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Index - D
D-dimer test
(Medical Test)
d-TGA (see:
Transposition of the great arteries
D-xylose absorption
(Medical Test)
Dacryostenosis (see:
Blocked tear duct
Daily bowel care program
Dairy product intolerance (see:
Lactose intolerance
Dance your way to fitness
(Special Topic)
Dancer’s fracture (see:
Metatarsal fracture (acute) - aftercare
Dancer's fracture (see:
Metatarsal fracture (acute) - aftercare
Dandruff (see:
Seborrheic dermatitis
Dark tongue (see:
Tongue problems
DASH diet (see:
Cooking without salt
DASH diet to lower high blood pressure
(Special Topic)
Date rape (see:
Sexual violence
(Special Topic)
Date rape - prevention (see:
Sexual assault - prevention
(Special Topic)
Datura (see:
Jimsonweed poisoning
Dawson encephalitis (see:
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
Dawson's encephalitis (see:
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
Day care health risks
(Special Topic)
Day to day with COPD
Daytime sleep disorder (see:
Daytime sleep disorder - InDepth (see:
Narcolepsy - InDepth
Daytime sleepiness (see:
Sleep disorders
DBS (see:
Deep brain stimulation
DCIS (see:
Understanding your breast cancer risk
(Special Topic)
DCIS (see:
Breast cancer
DDH (see:
Developmental dysplasia of the hip
de Morgan spots (see:
Cherry angioma
De Quervain tendinitis
de Quervain tenosynovitis (see:
De Quervain tendinitis
De Quervain's thyroiditis (see:
Subacute thyroiditis
De Toni-Fanconi syndrome (see:
Fanconi syndrome
De Toni-Fanconi-Debré syndrome (see:
Fanconi syndrome
Dead bowel (see:
Small intestinal ischemia and infarction
Dead bowel - mesenteric (see:
Mesenteric artery ischemia
Dead bowel - small intestine (see:
Small intestinal ischemia and infarction
Dead gut (see:
Small intestinal ischemia and infarction
Dead gut - mesenteric (see:
Mesenteric artery ischemia
Dead gut - small intestine (see:
Small intestinal ischemia and infarction
Deaf - cochlear (see:
Cochlear implant
(Special Topic)
Deafness (see:
Hearing loss
Deafness - cochlear (see:
Cochlear implant
(Special Topic)
Deafness - infants (see:
Hearing loss - infants
Dealing with chronic cancer
(Special Topic)
Death among children and adolescents
(Special Topic)
Decerebrate posture
Decerebrate posture - opisthotonos (see:
Deciding about hormone therapy
(Special Topic)
Deciding about treatments that prolong life
(Special Topic)
Deciding to breastfeed (see:
Benefits of breastfeeding
Deciding to have knee or hip replacement
Deciding to quit drinking alcohol
Decompressive laminectomy (see:
Decompressive laminectomy - discharge (see:
Spine surgery - discharge
Decongestants - children (see:
Cold medicines and children
Decongestants-children (see:
Cold medicines and children
Decorticate posture
Decorticate posture - decerebrate posture (see:
Decerebrate posture
Decreased alertness
Decreased appetite (see:
Appetite - decreased
Decreased consciousness (see:
Decreased alertness
Decreased hearing (see:
Hearing loss
Decreased muscle tone (see:
Decreased skin turgor (see:
Skin turgor
Decreased sweating (see:
Absence of sweating
Decubitus ulcer - care (see:
How to care for pressure sores
Decubitus ulcer - wound care center (see:
Wound care centers
(Special Topic)
Decubitus ulcer prevention (see:
Preventing pressure ulcers
Deep brain stimulation
Deep breathing after surgery
Deep heating rubs overdose (see:
Methyl salicylate overdose
Deep vein thrombosis
Deep vein thrombosis - AT III (see:
Antithrombin III blood test
(Medical Test)
Deep vein thrombosis - D-dimer (see:
D-dimer test
(Medical Test)
