- In vitro fertilization (IVF)
- In-toeing
- Inability to conceive
- Inability to conceive - InDepth
- Inability to speak
- Inamrinone (Injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone
- Inborn errors of metabolism
- Inbrija
(Brief Drug Info)
- Incarceration
- Incassia
(Brief Drug Info)
- Incest - resources
(Special Topic)
- Incidence
(Special Topic)
- Incisional biopsy - skin
(Medical Test)
- Incivek
(Brief Drug Info)
- Inclisiran (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Inclusion cyst
- Incobotulinumtoxina (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Incompetent cervix
(Special Topic)
- Incomplete abortion
- Incomplete male pseudohermaphroditism
- Incomplete protein
- Incomplete testicular feminization
- Inconsolability
- Incontinence - bed sore
(Special Topic)
- Incontinence - bowel
- Incontinence - care
- Incontinence - InDepth
- Incontinence - pressure sore
(Special Topic)
- Incontinence - pressure ulcer
(Special Topic)
- Incontinence - prolapse
- Incontinence - resources
(Special Topic)
- Incontinence - skin care
(Special Topic)
- Incontinence - stool
- Incontinence - stress
- Incontinence - ureterocele
- Incontinence - urge
- Incontinence - urinary
- Incontinence - urinary
(Alt. Medicine)
- Incontinence - urinary - InDepth
- Incontinence devices
(Special Topic)
- Incontinence - skin care
(Special Topic)
- Incontinentia pigmenti
- Incontinentia pigmenti
- Incontinentia pigmenti achromians
- Increased appetite
- Increased head circumference
- Increased intracranial pressure
- Increased muscle tension - care
- Increased thirst
- Increased-permeability pulmonary edema
- Increlex
(Brief Drug Info)
- Incruse Ellipta
(Brief Drug Info)
- Indacaterol (By breathing)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Indacaterol/glycopyrrolate (By breathing)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Indapamide (By mouth)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Inderal LA
(Brief Drug Info)
- Inderal XL
(Brief Drug Info)
- India rubber skin
- Indian paint
(Alt. Medicine)
- Indian pennywort
(Alt. Medicine)
- Indian tobacco
(Alt. Medicine)
- Indian turnip poisoning
- Indigestion
- Indigotindisulfonate (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Indinavir (By mouth)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Indirect antiglobulin test
(Medical Test)
- Indirect bilirubin - blood
(Medical Test)
- Indirect laryngoscopy
(Medical Test)
- Indium in 111 capromab pendetide (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Indium in 111 chloride (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Indium in 111 oxyquinoline (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Indium in 111 pentetate disodium (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Indium in 111 pentetreotide (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Indium scan
(Medical Test)
- Indium-labeled white blood cell scan
(Medical Test)
- Indium-labelled WBC scan
(Medical Test)
- Indium-labelled white blood cell scan
(Medical Test)
- Indocin
- Indocin
(Brief Drug Info)
- Indocin
(Brief Drug Info)
- Indocin SR
(Brief Drug Info)
- Indocyanine green (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Indomethacin (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Indomethacin (By mouth)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Indomethacin (Into the rectum)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Indomethacin Novaplus
(Brief Drug Info)
- Indomethacin overdose
- Indoor fitness routine
(Special Topic)
- Induced abortion
- Inducing labor
(Special Topic)
- Induration
- Industrial bronchitis
- Indwelling catheter
(Special Topic)
- Indwelling catheter care
- Inebilizumab-cdon (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Inevitable abortion
- Infanrix
(Brief Drug Info)
- Infant - newborn development
(Special Topic)
- Infant - yellow skin
- Infant bathing
- Infant botulism
- Infant botulism
- Infant car seats
- Infant Formula - buying, preparing, storing, and feeding
(Special Topic)
- Infant formulas
- Infant of a substance-using mother
(Special Topic)
- Infant of diabetic mother
- Infant reflexes
- Infant respiratory distress syndrome
- Infant respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS)
- Infant screening tests
(Medical Test)
- Infant skin characteristics
(Special Topic)
- Infant test procedure preparation
