care
Trench mouth
Trepiline overdose (see:
Amitriptyline hydrochloride overdose
Treponema - syphilis (see:
Tri atresia (see:
Tricuspid atresia
Tri-malleolar (see:
Ankle fracture - aftercare
Triactin overdose (see:
Pheniramine overdose
Triacylglycerol test (see:
Triglyceride level
(Medical Test)
Triad syndrome (see:
Prune belly syndrome
Triadapin overdose (see:
Doxepin overdose
Trialodine overdose (see:
Trazodone overdose
Triamcinolone - intravitreal injection (see:
Intravitreal injection
Triamcinolone-intravitreal injection (see:
Intravitreal injection
Triaminic infant overdose (see:
Pheniramine overdose
Triavil overdose (see:
Amitriptyline and perphenazine overdose
Trichinellosis (see:
Trichiniasis (see:
Trichobezoar (see:
Trichomonas vaginitis (see:
Trichomoniasis - wet mount (see:
Vaginitis test - wet mount
(Medical Test)
Trichopoliodystrophy (see:
Menkes disease
Trichorrhexis nodosa
Trichotillosis (see:
Trichuriasis (see:
Whipworm infection
Tricompartmental knee replacement (see:
Knee joint replacement
Tricompartmental knee replacement - discharge (see:
Knee joint replacement - discharge
Tricuspid atresia
Tricuspid atresia repair (see:
Congenital heart defect - corrective surgery
Tricuspid atresia repair - discharge (see:
Pediatric heart surgery - discharge
Tricuspid insufficiency (see:
Tricuspid regurgitation
Tricuspid regurgitation
Trifacial neuralgia (see:
Trigeminal neuralgia
Trigeminal neuralgia
Trigger digit (see:
Trigger finger
Trigger finger
Trigger finger release (see:
Trigger finger
Triggers - dust (see:
Allergies, asthma, and dust
Triggers - mold (see:
Allergies, asthma, and molds
Triggers - pollen (see:
Allergies, asthma, and pollen
Triglyceride level
(Medical Test)
Triglycerides - InDepth (see:
Cholesterol - InDepth
Triiodothyronine (see:
T3 test
(Medical Test)
Triple C's overdose (see:
Dextromethorphan overdose
Triptazine overdose (see:
Amitriptyline and perphenazine overdose
Trismus (see:
Trisodium orthophosphate poisoning (see:
Trisodium phosphate poisoning
Trisodium phosphate poisoning
Trisomy 13
Trisomy 18
Trisomy 21 (see:
Down syndrome
Trittico overdose (see:
Trazodone overdose
Trochanteric fracture repair (see:
Hip fracture surgery
Trochanteric fracture repair - discharge (see:
Hip fracture - discharge
Tropical hemorrhagic fever caused by yellow fever virus (see:
Yellow fever
Tropical sprue
Troponin test
(Medical Test)
TroponinI (see:
Troponin test
(Medical Test)
TroponinT (see:
Troponin test
(Medical Test)
Troubled families - resources (see:
Family troubles - resources
(Special Topic)
Truncal incurvation (see:
Infant reflexes
Truncus (see:
Truncus arteriosus
Truncus arteriosus
Truncus arteriosus repair (see:
Congenital heart defect - corrective surgery
Truncus arteriosus repair - discharge (see:
Pediatric heart surgery - discharge
Trypsin and chymotrypsin in stool
(Medical Test)
Trypsin-like immunoreactivity (see:
Trypsinogen test
(Medical Test)
Trypsinogen test
(Medical Test)
(Special Topic)
TSH receptor antibody (see:
TSI test
(Medical Test)
TSH receptor stimulating antibody (see:
TSI test
(Medical Test)
TSH test
(Medical Test)
TSI test
(Medical Test)
TSLS (see:
Toxic shock syndrome
TSP poisoning (see:
Trisodium phosphate poisoning
TTN (see:
Transient tachypnea - newborn
TTP (see:
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
TTP ADAMTS13 (see:
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
TTTS (see:
Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome
Tubal ligation - ectopic pregnancy (see:
Ectopic pregnancy
Tubal ligation-ectopic pregnancy (see:
Ectopic pregnancy
Tubal pregnancy (see:
Ectopic pregnancy
Tube thoracostomy (see:
Chest tube insertion
(Special Topic)
Tubercular meningitis (see:
Meningitis - tuberculous
Tuberculin skin test (see:
PPD skin test
(Medical Test)
Tuberculosis - disseminated (see:
Disseminated tuberculosis
Tuberculosis - medicines (see:
Taking medicines to treat tuberculosis
Tuberculosis - pulmonary (see:
Pulmonary tuberculosis
Tuberculosis smear (see:
Sputum stain for mycobacteria
(Medical Test)
Tuberculous adenitis (see:
Tuberculous cervical lymphadenitis (see:
Tuberous sclerosis
Tubulointerstitial nephritis (see:
Interstitial nephritis
Tuft root poisoning (see:
Dieffenbachia poisoning
TUG (see:
Breast reconstruction - natural tissue
TUIP (see:
Prostate resection - minimally invasive
TUIP - discharge (see:
Prostate resection - minimally invasive - discharge
Tularemia blood test
(Medical Test)
Tularemia test (see:
Tularemia blood test
(Medical Test)
Tummy tuck (see:
Abdominal wall surgery
Tummy tuck - panniculectomy (see:
Tumor - acoustic (see:
Acoustic neuroma
Tumor - adrenal (see:
Adrenocortical carcinoma
Tumor - bone (see:
Bone tumor
Tumor - ear (see:
Benign ear cyst or tumor
Tumor - immunotherapy (see:
Immunotherapy: questions to ask your doctor
(Special Topic)
Tumor - Leydig cell (see:
Leydig cell testicular tumor
Tumor - liver (see:
Liver cancer - hepatocellular carcinoma
Tumor - metastatic pleural (see:
Metastatic pleural tumor
Tumor - pituitary (see:
Pituitary tumor
Tumor - recurrence (see:
What if cancer comes back?