Deep vein thrombosis - discharge
Deep vein thrombosis - Phlegmasia cerulea dolens (see:
Phlegmasia cerulea dolens
Deep vein thrombosis - thrombophlebitis (see:
Deep vein thrombosis-thrombophlebitis (see:
Deep venous thrombosis - heparin shot (see:
How to give a heparin shot
Deerfly fever (see:
Defibrillate - VF (see:
Ventricular fibrillation
Defibrillation (see:
Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator
Defibrillation - discharge (see:
Implantable cardioverter defibrillator - discharge
Defibrillator - cardioversion (see:
(Special Topic)
Defibrillator - VF (see:
Ventricular fibrillation
Deficiency - antithrombin III - congenital (see:
Congenital antithrombin III deficiency
Deficiency - folic acid (see:
Folate deficiency
Deficiency - folic acid, Folic acid deficiency (see:
Folate deficiency
Deficiency - niacin (see:
Deficiency - vitamin C (see:
Deficient or defective apolipoprotein E (see:
Familial dysbetalipoproteinemia
Defining overweight and obesity in children
Deformity - contracture (see:
Contracture deformity
Degenerative arthritis - elbow arthroplasty (see:
Elbow replacement
Degenerative disk disease (see:
Cervical spondylosis
Degenerative joint disease (see:
Degenerative joint disease - InDepth (see:
Osteoarthritis - InDepth
Degenerative spine - spondylolisthesis (see:
Degenerative spine disease (see:
Spinal stenosis
Degenerative spine disease - MRI (see:
MRI and low back pain
(Special Topic)
Dehistine D overdose (see:
Pheniramine overdose
Dehydration - heat emergency (see:
Heat emergencies
Dehydroascorbic acid (see:
Vitamin C
Dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate test (see:
DHEA-sulfate test
(Medical Test)
Delayed dental development (see:
Tooth formation - delayed or absent
Delayed dental eruption (see:
Tooth formation - delayed or absent
Delayed ejaculation
Delayed gastric emptying (see:
Delayed growth
Delayed language (see:
Language disorders in children
Delayed or absent tooth formation (see:
Tooth formation - delayed or absent
Delayed puberty in boys
Delayed puberty in girls
Delayed sexual development - boys (see:
Delayed puberty in boys
Delayed sexual development - girls (see:
Delayed puberty in girls
Delayed tooth eruption (see:
Tooth formation - delayed or absent
Delayed urination (see:
Urination - difficulty with flow
Delirium tremens
Delivery - Apgar (see:
Apgar score
(Medical Test)
Delivery - breech (see:
Breech birth
(Special Topic)
Delivery - epidural (see:
Epidural block - pregnancy
(Special Topic)
Delivery - labor coach (see:
Tips for labor coaches
(Special Topic)
Delivery - meconium (see:
Meconium aspiration syndrome
Delivery - VBAC (see:
Vaginal birth after C-section
(Special Topic)
Delivery presentations
(Special Topic)
Delivery-birth canal (see:
Your baby in the birth canal
(Special Topic)
Delta agent (see:
Hepatitis D (Delta agent)
Delta-ALA urine test
(Medical Test)
Delta-aminolevulinic acid (see:
Delta-ALA urine test
(Medical Test)
Delusional depression (see:
Major depression with psychotic features
Dementia - Alzheimer (see:
Alzheimer disease
Dementia - Alzheimer - InDepth (see:
Alzheimer disease - InDepth
Dementia - behavior and sleep problems
Dementia - daily care
Dementia - home care
(Special Topic)
Dementia - hydrocephalus (see:
Normal pressure hydrocephalus
Dementia - InDepth (see:
Alzheimer disease - InDepth
Dementia - keeping safe in the home
Dementia - memory loss (see:
Memory loss
Dementia - multi-infarct (see:
Vascular dementia
Dementia - nuchal dystonia (see:
Progressive supranuclear palsy
Dementia - post-stroke (see:
Vascular dementia