(Special Topic)
- Infantile acrodermatitis
- Infantile colic
(Alt. Medicine)
- Infantile colic - self-care
- Infantile eczema
- Infantile eczema
- Infantile hemangioendothelioma
- Infantile hemangioma
- Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
- Infantile paralysis
- Infantile polyarteritis
- Infantile scoliosis
- Infantile scoliosis - InDepth
- Infantile seborrheic dermatitis
- Infants - bedtime habits
(Special Topic)
- Infants - excessive crying
- Infants Aqueous Vitamin D
(Brief Drug Info)
- Infants' Gas Relief
(Brief Drug Info)
- Infants Mylicon
(Brief Drug Info)
- Infarct - discharge
- Infarcted bowel - small intestine
- Infasurf
(Brief Drug Info)
- Infatabs Phenytoin
(Brief Drug Info)
- Infected abortion
- Infected Bartholin gland
- Infected Bartholin's gland
- Infected lymph vessels
- Infection – HIV
- Infection - bone
- Infection - bone - children
- Infection - breast tissue
- Infection - ear
- Infection - esophagus
- Infection - fungal - body
- Infection - fungal - feet
- Infection - fungal - groin
- Infection - fungal - nails
- Infection - fungal - scalp
- Infection - HIV
- Infection - inner ear
- Infection - inner ear - InDepth
- Infection - lymph vessels
- Infection - skin - staph
- Infection - skin around the nail
- Infection - surgical wound
- Infection - WBC count
(Medical Test)
- Infection control - central line infection
(Special Topic)
- Infection control - wearing gloves
(Special Topic)
- Infectious arthritis - fungal
- Infectious arthritis - viral
- Infectious diarrhea - bacterial gastroenteritis
- Infectious diarrhea - campylobacter enteritis
- Infectious diseases and travelers
(Special Topic)
- Infectious esophagitis
- Infectious granuloma - pulmonary nodule
- Infectious hepatitis
- Infectious hepatitis - children
- Infectious myringitis
- Infectious polyneuritis
- Infective endocarditis - children
- Infed
(Brief Drug Info)
- Infed
(Brief Drug Info)
- Infertility
- Infertility - Asherman
- Infertility - delayed ejaculation
- Infertility - fertile days
(Special Topic)
- Infertility - hysterosalpingography
(Medical Test)
- Infertility - in vitro
- Infertility - prolactin test
(Medical Test)
- Infertility - resources
(Special Topic)
- Infertility - semen analysis
(Medical Test)
- Infertility - transvaginal ultrasound
(Medical Test)
- Infertility in men - InDepth
- Infertility in women - InDepth
- Infigratinib (By mouth)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Infiltrating ductal carcinoma - male
- Infiltrating ductal carcinoma-male
- Infiltrative cardiomyopathy
- Inflamed gums
- Inflamed lymph vessels
- Inflammation - cervix
- Inflammation - conjunctiva
- Inflammation - esophagus
- Inflammation - heart muscle
- Inflammation - lymph vessels
- Inflammation - rectum
- Inflammation - sclera
- Inflammation of gums - involving bone
- Inflammation of gums - involving bone - InDepth
- Inflammation of the tendon sheath
- Inflammation of the vagina
- Inflammatory anemia
- Inflammatory bowel disease
(Alt. Medicine)
- Inflammatory bowel disease - Crohn disease
- Inflammatory bowel disease - Crohn disease - discharge
- Inflammatory bowel disease - Crohn's
(Alt. Medicine)
- Inflammatory bowel disease - Crohn's disease
- Inflammatory bowel disease - Crohn's disease - discharge
- Inflammatory bowel disease - Crohn's disease - InDepth
- Inflammatory bowel disease - discharge
- Inflammatory bowel disease - ileostomy and your child
- Inflammatory bowel disease - ileostomy and your diet
- Inflammatory bowel disease - ileostomy and your ileostomy type
- Inflammatory bowel disease - ileostomy and your pouch change
- Inflammatory bowel disease - ileostomy discharge
- Inflammatory bowel disease - living with
- Inflammatory bowel disease - stoma care
- Inflammatory bowel disease - toxic megacolon
- Inflammatory bowel disease - ulcerative colitis
- Inflammatory bowel disease - ulcerative colitis - discharge
- Inflammatory bowel disease - ulcerative colitis - InDepth
- Inflammatory bowel disease in children - Crohn disease
- Inflammatory bowel disease in children - UC
- Inflammatory breast cancer - male
- Inflammatory breast cancer-male
- Inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia
- Inflammatory injury of the kidney
- Inflammatory myopathies
- Inflammatory response
(Special Topic)
- Inflatable artificial sphincter
- Inflectra
(Brief Drug Info)
- Inflectra
(Brief Drug Info)
