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Index - N
N-propyl alcohol (see:
Propyl alcohol
Nabothian cyst
Nail abnormalities
Nail avlusion (see:
Ingrown toenail
Nail avulsion (see:
Nail injuries
Nail bed injury (see:
Nail injuries
Nail blanch test (see:
Capillary nail refill test
(Medical Test)
Nail care for newborns
(Special Topic)
Nail culture (see:
Skin or nail culture
(Medical Test)
Nail injuries
Nail laceration (see:
Nail injuries
Nail polish poisoning
Nail polish remover poisoning (see:
Acetone poisoning
Nails - fungal infection (see:
Fungal nail infection
Nalfon overdose (see:
Fenoprofen calcium overdose
Naphthalene poisoning
Naproxen sodium overdose
Narcissism (see:
Narcissistic personality disorder
Narcissistic personality disorder
Narcolepsy (see:
Sleep disorders
Narcolepsy - InDepth
Narcotic abuse (see:
Substance use
(Special Topic)
Narcotic abuse - opiate withdrawal (see:
Opiate and opioid withdrawal
Narcotic exposure - infant (see:
Infant of a substance-using mother
(Special Topic)
Narcotic use (see:
Substance use disorder
Narcotics - screen (see:
Toxicology screen
(Medical Test)
Narcotics - substance use (see:
Substance use - prescription drugs
(Special Topic)
Narrow-angle glaucoma (see:
Narrow-angle glaucoma - InDepth (see:
Glaucoma - InDepth
NAS (see:
Neonatal abstinence syndrome
Nasal airway surgery (see:
Turbinate surgery
Nasal allergies (see:
Allergic rhinitis
Nasal allergies - InDepth (see:
Allergic rhinitis - InDepth
Nasal bone fracture (see:
Nose fracture
Nasal congestion (see:
Stuffy or runny nose – adult
Nasal congestion - allergies - InDepth (see:
Allergic rhinitis - InDepth
Nasal corticosteroid sprays
Nasal endoscopy
(Medical Test)
Nasal flaring
Nasal fracture (see:
Nose fracture
Nasal fracture - aftercare
Nasal irrigation (see:
Saline nasal washes
Nasal lavage (see:
Saline nasal washes
Nasal mucosal biopsy
(Medical Test)
Nasal obstruction - turbinate surgery (see:
Turbinate surgery
Nasal polyps
Nasal septal fracture (see:
Nose fracture
Nasal septal hematoma
Nasal septum repair (see:
Septoplasty - discharge
Nasal septum repair (see:
Nasal septum repair - discharge (see:
Septoplasty - discharge
Nasal tumor (see:
Juvenile angiofibroma
NASH (see:
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
NASH varices (see:
Bleeding esophageal varices
Nasogastric feeding tube
Nasogastric tube suction (see:
Gastric suction
(Medical Test)
Nasolacrimal duct obstruction (NLDO) (see:
Blocked tear duct
Nasopharyngeal culture
(Medical Test)
Natal teeth
Natural short sleeper
Nausea - bland diet (see:
Bland diet
Nausea - hyperemesis (see:
Hyperemesis gravidarum
Nausea - persistent - in pregnancy (see:
Hyperemesis gravidarum
Nausea - self-care (see:
When you have nausea and vomiting
Nausea and acupressure
(Special Topic)
Nausea and vomiting – adults
Nausea during pregnancy (see:
Morning sickness
Nausea in the morning - females (see:
Morning sickness
NBCC syndrome (see:
Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
NBIA (see:
Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (NBIA)
NBP (see:
Prostatitis - nonbacterial
NBPP (see:
Brachial plexus injury in newborns
NBSD (see:
Neurogenic bladder
NBT test (see:
Nitroblue tetrazolium blood test
(Medical Test)
nCoV (see:
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)
(Special Topic)
nCPAP (see:
Positive airway pressure treatment
(Special Topic)
NCV (see:
Nerve conduction velocity
(Medical Test)
NDI (see:
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
NDO (see:
Neurogenic bladder
Near drowning (see:
Non-fatal drowning
Nearsightedness - Lasik (see:
LASIK eye surgery
Nearsightedness - Lasik discharge (see:
Lasik eye surgery - discharge
Nearsightedness surgery - discharge (see:
Refractive corneal surgery - discharge
Nearsightedness surgery - what to ask your doctor (see:
Refractive corneal surgery - what to ask your doctor
(Doctor Questions)
Nebulizer - how to use (see:
How to use a nebulizer
Necator americanus infection (see:
Hookworm infection
Neck arthritis (see:
Cervical spondylosis
Neck CT scan (see:
Cervical spine CT scan
(Medical Test)
Neck dissection
Neck dissection - discharge
Neck lump
Neck pain
Neck pain - kyphosis (see:
Neck pain or spasms - self care
Neck stiffness (see:
Neck pain
Neck stiffness - self-care (see:
Neck pain or spasms - self care
Neck stiffness-self-care (see:
Neck pain or spasms - self care
Neck x-ray
(Medical Test)
Necrobiosis lipoidica (see:
Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum
Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum
(Special Topic)
Necrosis - acute tubular (see:
Acute tubular necrosis
Necrosis - renal papillae (see:
Renal papillary necrosis
Necrosis - renal tubular (see:
Acute tubular necrosis
Necrotizing colitis (see:
Pseudomembranous colitis
Necrotizing colitis - toxin (see:
Stool C difficile toxin
(Medical Test)
Necrotizing enterocolitis
Necrotizing enterocolitis - short bowel (see:
Short bowel syndrome
Necrotizing external otitis (see:
Malignant otitis externa
Necrotizing fasciitis (see:
Necrotizing soft tissue infection
Necrotizing glomerulonephritis (see:
Necrotizing granuloma
Necrotizing pneumonia (see:
Aspiration pneumonia
Necrotizing soft tissue infection
Necrotizing soft tissue infection (see:
Gas gangrene
Necrotizing vasculitis
Needle aponeurotomy - Dupuytren (see:
Dupuytren contracture
Needle biopsy of liver (see:
Liver biopsy
(Medical Test)
Needle biopsy of the pleura (see:
Pleural needle biopsy
(Medical Test)
Needle cricothyrotomy (see:
Emergency airway puncture
Needle release - Dupuytren (see:
Dupuytren contracture
Needle suspension (see:
Urinary incontinence - retropubic suspension
Needle suspension - discharge (see:
Urinary incontinence surgery - female - discharge
Neglect - child (see:
Child neglect and emotional abuse
Nembutal overdose (see:
Pentobarbital overdose
Neonatal - meconium (see:
Meconium aspiration syndrome
Neonatal - premie (see:
Premature infant
Neonatal - transient tachypnea (see:
Transient tachypnea - newborn
Neonatal abstinence symptoms (see:
Neonatal abstinence syndrome
Neonatal abstinence syndrome
Neonatal brachial plexus palsy (see:
Brachial plexus injury in newborns
Neonatal care - AGA (see:
Appropriate for gestational age (AGA)
(Special Topic)
Neonatal care - bili lights (see:
Bili lights
(Special Topic)
Neonatal care - circumcision (see:
Neonatal care - diabetic mother (see:
Infant of diabetic mother
Neonatal care - enlarged fontanelle (see:
Fontanelles - enlarged
Neonatal care - head molding (see:
Newborn head molding
(Special Topic)
Neonatal care - infant formula (see:
Infant formulas
Neonatal care - skin (see:
Skin findings in newborns
(Special Topic)
Neonatal care - umbilical cord (see:
Umbilical cord care in newborns
(Special Topic)
Neonatal conjunctivitis
Neonatal cystic fibrosis screening test
(Medical Test)
Neonatal gestational age (see:
Gestational age
(Special Topic)
Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia (see:
Newborn jaundice
Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia - discharge (see:
Newborn jaundice - discharge
Neonatal hypoglycemia (see:
Low blood sugar - newborns
Neonatal hypothyroidism
Neonatal hypoxia - ECMO (see:
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
(Special Topic)
Neonatal intensive care - visiting (see:
Visiting your baby in the NICU
(Special Topic)
Neonatal intensive care unit - consultants and support staff (see:
NICU consultants and support staff
(Special Topic)