Dementia - poststroke (see:
Vascular dementia
Dementia - remembering tips (see:
Remembering tips
(Special Topic)
Dementia - semantic (see:
Frontotemporal dementia
Dementia - supranuclear ophthalmoplegia (see:
Supranuclear ophthalmoplegia
Dementia - vascular (see:
Vascular dementia
Dementia - what to ask your doctor
(Doctor Questions)
Dementia and driving
Dementia due to metabolic causes
Dementia-mental status testing (see:
Mental status testing
(Medical Test)
Dementia-nuchal dystonia (see:
Progressive supranuclear palsy
Demerol overdose (see:
Meperidine hydrochloride overdose
Demyelinating disease (see:
Multiple sclerosis
Demyelinating disease - InDepth (see:
Multiple sclerosis - InDepth
Demyelinating disorder (see:
Neuromyelitis optica
Dengue fever
Dengue fever - InDepth (see:
Travel to developing countries - InDepth
Dengue hemorrhagic fever (see:
Dengue fever
Dengue-like disease (see:
Dengue fever
Denosumab (Prolia) (see:
Medicines for osteoporosis
Dental abscess (see:
Tooth abscess
Dental biofilm (see:
Plaque and tartar on teeth
(Special Topic)
Dental caps (see:
Dental crowns
Dental care - adult
(Special Topic)
Dental care - child
(Special Topic)
Dental caries (see:
Tooth decay - early childhood
Dental cavities
Dental crowns
Dental hygiene (see:
Dental care - adult
(Special Topic)
Dental hygiene - aging (see:
Aging changes in teeth and gums
Dental impaction (see:
Impacted tooth
Dental plaque (see:
Plaque and tartar on teeth
(Special Topic)
Dental plaque identification at home
(Medical Test)
Dental sealants
(Special Topic)
Dental x-rays
(Medical Test)
Dento-osseous dysplasia (see:
Cleidocranial dysostosis
Dentoalveolar abscess (see:
Tooth abscess
Denture problems
(Special Topic)
Deodorant poisoning
Dependence on drugs (see:
Substance use disorder
Dependent personality disorder
Depilatory poisoning
Deprax overdose (see:
Trazodone overdose
Depressed skull fracture (see:
Skull fracture
Depression - chronic (see:
Persistent depressive disorder
Depression - clinical (see:
Major depression
Depression - COPD (see:
COPD - managing stress and your mood
(Special Topic)
Depression - ECT (see:
Electroconvulsive therapy
Depression - major (see:
Major depression
Depression - postpartum (see:
Postpartum depression
Depression - resources
(Special Topic)
Depression - stopping your medicines
Depression - suicide (see:
Suicide and suicidal behavior
Depression in older adults
Depression in the elderly (see:
Depression in older adults
Dermal melanocytosis
Dermatan sulfate - urine (see:
Acid mucopolysaccharides
(Medical Test)
Dermatitis - allergic (see:
Contact dermatitis
Dermatitis - allergy testing (see:
Allergy testing - skin
(Medical Test)
Dermatitis - antihistamine (see:
Antihistamines for allergies
Dermatitis - atopic (see:
Atopic dermatitis
Dermatitis - atopic children (see:
Atopic dermatitis - children - homecare
Dermatitis - contact (see:
Contact dermatitis
Dermatitis - diaper and Candida (see:
Diaper rash
Dermatitis - irritant contact (see:
Diaper rash
Dermatitis exfoliativa (see:
Dermatitis herpetiformis
Dermatofibrosarcoma (see:
Adult soft tissue sarcoma
Dermatophyte fungal infection - tinea (see:
Dermatophytid (see:
Dermatophytosis (see:
Dermatoses - systemic
Dermatosis of pregnancy (see:
Skin and hair changes during pregnancy
Dermoid cyst - malignant (see:
Malignant teratoma of the mediastinum
Descending colectomy (see:
Large bowel resection
Descending colectomy - discharge (see:
Large bowel resection - discharge
Desert rheumatism (see:
Valley fever
Desipramine hydrochloride overdose
Desitin overdose (see:
Zinc oxide overdose
Desyrel overdose (see:
Trazodone overdose
Detached retina (see:
Retinal detachment
Detergent poisoning
Detox - alcohol (see:
Alcohol withdrawal
Detox - cocaine (see:
Cocaine withdrawal
Detox - opiates (see:
Opiate and opioid withdrawal
Detoxification - alcohol (see:
Alcohol withdrawal
Detoxification - opiates (see:
Opiate and opioid withdrawal
Detrusor hyperreflexia (see:
Urge incontinence
Detrusor instability (see:
Urge incontinence
Development - adolescent (see:
Adolescent development
(Special Topic)
Development - AGA (see:
Appropriate for gestational age (AGA)
(Special Topic)
Development - puberty in boys (see:
Puberty in boys
(Special Topic)
Development - puberty in girls (see:
Puberty in girls
(Special Topic)
Developmental aphasia (see:
Language disorders in children
Developmental articulation disorder (see:
Phonological disorder
Developmental coordination disorder
Developmental differences of the female genital tract
Developmental dislocation of the hip joint (see:
Developmental dysplasia of the hip
Developmental disorder of female reproductive tract (see:
Developmental differences of the female genital tract
Developmental dyscalculia (see:
Mathematics disorder
Developmental dysphasia (see:
Language disorders in children
Developmental dysplasia of the hip
Developmental expressive language disorder
Developmental hip dysplasia (see:
Developmental dysplasia of the hip
Developmental milestones record
(Special Topic)
Developmental milestones record - 12 months
(Special Topic)
Developmental milestones record - 18 months
(Special Topic)
Developmental milestones record - 2 months
(Special Topic)
Developmental milestones record - 2 years
(Special Topic)
Developmental milestones record - 3 to 6 years (see:
Preschooler development
(Special Topic)
Developmental milestones record - 3 years
(Special Topic)
Developmental milestones record - 3-6 years (see:
Preschooler development
(Special Topic)
Developmental milestones record - 4 months
(Special Topic)
Developmental milestones record - 4 years
(Special Topic)
Developmental milestones record - 5 years
(Special Topic)
Developmental milestones record - 6 months
(Special Topic)
Developmental milestones record - 9 months
(Special Topic)
Developmental phonological disorder (see:
Phonological disorder
Developmental reading disorder
Devergie disease (see:
Pityriasis rubra pilaris
Devic disease (see:
Neuromyelitis optica
Devices for hearing loss
Devil's weed (see:
Jimsonweed poisoning
DEXA scan (see:
Bone mineral density test
(Medical Test)
Dexamethasone - intravitreal injection (see:
Intravitreal injection
Dexamethasone suppression test
(Medical Test)
Dexamethasone-intravitreal injection (see:
Intravitreal injection
Dexchlorpheniramine maleate (see:
Pheniramine overdose
Dextromethorphan overdose
Dextropropoxyphene (see:
Propoxyphene overdose
Dextrorotation (see:
Dextroversion (see:
DH (see:
Dermatitis herpetiformis
DHEA-sulfate - serum (see:
DHEA-sulfate test
(Medical Test)
DHEA-sulfate test
(Medical Test)
Diabetes – resources
(Special Topic)
Diabetes - A1C (see:
A1C test
(Medical Test)
Diabetes - alcohol use (see:
Diabetes and alcohol
Diabetes - blood sugar control (see:
Managing your blood sugar
Diabetes - blood sugar test (see:
Blood sugar test
(Medical Test)
Diabetes - common myths and facts (see:
Diabetes myths and facts
(Special Topic)
Diabetes - dehydration (see:
Diabetes - eye exams (see:
Diabetes eye exams
Diabetes - foot care - self-care (see:
Diabetes - taking care of your feet
Diabetes - foot ulcers
Diabetes - gastroparesis (see:
Diabetes - gestational (see:
Diabetes - glucose tolerance test (see:
Glucose tolerance test - non-pregnant
(Medical Test)
Diabetes - high blood sugar (see:
High blood sugar - self-care
Diabetes - home blood sugar testing (see:
Home blood sugar testing
Diabetes - home glucose testing (see:
Home blood sugar testing
Diabetes - hyperosmolar (see:
Diabetic hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome
Diabetes - hypoglycemia (see:
Low blood sugar
Diabetes - insulin (see:
Diabetes - insulin therapy
(Special Topic)
Diabetes - insulin antibodies (see:
Anti-insulin antibody test
(Medical Test)
Diabetes - insulin injection (see:
Giving an insulin injection
Diabetes - insulin pumps (see:
Insulin pumps
(Special Topic)
Diabetes - insulin storage (see:
Insulin and syringes - storage and safety
(Special Topic)
Diabetes - insulin therapy
(Special Topic)
Diabetes - keeping active
Diabetes - ketoacidosis (see:
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Diabetes - ketones test (see:
Ketones blood test
(Medical Test)
Diabetes - microalbuminuria (see:
Microalbuminuria test
(Medical Test)
Diabetes - necrobiosis (see:
Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum
Diabetes - neuropathy (see:
Diabetes and nerve damage
Diabetes - peripheral neuropathy (see:
Diabetes and nerve damage
Diabetes - preventing heart attack and stroke
Diabetes - prevention (see:
Diabetes tests and checkups
Diabetes - reading food labels (see:
How to read food labels
Diabetes - scleredema (see:
Scleredema diabeticorum
Diabetes - sick day management (see:
Diabetes - when you are sick
Diabetes - taking care of your feet
Diabetes - type 1 (see:
Type 1 diabetes
Diabetes - type 1 (see:
Diabetes - type 1 - InDepth
Diabetes - type 2 (see:
Type 2 diabetes
Diabetes - type 2 (see:
Diabetes - type 2 - InDepth
Diabetes - type II (see:
Type 2 diabetes
Diabetes - type II - InDepth (see:
Diabetes - type 2 - InDepth
Diabetes - vision loss (see:
Living with vision loss
Diabetes - weight loss drugs (see:
Weight-loss medicines
Diabetes - when you are sick
Diabetes - xanthoma (see:
Eruptive xanthomatosis
Diabetes and alcohol
Diabetes and exercise
Diabetes and eye disease
Diabetes and kidney disease
Diabetes and nerve damage
Diabetes and pregnancy care (see:
Pre-existing diabetes and pregnancy
Diabetes and risk of serious foot or leg problems
Diabetes complications - heart (see:
Diabetes - preventing heart attack and stroke
Diabetes diet - InDepth
Diabetes eye care
Diabetes eye exams
Diabetes insipidus
Diabetes insipidus - central (see:
Central diabetes insipidus
Diabetes mellitus (see:
Diabetes mellitus type 1 - InDepth (see:
Diabetes - type 1 - InDepth
Diabetes myths and facts
(Special Topic)
Diabetes pill overdose (see:
Oral hypoglycemics overdose
Diabetes subcutaneous injection (see:
Subcutaneous (SQ) injections
Diabetes tests and checkups
Diabetes type 1 (see:
Type 1 diabetes
Diabetes type 2 - meal planning
Diabetes-counting carbohydrate (see:
Counting carbohydrates
Diabetes-counting carbohydrates (see:
Counting carbohydrates
Diabetic - A1C (see:
A1C test
(Medical Test)
Diabetic - glucose tolerance test (see:
Glucose tolerance test - non-pregnant
(Medical Test)
Diabetic - insulin shot (see:
Giving an insulin injection
Diabetic - scleredema (see:
Scleredema diabeticorum
Diabetic - type 2 diabetes (see:
Type 2 diabetes
Diabetic - type 2 diabetes - InDepth (see:
Diabetes - type 2 - InDepth
Diabetic cardiomyopathy (see:
Dilated cardiomyopathy
Diabetic Charcot foot (see:
Charcot foot
Diabetic complications - long term (see:
Long-term complications of diabetes