- Infliximab (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Infliximab-abda (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Infliximab-axxq (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Infliximab-dyyb (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Infliximab-qbtx (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Influenza
(Alt. Medicine)
- Influenza (flu) vaccine (inactivated or recombinant) - what you need to know
(Special Topic)
- Influenza (flu) vaccine (live, intranasal) - what you need to know
(Special Topic)
- Influenza - InDepth
- Influenza - shots
(Special Topic)
- Influenza - what to ask your doctor - adult
(Doctor Questions)
- Influenza - what to ask your doctor - child
(Doctor Questions)
- Influenza A
- Influenza A - InDepth
- Influenza A virus vaccine, h1n1, inactivated (Injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Influenza A virus vaccine, h5n1, adjuvanted (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Influenza B
- Influenza B - InDepth
- Influenza virus vaccine (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Influenza virus vaccine, adjuvanted (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Influenza virus vaccine, live (Into the nose)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Influenza virus vaccine, recombinant (Injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Informed consent - adults
(Special Topic)
- Infratentorial brain tumors
- Infumorph 200
(Brief Drug Info)
- Infumorph 500
(Brief Drug Info)
- InfusaPort
- Infusion therapy - home
(Special Topic)
- Infuvite
(Brief Drug Info)
- Infuvite Adult
(Brief Drug Info)
- Infuvite Adult Novaplus
(Brief Drug Info)
- Infuvite Pediatric
(Brief Drug Info)
- Infuvite PEDiatric Novaplus
(Brief Drug Info)
- Ingenol (On the skin)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Ingrezza
(Brief Drug Info)
- Ingrezza Initiation Pack
(Brief Drug Info)
- Ingrezza Sprinkle
(Brief Drug Info)
- Ingrown toenail
- Ingrown toenail removal
- Ingrown toenail removal
- Ingrown toenail removal - discharge
- Inguinal hernia
- Inguinal hernia repair
- Inguinal hernia repair - discharge
- Inguinal lymphadenopathy
- Inguinal orchidopexy
- Inhaled anesthetic (By breathing)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Inheritance
(Special Topic)
- Inheritance - autosomal dominant
(Special Topic)
- Inheritance - autosomal recessive
(Special Topic)
- Inheritance - sex-linked dominant
(Special Topic)
- Inheritance - sex-linked recessive
(Special Topic)
- Inheritance patterns
(Special Topic)
- Inherited mutations
(Special Topic)
- Inherited myopathy
- Inherited myopathy, MD
- Inhibited sexual excitement
(Special Topic)
- Injectable bulking agents for stress urinary incontinence
- Injectafer
(Brief Drug Info)
- Injection laryngoplasty
- Injoy Constipation Relief
(Brief Drug Info)
- Injoy Diarrhea Relief
(Brief Drug Info)
- Injoy Heartburn Relief
(Brief Drug Info)
- Injury - bladder and urethra
- Injury - inner ear
- Injury - kidney and ureter
- Injury - wrist
- Ink poisoning
- Ink remover poisoning
- Inkberry poisoning
- Inlyta
(Brief Drug Info)
- Innate immunity
(Special Topic)
- Innocent murmur
- InnoPran XL
(Brief Drug Info)
- Inomax
(Brief Drug Info)
- Inorganic phosphate
(Medical Test)
- Inositol hexaniacinate
(Alt. Medicine)
- Inotersen (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Inotuzumab ozogamicin (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Inpefa
(Brief Drug Info)
- Inqovi
(Brief Drug Info)
(Medical Test)
- Inrebic
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insect bite
- Insect bites and stings
- Insect bites and stings
(Alt. Medicine)
- Insect repellent safety
(Special Topic)
- Insect sting
- Insecticide poisoning
- Insertion of tube into chest
- Insertional heel pain
- Insidious
(Special Topic)
- Insoluble vs. soluble fiber
(Special Topic)
- Insomnia
- Insomnia
- Insomnia
(Alt. Medicine)
- Insomnia - InDepth
- Insomnia - medicines
(Special Topic)
- Insomnia - older adults
- Insomnia - sleep habits
- Inspection
(Special Topic)
- Inspra
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insta-Glucose
(Brief Drug Info)
- Instant Toothache & Oral Pain Relief
(Brief Drug Info)
- Instant Toothache & Oral Pain Relief
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insufficient cervix
(Special Topic)