Neonatal intensive care unit - staff (see:
NICU staff
(Special Topic)
Neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (see:
Neonatal abstinence syndrome
Neonatal phenylketonuria (see:
Neonatal polycythemia (see:
Polycythemia - newborn
Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome
Neonatal rickets (see:
Osteopenia - premature infants
Neonatal screening tests (see:
Newborn screening tests
(Medical Test)
Neonatal sepsis (see:
Group B streptococcal septicemia of the newborn
Neonatal sepsis
Neonatal sepsis - strep (see:
Group B streptococcal septicemia of the newborn
Neonatal septicemia (see:
Neonatal sepsis
Neonatal weight gain and nutrition
(Special Topic)
(Special Topic)
Neoplasm (see:
Nephrectomy (see:
Kidney removal
Nephrectomy - discharge (see:
Kidney removal - discharge
Nephritis - interstitial (see:
Interstitial nephritis
Nephritis - lupus (see:
Lupus nephritis
Nephritis syndrome - acute (see:
Acute nephritic syndrome
Nephroblastoma (see:
Wilms tumor
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
Nephrolithiasis (see:
Kidney stones
Nephrolithiasis - hydronephrosis (see:
Hydronephrosis of one kidney
Nephrolithiasis - InDepth (see:
Kidney stones - InDepth
Nephrolithiasis - lithotripsy (see:
Kidney stones and lithotripsy - discharge
Nephrolithiasis - nephrostomy (see:
Percutaneous urinary procedures - discharge
Nephrolithiasis - self-care (see:
Kidney stones - self-care
Nephrolithiasis - what to ask your doctor (see:
Kidney stones - what to ask your doctor
(Doctor Questions)
Nephrolithiasis and self-care (see:
Kidney stones - self-care
Nephrolithotomy (see:
Percutaneous kidney procedures
Nephrolithotomy - discharge (see:
Percutaneous urinary procedures - discharge
Nephropathy - analgesic (see:
Analgesic nephropathy
Nephropathy - diabetic (see:
Diabetes and kidney disease
Nephropathy - IgA (see:
IgA nephropathy
Nephropathy - NSAID (see:
Analgesic nephropathy
Nephropathy - reflux (see:
Reflux nephropathy
Nephrosclerosis - arteriolar (see:
Malignant hypertension
Nephrosis (see:
Nephrotic syndrome
Nephrotic syndrome
Nephrotic syndrome - congenital (see:
Congenital nephrotic syndrome
Nerve biopsy
(Medical Test)
Nerve conduction study (NCS) (see:
Nerve conduction velocity
(Medical Test)
Nerve conduction velocity
(Medical Test)
Nerve damage from diabetes - self-care
Nerve deafness (see:
Sensorineural deafness
Nerve disease (see:
Peripheral neuropathy
Nerve pain (see:
Nettle rash (see:
Neural tube defect repair (see:
Meningocele repair
Neurally mediated hypotension (see:
Low blood pressure
Neuritis - peripheral (see:
Peripheral neuropathy
Neuroblastoma - MIBG (see:
MIBG scintiscan
(Medical Test)
Neurocognitive disorder
Neurocognitive disorder - metabolic (see:
Dementia due to metabolic causes
Neurocognitive testing (see:
Mental status testing
(Medical Test)
Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (NBIA)
Neurodermatitis circumscripta (see:
Lichen simplex chronicus
Neuroendocrine tumors (see:
Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors
Neurofibromatosis 2
Neurofibrosarcoma (see:
Adult soft tissue sarcoma
Neurogenic bladder
Neurogenic bladder sphincter dysfunction (see:
Neurogenic bladder
Neurogenic bowel - bowel retraining (see:
Bowel retraining
(Special Topic)
Neurogenic bowel - care (see:
Daily bowel care program
Neurogenic bowel - impaction (see:
Fecal impaction
Neurogenic detrusor overactivity (see:
Neurogenic bladder
Neurogenic diabetes insipidus (see:
Central diabetes insipidus
Neuroglioma - adults (see:
Brain tumor - primary - adults
Neuroglioma - children (see:
Brain tumor - children
Neuroleptic drugs - tardive dyskinesia (see:
Tardive dyskinesia
Neurologic deficit
(Special Topic)
Neurologic orthostatic hypotension (see:
Multiple system atrophy - parkinsonian type
Neurological deficits - focal (see:
Focal neurologic deficits
Neuromodulation (see:
Spinal cord stimulation
Neuromusclar disorder - myasthenia gravis (see:
Myasthenia gravis
Neuromuscular disorder - myasthenia gravis (see:
Myasthenia gravis
Neuromyelitis optica
Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (see:
Neuromyelitis optica
Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCL)
Neuronitis - vestibular (see:
Neuronitis - vestibular - aftercare (see:
Labyrinthitis - aftercare
Neuropathic arthropathy (see:
Charcot foot
Neuropathic pain (see:
Neuropathy (see:
Neuropathy - alcoholic (see:
Alcoholic neuropathy
Neuropathy - autonomic (see:
Autonomic neuropathy
Neuropathy - axillary nerve (see:
Axillary nerve dysfunction
Neuropathy - brachial plexus (see:
Brachial plexopathy
Neuropathy - common peroneal nerve (see:
Common peroneal nerve dysfunction
Neuropathy - distal median nerve (see:
Distal median nerve dysfunction
Neuropathy - femoral nerve (see:
Femoral nerve dysfunction
Neuropathy - metabolic (see:
Metabolic neuropathies
Neuropathy - peripheral (see:
Peripheral neuropathy
Neuropathy - peroneal (hereditary) (see:
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
Neuropathy - posterior tibial nerve (see:
Tarsal tunnel syndrome
Neuropathy - radial nerve (see:
Radial nerve dysfunction
Neuropathy - sciatic nerve (see:
Neuropathy - sciatic nerve - InDepth (see:
Back pain and sciatica - InDepth
Neuropathy - sixth nerve (see:
Cranial mononeuropathy VI
Neuropathy - ulnar nerve (see:
Ulnar nerve dysfunction
Neuropathy secondary to drugs
(Special Topic)
(Special Topic)
Neurostimulator (see:
Spinal cord stimulation
Neurosurgery (see:
Brain surgery
Neurosurgery - discharge (see:
Brain surgery - discharge
Neurosyphilis - syphilitic meningitis (see:
Syphilitic aseptic meningitis
Neurosyphilis - VDRL (see:
(Medical Test)
Neurotic depression (dysthymia) (see:
Persistent depressive disorder
Neutropenia - drinking water safely (see:
Drinking water safely during cancer treatment
Neutropenia - eating safely (see:
Safe eating during cancer treatment
Neutropenia - infants
Neutropenia and cancer (see:
Low white blood cell count and cancer
(Special Topic)
Nevi (see:
Birthmarks - pigmented
Nevi - removal (see:
Skin lesion removal
Nevi - removal aftercare (see:
Skin lesion removal - aftercare
Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
Nevus - removal (see:
Skin lesion removal
Nevus - removal aftercare (see:
Skin lesion removal - aftercare
Nevus araneus (see:
Spider angioma
Nevus araneus, spider veins (see:
Spider angioma
Nevus flammeus (see:
Port-wine stain
Nevus flammeus (see:
Stork bite
Nevus sebaceous (see:
Birthmarks - pigmented
Nevus varicosus osteohypertrophicus syndrome (see:
Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome
Nevus verucosus hypertrophicans (see:
Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome
New world leishmaniasis (see:
New-onset angina (see:
Unstable angina
New-onset angina - discharge (see:
Angina - discharge
New-onset angina-ACS (see:
Acute coronary syndrome
Newborn (see:
(Special Topic)
Newborn - yellow skin (see:
Newborn jaundice
Newborn bathing (see:
Bathing an infant
Newborn breast swelling (see:
Hormonal effects in newborns
(Special Topic)
Newborn care - AGA (see:
Appropriate for gestational age (AGA)
(Special Topic)
Newborn care - baby supplies (see:
Baby supplies you need
Newborn care - bili lights (see:
Bili lights
(Special Topic)
Newborn care - circumcision (see:
Newborn care - enlarged fontanelle (see:
Fontanelles - enlarged
Newborn care - meconium (see:
Meconium aspiration syndrome
Newborn care - infant formula (see:
Infant formulas