Diabetic dermopathy (see:
Scleredema diabeticorum
Diabetic diet (see:
Counting carbohydrates
Diabetic foot ulcer (see:
Diabetes - foot ulcers
Diabetic foot ulcer - foot care (see:
Diabetes - taking care of your feet
Diabetic glomerulosclerosis (see:
Diabetes and kidney disease
Diabetic hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Diabetic ketoacidosis - urine ketones test (see:
Ketones urine test
(Medical Test)
Diabetic nephropathy (see:
Diabetes and kidney disease
Diabetic nephropathy - microalbuminuria (see:
Microalbuminuria test
(Medical Test)
Diabetic neuropathy (see:
Diabetes and nerve damage
Diabetic neuropathy - foot care (see:
Diabetes - taking care of your feet
Diabetic neuropathy - gastroparesis (see:
Diabetic neuropathy - self-care (see:
Nerve damage from diabetes - self-care
Diabetic retinopathy (see:
Diabetes and eye disease
Diabetic retinopathy - care (see:
Diabetes eye care
Diabetic retinopathy - eye exams (see:
Diabetes eye exams
Diabetic screening - blood sugar test (see:
Blood sugar test
(Medical Test)
Diabetic thick skin (see:
Scleredema diabeticorum
Diabetic third nerve palsy (see:
Cranial mononeuropathy III - diabetic type
Diabetic ulcer - wound care center (see:
Wound care centers
(Special Topic)
Diacetylmorphine overdose (see:
Heroin overdose
Diagnostic laparoscopy
(Medical Test)
Diagnostic mammogram (see:
(Medical Test)
Diagnostic radiology (see:
Imaging and radiology
(Special Topic)
Dialysis (see:
Dialysis - hemodialysis
(Special Topic)
Dialysis - hemodialysis
(Special Topic)
Dialysis - hemodialysis access (see:
Hemodialysis access - self care
Dialysis - peritoneal
Dialysis - what to expect (see:
Dialysis centers - what to expect
(Special Topic)
Dialysis centers - what to expect
(Special Topic)
Diamond skin disease (see:
Diamond-Blackfan with AS-II (see:
Aase syndrome
Diaper dermatitis (see:
Diaper rash
Diaper rash
Diaphoresis (see:
Diaphragmatic hernia
Diaphragmatic hernia - surgery (see:
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair
Diarrhea - amebiasis (see:
Diarrhea - babies (see:
Diarrhea in infants
(Special Topic)
Diarrhea - colonoscopy (see:
(Medical Test)
Diarrhea - dehydration (see:
Diarrhea - gastroenteritis (see:
When you have diarrhea
Diarrhea - IBS (see:
Irritable bowel syndrome
Diarrhea - lactose intolerance (see:
Lactose intolerance
Diarrhea - self-care (see:
When you have diarrhea
Diarrhea - traveler's - diet (see:
Traveler's diarrhea diet
Diarrhea - viral (see:
Viral gastroenteritis (stomach flu)
Diarrhea - what to ask your doctor - child
(Doctor Questions)
Diarrhea - what to ask your health care provider - adult
(Doctor Questions)
Diarrhea - xylose (see:
D-xylose absorption
(Medical Test)
Diarrhea associated with medications (see:
Drug-induced diarrhea
Diarrhea associated with medicines (see:
Drug-induced diarrhea
Diarrhea in children (see:
Diarrhea in infants
(Special Topic)
Diarrhea in infants
(Special Topic)
Diarrhea in infants
(Special Topic)
Diarrhea medicine poisoning (see:
Antidiarrheal drug overdose
Diastasis recti
Diastema (see:
Widely spaced teeth
Diastolic blood pressure (see:
Blood pressure measurement
(Medical Test)
Diastolic heart murmur (see:
Heart murmurs
Diazepam overdose
Diazinon poisoning
Diazol poisoning (see:
Diazinon poisoning
DIC (see:
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
Diclofenac sodium overdose
DIEAP flap (see:
Breast reconstruction - natural tissue
Dieffenbachia poisoning
DIEP flap (see:
Breast reconstruction - natural tissue
Diesel oil
Diet - 500 calories (see:
10 ways to cut 500 calories a day