- Insulin (Injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin Ab test
(Medical Test)
- Insulin and syringes - storage and safety
(Special Topic)
- Insulin antibodies - serum
(Medical Test)
- Insulin Aspart FlexPen
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin Aspart PenFill
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin aspart protamine/insulin aspart (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin aspart, recombinant (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin aspart/insulin degludec (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin C-peptide test
(Medical Test)
- Insulin Degludec
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin degludec (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin Degludec FlexTouch
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin Degludec FlexTouch Pen
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin degludec/liraglutide (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin detemir (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin glargine (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin Glargine-aglr (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin Glargine-yfgn (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin glargine/lixisenatide (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin glulisine (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin human zinc (Lente) (Injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin human zinc, extended (Ultralente) (Injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin human, inhaled (By breathing)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin Humulin 50/50
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin inhaled (By breathing)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin lispro (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin Lispro KwikPen
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin lispro protamine/insulin lispro (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin Lispro-aabc (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin nph (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin nph/regular (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin nph/regular 50/50 (Injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin pork isophane (NPH) (Injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin pork regular (Injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin pumps
(Special Topic)
- Insulin reaction
- Insulin regular (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin resistance - insulin antibodies
(Medical Test)
- Insulin resistance - sick day management
- Insulin resistance syndrome
- Insulin shock
- Insulin subcutaneous injection
- Insulin-dependent diabetes
- Insulin-dependent diabetes - InDepth
- Insulin-Humalog
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulin-Humalog
(Brief Drug Info)
- Insulinoma
- Insulinoma
- Insuloma
- Intact PTH
(Medical Test)
- Integrative medicine for cancer treatment
(Special Topic)
- Intelence
(Brief Drug Info)
- Intellectual developmental disorder
- Intellectual disability
- Intellectual disability - Rett syndrome
- Intelligence testing
(Special Topic)
- Intensity-modulated radiation therapy - breast cancer
- Intensity-modulated radiation therapy - breast cancer
- Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT)
(Special Topic)
- Intention tremor
- Inter-trochanteric fracture repair
- Inter-trochanteric fracture repair - discharge
- Interarticular Joint Kit
(Brief Drug Info)
- Interchondral subluxation
- Intercostal retractions
- Interdigital neuroma
- Interdigital plantar neuroma
- Interferon Alfa-2a (Injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Interferon Alfa-2b (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Interferon Alfa-n3 (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Interferon Beta-1a (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Interferon Beta-1b (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Interferon Gamma-1b (By injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Intermediate-acting insulin (Injection)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Intermenstrual bleeding
- Intermetatarsal neuralgia
- Intermittent claudication
- Intermittent claudication - Doppler
(Medical Test)
- Intermittent claudication - InDepth
- Intermittent claudication - self-care