Newborn conjunctivitis (see:
Neonatal conjunctivitis
Newborn cranial deformation (see:
Newborn head molding
(Special Topic)
Newborn gestational age (see:
Gestational age
(Special Topic)
Newborn head molding
(Special Topic)
Newborn intensive care unit - consultants and support staff (see:
NICU consultants and support staff
(Special Topic)
Newborn intensive care unit - staff (see:
NICU staff
(Special Topic)
Newborn jaundice
Newborn jaundice - biliary atresia (see:
Biliary atresia
Newborn jaundice - discharge
Newborn jaundice - what to ask your doctor
(Doctor Questions)
Newborn nutrition (see:
Neonatal weight gain and nutrition
(Special Topic)
Newborn scoring (see:
Apgar score
(Medical Test)
Newborn screening tests
(Medical Test)
Newborn skin characteristics (see:
Skin findings in newborns
(Special Topic)
NF1 (see:
NF2 (see:
Neurofibromatosis 2
NG - infants (see:
Feeding tube - infants
(Special Topic)
NG tube (see:
Nasogastric feeding tube
NGU (see:
NHL (see:
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
NHL - InDepth (see:
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma - InDepth
Niacin for cholesterol
(Special Topic)
Niacor (see:
Niacin for cholesterol
(Special Topic)
Niacor: Hyperlipidemia - niacin (see:
Niacin for cholesterol
(Special Topic)
Niaspan (see:
Niacin for cholesterol
(Special Topic)
Nibbles (see:
12 healthy snacks with 200 calories or less
(Special Topic)
Nicotine - risks (see:
Risks of tobacco
(Special Topic)
Nicotine - talking to your child (see:
Talking to your child about smoking
(Special Topic)
Nicotine addiction and tobacco (see:
Nicotine and tobacco
Nicotine and tobacco
Nicotine cessation - tips (see:
Tips on how to quit smoking
(Special Topic)
Nicotine cessation - weight gain (see:
Weight gain after quitting smoking: What to do
Nicotine poisoning
Nicotine replacement therapy
(Special Topic)
Nicotinic acid (see:
Niacin for cholesterol
(Special Topic)
Nicotinic acid (see:
Nicotinic acid deficiency (see:
NICU - premie (see:
Premature infant
NICU - visiting baby (see:
Visiting your baby in the NICU
(Special Topic)
NICU consultants and support staff
(Special Topic)
NICU staff
(Special Topic)
Niemann-Pick disease
Night blindness (see:
Vision - night blindness
Night blindness (see:
Retinitis pigmentosa
Night terrors in children
Night vision loss - RP (see:
Retinitis pigmentosa
Nightshade poisoning (see:
Black nightshade poisoning
NIHL (see:
Sensorineural deafness
Nikolsky sign
Nil disease (see:
Minimal change disease
Nipple discharge (see:
Breastfeeding - skin and nipple changes
Nipple discharge (see:
Breast skin and nipple changes
Nipple discharge
Nipple problems (see:
Nipple discharge
Nipple soreness when breastfeeding (see:
Overcoming breastfeeding problems
Nipple sparing mastectomy (see:
Nipple-sparing mastectomy - discharge (see:
Mastectomy - discharge
NIPPV (see:
Positive airway pressure treatment
(Special Topic)
Nissen fundoplication (see:
Anti-reflux surgery
Nissen fundoplication - children (see:
Anti-reflux surgery - children
Nissen fundoplication - children - discharge (see:
Anti-reflux surgery - children - discharge
Nissen fundoplication - discharge (see:
Anti-reflux surgery - discharge
Nitrates and cancer (see:
Diet and cancer
(Special Topic)
Nitric acid poisoning
Nitroblue tetrazolium blood test
(Medical Test)
Nitroglycerin overdose
Nitroprusside test (see:
Ketones blood test
(Medical Test)
NIV (see:
Positive airway pressure treatment
(Special Topic)
Nizatidine overdose (see:
H2 receptor antagonists overdose
NLD (see:
Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum
NLD: diabetes-necrobiosis (see:
Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum
NMH (see:
Low blood pressure
NMO (see:
Neuromyelitis optica
NMOD (see:
Neuromyelitis optica
NMR - abdomen (see:
Abdominal MRI scan
(Medical Test)
NMR - cardiac (see:
Heart MRI
(Medical Test)
NMR - chest (see:
Chest MRI
(Medical Test)
NMR - cranial (see:
Head MRI
(Medical Test)
NMSC - squamous cell (see:
Squamous cell skin cancer
No code (see:
Do-not-resuscitate order
(Special Topic)
No light perception (NLP) (see:
Blindness and vision loss
No periods - primary (see:
Absent menstrual periods - primary
No periods - secondary (see:
Absent menstrual periods - secondary
Nocardia (see:
Pulmonary nocardiosis
Nocardia infection
Nocardiosis (see:
Nocardia infection
Nocardiosis - pulmonary (see:
Pulmonary nocardiosis
Nociceptive pain
Nocturia (see:
Urinating more at night
Nocturnal enuresis (see:
(Special Topic)
Nocturnal myoclonus (see:
Restless legs syndrome
Nocturnal myoclonus - InDepth (see:
Restless legs syndrome and related disorders - InDepth
Nodular melanoma (see:
Nodular melanoma - InDepth (see:
Melanoma and other skin cancers - InDepth
Nodule - thyroid cancer (see:
Thyroid cancer
Noise induced hearing loss (see:
Occupational hearing loss
Noise induced hearing loss - music (see:
Hearing loss and music
Noise notch (see:
Occupational hearing loss
Noise-induced hearing loss (see:
Occupational hearing loss
Noise-induced hearing loss (see:
Sensorineural deafness
Noises or buzzing in the ears (see:
Non ST-elevation myocardial infarction - ACS (see:
Acute coronary syndrome
Non ST-elevation myocardial infarction - ACS - InDepth (see:
Heart attack and acute coronary syndrome - InDepth
Non-cardiac chest pain (see:
Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) (see:
Can you boost your metabolism?
(Special Topic)
Non-fatal drowning
Non-gonococcal bacterial arthritis (see:
Septic arthritis
Non-gonococcal urethritis (see:
Non-growth hormone deficient short stature (see:
Short stature
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma in children
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (see:
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma - InDepth
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in children (see:
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma in children
Non-invasive neurosugery (see:
Stereotactic radiosurgery - Gamma Knife
Non-invasive neurosurgery (see:
Stereotactic radiosurgery - CyberKnife
Non-invasive neurosurgery (see:
Stereotactic radiosurgery - Gamma Knife
Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (see:
Positive airway pressure treatment
(Special Topic)
Non-invasive ventilation (see:
Positive airway pressure treatment
(Special Topic)
Non-motor generalized seizure (see:
Absence seizure
Non-myeloablative transplant - discharge (see:
Bone marrow transplant - discharge
Non-nutritive sweeteners - (NNS) (see:
Sweeteners - sugar substitutes
Non-polio enterovirus (see:
Enterovirus D68
Non-scarring alopecia (see:
Hair loss
Non-small cell lung cancer
Non-small cell lung cancer - InDepth
Non-specific orbital inflammation (see:
Orbital pseudotumor
Non-ST - elevation myocardial infarction (see:
Heart attack
Non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (see:
Heart attack
Non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction - InDepth (see:
Heart attack and acute coronary syndrome - InDepth
Non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction-ACS (see:
Acute coronary syndrome
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (see:
Over-the-counter pain relievers
(Special Topic)
Non-stress test - monitoring (see:
Monitoring your baby before labor
(Special Topic)
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (see:
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Nonallergic rhinitis (see:
Nonallergic rhinopathy
Nonallergic rhinopathy