(Special Topic)
Tumor - retina (see:
Tumor - salivary duct (see:
Salivary gland tumors
Tumor - spinal cord (see:
Spinal tumor
Tumor - targeted (see:
Targeted therapy: questions to ask your doctor
(Special Topic)
Tumor - thyroid (see:
Thyroid cancer
Tumor - vaginal (see:
Vaginal cancer
Tumor embolus (see:
Pulmonary embolus
Tumor imaging - PET (see:
PET scan
(Medical Test)
Tumor resection - discharge (see:
Intestinal or bowel obstruction - discharge
Tumor-recurrence (see:
What if cancer comes back?
(Special Topic)
Tumor-targeted (see:
Targeted therapy: questions to ask your doctor
(Special Topic)
Tums overdose (see:
Calcium carbonate overdose
TUMT (see:
Prostate resection - minimally invasive
TUMT - discharge (see:
Prostate resection - minimally invasive - discharge
TUNA (see:
Prostate resection - minimally invasive
TUNA - discharge (see:
Prostate resection - minimally invasive - discharge
Tunneled catheter (see:
Taking care of your vascular access for hemodialysis
Turbinate reduction (see:
Turbinate surgery
Turbinate surgery
Turbinectomy (see:
Turbinate surgery
Turbinoplasty (see:
Turbinate surgery
Turner syndrome
Turning patients over in bed
TURP (see:
Transurethral resection of the prostate
TURP - discharge (see:
Transurethral resection of the prostate - discharge
TURP- transurethral resection of prostate (see:
Prostate resection - minimally invasive
Turpentine oil poisoning
TUVP (see:
Prostate resection - minimally invasive
TUVP - discharge (see:
Prostate resection - minimally invasive - discharge
TVT (see:
Urinary incontinence - tension-free vaginal tape
Twelfth rib syndrome (see:
Slipping rib syndrome
Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome
Twisted neck (see:
Twitch - eyelid (see:
Eyelid twitch
Tylectomy (see:
Breast lump removal
Tylenol (see:
Acetaminophen dosing for children
Tylenol # 3 overdose (see:
Acetaminophen and codeine overdose
Tylenol #3 overdose (see:
Acetaminophen and codeine overdose
Tylenol overdose (see:
Acetaminophen overdose
Tylenol with codeine overdose (see:
Acetaminophen and codeine overdose
Tympanic membrane perforation (see:
Ruptured eardrum
Tympanogram (see:
(Medical Test)
(Medical Test)
Tympanoplasty (see:
Eardrum repair
Tympanosclerosis - surgery (see:
Eardrum repair
Tympanostomy (see:
Ear tube insertion
Tympanostomy - what to ask your doctor (see:
Ear tube surgery - what to ask your doctor
(Doctor Questions)
Type 1 diabetes
Type 1 diabetes (see:
Type 1 diabetes - InDepth (see:
Diabetes - type 1 - InDepth
Type 1 DM - InDepth (see:
Diabetes - type 1 - InDepth
Type 1 tracheomalacia (see:
Tracheomalacia - congenital
Type 2 diabetes (see:
Type 2 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes - InDepth (see:
Diabetes - type 2 - InDepth
Type 2 diabetes - managing (see:
Type 2 diabetes - self-care
Type 2 diabetes - self-care
Type 2 diabetes - what to ask your doctor
(Doctor Questions)
Type 2 diabetes diet (see:
Diabetes type 2 - meal planning
Type 2 polyglandular autoimmune syndrome - Hashimoto (see:
Chronic thyroiditis (Hashimoto disease)
Type I familial incomplete male pseudohermaphroditism (see:
Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome
Type I glycogen storage disease (see:
von Gierke disease
Type I hyperlipoproteinemia (see:
Familial lipoprotein lipase deficiency
Type I RTA (see:
Distal renal tubular acidosis
Type II hyperlipoproteinemia (see:
Familial hypercholesterolemia
Type II RTA (see:
Proximal renal tubular acidosis
Type III hyperlipoproteinemia (see:
Familial dysbetalipoproteinemia
Type IV hyperlipoproteinemia (see:
Familial hypertriglyceridemia
Type V glycogen storage disease
Types 1A and 1B pseudohypoparathyroidism (see:
Types of chemotherapy
(Special Topic)
Types of echocardiography
Types of health care providers
(Special Topic)
Types of hormone therapy
(Special Topic)
Types of hyperlipidemia
Types of ileostomy
Types of pharmacies (see:
Getting a prescription filled
(Special Topic)
Typhoid - InDepth (see:
Travel to developing countries - InDepth
Typhoid fever
Tyrosine kinase inhibitor-targeted (see:
Targeted therapies for cancer
(Special Topic)
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