- Intermittent fasting - rapid weight loss
(Special Topic)
- Internal pacemaker
- Internal pacemaker - discharge
- Internal radiation therapy - prostate
- International normalized ratio
(Medical Test)
- Intersex
- Intersex
- Interstitial brachytherapy
- Interstitial cell stimulating hormone - blood test
(Medical Test)
- Interstitial cystitis
- Interstitial cystitis
- Interstitial cystitis - resources
(Special Topic)
- Interstitial keratitis
- Interstitial laser coagulation
- Interstitial laser coagulation - discharge
- Interstitial lung disease
- Interstitial lung disease - adults - discharge
- Interstitial lung disease - drug induced
- Interstitial lung disease - home oxygen
- Interstitial lung disease - pursed lip breathing
- Interstitial nephritis
- Interstitial pneumonitis - from asbestos exposure
- Intertriginous candidiasis
- Intertrigo
- Intervention study
(Special Topic)
- Intervention study - cancer
(Special Topic)
- Interventional radiology
(Special Topic)
- Interventricular septal defect
- Intervertebral foramina
- Intervertebral foramina - discharge
- Intestinal amebiasis
- Intestinal blockage - barium enema
(Medical Test)
- Intestinal blockage - lower GI series
(Medical Test)
- Intestinal leiomyoma
- Intestinal lipodystrophy
- Intestinal motility
(Special Topic)
- Intestinal necrosis
- Intestinal obstruction and Ileus
- Intestinal obstruction repair
- Intestinal opening - stoma formation
- Intestinal opening, stoma formation
- Intestinal or bowel obstruction - discharge
- Intestinal parasite - ascariasis
- Intestinal parasite - strongyloidiasis
- Intestinal parasite - whipworm
- Intestinal parasites
(Alt. Medicine)
- Intestinal perforation
- Intestinal polyps
- Intestinal pseudo-obstruction
- Intestinal volvulus
- Intestinal volvulus - repair
- Intimate partner sexual violence
(Special Topic)
- Intimate partner violence
(Special Topic)
- Intolerance to cold
- Intolerance to heat
- Intoxication - amphetamines
- Intoxication - barbiturates
- Intoxication - cocaine
- Intoxication - ethylene glycol
- Intoxication - marijuana (cannabis)
- Intoxication - opioids
- Intoxication - uppers
- Intra-aortic balloon pumps - heart failure
- Intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography
(Medical Test)
- Intra-articular steroid injections - hip
- Intracardiac electrophysiology study (EPS)
(Medical Test)
- Intracavitary brachytherapy
- Intracranial hypertension
- Intracranial hypotension
- Intracranial pressure - increased
- Intracranial pressure - raised
- Intracranial pressure monitoring
(Medical Test)
- Intradermal allergy testing
(Medical Test)
- Intraductal carcinoma - male
- Intraductal carcinoma-male
- Intraductal papilloma
- Intrahepatic cholestasis
- Intralipid
(Brief Drug Info)
- Intralipid
(Brief Drug Info)
- Intraocular pressure (IOP) measurement
(Medical Test)
- Intraoperative radiotherapy
(Special Topic)
- Intraperitoneal adhesion
- Intrarosa
(Brief Drug Info)
- Intraspinal anesthesia
- Intrathecal anesthesia
- Intrauterine
(Special Topic)
- Intrauterine - deciding
(Special Topic)
- Intrauterine adhesion
- Intrauterine adhesions
- Intrauterine copper contraceptive (Into the uterus)
(Brief Drug Info)
- Intrauterine devices (IUD)
- Intrauterine drug exposure
(Special Topic)
- Intrauterine growth - ultrasound
(Medical Test)
- Intrauterine growth restriction
- Intrauterine growth retardation
- Intrauterine system
- Intravascular echocardiography
- Intravenous
(Special Topic)
- Intravenous fluids - infants
(Special Topic)
- Intravenous pyelogram
(Medical Test)
- Intraventricular hemorrhage of the newborn
- Intravitreal injection
- Intrinsic factor
(Special Topic)
- Intrinsic sphincter deficiency repair
- Intubation - endotracheal
- Intuniv
(Brief Drug Info)
- Intussusception – children
- INVanz
(Brief Drug Info)
- Invasive
(Special Topic)
- Invega
(Brief Drug Info)
- Invega Hafyera
(Brief Drug Info)
- Invega Sustenna
(Brief Drug Info)
- Invega Trinza
(Brief Drug Info)
- Inveltys
(Brief Drug Info)
- Inverted nipple
- Inverted nipple
- Inverted nipple
- Invirase
(Brief Drug Info)
- Invokamet
(Brief Drug Info)
- Invokamet XR
(Brief Drug Info)
- Invokana
(Brief Drug Info)
- Involuntary body movements
- Involuntary eye movements
- Involuntary movement - tardive dyskinesia
- Involuntary slow and twisting movements
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