Noncaloric sweeteners (see:
Sweeteners - sugar substitutes
Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema (see:
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
Noninsulin-dependent diabetes (see:
Type 2 diabetes
Noninsulin-dependent diabetes, DM2, Type 2 DM - InDepth (see:
Diabetes - type 2 - InDepth
(Special Topic)
Nonketotic hyperglycemic hyperosmolar coma (NKHHC) (see:
Diabetic hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome
Nonlipid reticuloendotheliosis (see:
Nonmelanoma skin cancer (see:
Basal cell skin cancer
Nonmelanoma skin cancer - InDepth (see:
Melanoma and other skin cancers - InDepth
Nonmelanoma skin cancer - squamous cell (see:
Squamous cell skin cancer
Nonpolio enterovirus infection (see:
ECHO virus
Nonseminoma testicular cancer (see:
Testicular cancer
Nonseminomatous germ cell tumor - teratoma (see:
Malignant teratoma of the mediastinum
Nonspecific back pain (see:
Low back pain - chronic
Nonspecific back pain - cognitive behavioral (see:
Cognitive behavioral therapy for back pain
Nonspecific back pain - InDepth (see:
Back pain and sciatica - InDepth
Nonspecific back pain - lifting (see:
Lifting and bending the right way
Nonspecific back pain - narcotics (see:
Taking narcotics for back pain
Nonspecific back pain - work (see:
Back pain - returning to work
Nonspecific vaginitis (see:
Nonspecific vaginitis - aftercare (see:
Bacterial vaginosis - aftercare
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (see:
Over-the-counter pain relievers
(Special Topic)
Nontoxic goiter (see:
Simple goiter
Nontropical sprue (see:
Celiac disease – sprue
Nontyphoidal salmonella (see:
Salmonella enterocolitis
Noonan syndrome
Noonan syndrome with multiple lentigines
Norco overdose (see:
Hydrocodone and acetaminophen overdose
Norepinephrine - blood (see:
Catecholamine blood test
(Medical Test)
Norepinephrine - urine test (see:
Catecholamines - urine
(Medical Test)
Norepinephrine -- blood (see:
Catecholamine blood test
(Medical Test)
Norepinephrine-urine test (see:
Catecholamines - urine
(Medical Test)
Normal body temperature (see:
Body temperature norms
(Special Topic)
Normal childhood growth milestones (see:
Developmental milestones record
(Special Topic)
Normal childhood growth milestones - 12 months (see:
Developmental milestones record - 12 months
(Special Topic)
Normal childhood growth milestones - 18 months (see:
Developmental milestones record - 18 months
(Special Topic)
Normal childhood growth milestones - 2 months (see:
Developmental milestones record - 2 months
(Special Topic)
Normal childhood growth milestones - 2 years (see:
Developmental milestones record - 2 years
(Special Topic)
Normal childhood growth milestones - 3 years (see:
Developmental milestones record - 3 years
(Special Topic)
Normal childhood growth milestones - 4 months (see:
Developmental milestones record - 4 months
(Special Topic)
Normal childhood growth milestones - 4 years (see:
Developmental milestones record - 4 years
(Special Topic)
Normal childhood growth milestones - 5 years (see:
Developmental milestones record - 5 years
(Special Topic)
Normal childhood growth milestones - 6 months (see:
Developmental milestones record - 6 months
(Special Topic)
Normal childhood growth milestones - 9 months (see:
Developmental milestones record - 9 months
(Special Topic)
Normal growth and development
Normal pressure hydrocephalus
Normetanephrine (see:
Catecholamines - urine
(Medical Test)
Norovirus - hospital
(Special Topic)
North American blastomycosis (see:
Norwalk virus (see:
Viral gastroenteritis (stomach flu)
Nose - bulbous (see:
Nose - congested (see:
Stuffy or runny nose – adult
Nose - congested (see:
Stuffy or runny nose - children
Nose biopsy (see:
Nasal mucosal biopsy
(Medical Test)
Nose fracture
Nose job - rhinoplasty (see:
Nosocomial infection - central line infection (see:
Central line infections - hospitals
(Special Topic)
Nosocomial infection - wearing gloves (see:
Wearing gloves in the hospital
(Special Topic)
Nosocomial pneumonia (see:
Hospital-acquired pneumonia
Nosocomial UTI (see:
Catheter-related UTI
Nostrils - flaring (see:
Nasal flaring
Not breathing (see:
Breathing - slowed or stopped
Notifiable diseases (see:
Reportable diseases
(Special Topic)
Novel coronavirus (see:
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)
(Special Topic)
Novoxapam overdose (see:
Oxazepam overdose
Novoxapin overdose (see:
Doxepin overdose
NOWS (see:
Neonatal abstinence syndrome
NPD (see:
Niemann-Pick disease
NPH (see:
Normal pressure hydrocephalus
NSAID (see:
Over-the-counter pain relievers
(Special Topic)
NSCLC (see:
Non-small cell lung cancer
NSCLC - InDepth (see:
Non-small cell lung cancer - InDepth
NSML (see:
Noonan syndrome with multiple lentigines
NST- monitoring (see:
Monitoring your baby before labor
(Special Topic)
NSTEMI (see:
Heart attack
NSTEMI - activity (see:
Being active after your heart attack
NSTEMI - InDepth (see:
Heart attack and acute coronary syndrome - InDepth
NT (see:
Nuchal translucency test
(Medical Test)
Nuchal fold scan (see:
Nuchal translucency test
(Medical Test)
Nuchal fold test (see:
Nuchal translucency test
(Medical Test)
Nuchal translucency screening (see:
Nuchal translucency test
(Medical Test)
Nuchal translucency test
(Medical Test)
Nuclear bladder scan (see:
Radionuclide cystogram
(Medical Test)
Nuclear cardiology (see:
Nuclear ventriculography
(Medical Test)
Nuclear heart scan overview
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging (see:
(Medical Test)
Nuclear magnetic resonance - abdomen (see:
Abdominal MRI scan
(Medical Test)
Nuclear magnetic resonance - cardiac (see:
Heart MRI
(Medical Test)
Nuclear magnetic resonance - chest (see:
Chest MRI
(Medical Test)
Nuclear magnetic resonance - cranial (see:
Head MRI
(Medical Test)
Nuclear scan - liver or spleen (see:
Liver scan
(Medical Test)
Nuclear scan - technetium (see:
Liver scan
(Medical Test)
Nuclear scan - thyroid (see:
Thyroid scan
(Medical Test)
Nuclear stress test
(Medical Test)
Nuclear ventriculography
(Medical Test)
Numbness and tingling
Nummular dermatitis (see:
Nummular eczema
Nummular eczema
Nuprin overdose (see:
Ibuprofen overdose
Nurse midwife (see:
Certified nurse-midwife
(Special Topic)
Nurse practitioner (NP)
(Special Topic)
Nursemaid's elbow
Nurses (see:
Types of health care providers
(Special Topic)
Nursing bottle caries (see:
Tooth decay - early childhood
Nursing frequency (see:
Timing of breastfeeding
Nursing your baby (see:
Benefits of breastfeeding
Nuss repair (see:
Pectus excavatum repair
Nut allergies
Nut allergy (see:
Nut allergies
Nutcracker esophagus (see:
Esophageal spasm
Nutmeg oil (see:
Myristica oil poisoning
Nutrition - inadequate (see:
Nutrition - reading food labels (see:
How to read food labels
Nutrition and athletic performance
Nutrition and substance abuse (see:
Substance use recovery and diet
(Special Topic)
Nutrition and substance use (see:
Substance use recovery and diet
(Special Topic)
Nutrition facts (see:
Food labeling
Nutrition labeling (see:
Food labeling
Nutritional needs - premature infants (see:
Neonatal weight gain and nutrition
(Special Topic)
Nutritional needs -- premature infants (see:
Neonatal weight gain and nutrition
(Special Topic)
Nutritive sweeteners (see:
Sweeteners - sugar substitutes
Nyctalopia (see:
Vision - night blindness
Nyctanopia (see:
Vision - night blindness
Nytol overdose (see:
Diphenhydramine overdose
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