(Special Topic)
Diet - age appropriate - babies and infants (see:
Feeding patterns and diet - babies and infants
Diet - age appropriate - children 6 months to 2 years (see:
Feeding patterns and diet - children 6 months to 2 years
Diet - alcohol (see:
Weight loss and alcohol
(Special Topic)
Diet - caffeine (see:
Caffeine in the diet
Diet - calcium (see:
Calcium in diet
Diet - carbohydrates (see:
Diet - chromium (see:
Chromium in diet
Diet - chronic kidney disease
Diet - copper (see:
Copper in diet
Diet - diabetes - InDepth (see:
Diabetes diet - InDepth
Diet - diabetes - type 2 (see:
Diabetes type 2 - meal planning
Diet - emotional eating (see:
Break the bonds of emotional eating
(Special Topic)
Diet - fiber (see:
Diet - fluoride (see:
Fluoride in diet
Diet - heart disease (see:
Heart disease and diet
Diet - heart health - InDepth (see:
Heart-healthy diet - InDepth
Diet - hyperactivity (see:
Hyperactivity and sugar
Diet - intellectual development (see:
Normal growth and development
Diet - iodine (see:
Iodine in diet
Diet - iron (see:
Iron in diet
Diet - liver disease
Diet - magnesium (see:
Magnesium in diet
Diet - metabolism (see:
Can you boost your metabolism?
(Special Topic)
Diet - phosphorus (see:
Phosphorus in diet
Diet - potassium (see:
Potassium in diet
Diet - protein (see:
Protein in diet
Diet - rapid weight loss (see:
Diet for rapid weight loss
(Special Topic)
Diet - sodium (salt) (see:
Sodium in diet
Diet - traveler's diarrhea (see:
Traveler's diarrhea diet
Diet - water (see:
Water in diet
Diet after gastric banding
Diet and cancer
(Special Topic)
Diet and eating after esophagectomy
Diet for rapid weight loss
(Special Topic)
Diet myths and facts
(Special Topic)
Diet-boosting foods
(Special Topic)
Diet-busting foods
Diet-rapid weight loss (see:
Diet for rapid weight loss
(Special Topic)
Dietary fat and children
(Special Topic)
Dietary fats explained
Dietary fiber - self-care (see:
High-fiber foods
Dietary fiber - self-care (see:
High-fiber foods
Dieting - InDepth (see:
Weight control and diet - InDepth
Diff (see:
Blood differential test
(Medical Test)
Difference of sex development (see:
Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome
Differences of sex development (see:
Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome
Differences of sex development
Differential (see:
Blood differential test
(Medical Test)
Differently colored eyes (see:
Difficulty breathing (see:
Breathing difficulty
Difficulty breathing - first aid (see:
Breathing difficulties - first aid
Difficulty breathing while lying down (see:
Breathing difficulty - lying down
Difficulty falling asleep (see:
Difficulty falling asleep - InDepth (see:
Insomnia - InDepth
Difficulty initiating urination (see:
Urination - difficulty with flow
Difficulty passing stool (see:
Diffuse cutaneous mastocystosis (see:
Urticaria pigmentosa
Diffuse cystic mastopathy (see:
Fibrocystic breasts
Diffuse esophageal spasm (see:
Esophageal spasm
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma - children (see:
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma in children
Diffuse parenchymal lung disease (see:
Interstitial lung disease
Diffuse parenchymal lung disease - discharge (see:
Interstitial lung disease - adults - discharge
Diffuse thyrotoxic goiter (see:
Graves disease
Diffusing capacity (see:
Lung diffusion testing
(Medical Test)
Digestive disease - resources (see:
Gastrointestinal disorders - resources
(Special Topic)
Digestive diseases
(Special Topic)
Digital flexor tenosynovitis (see:
Trigger finger
Digital image (see:
Dental x-rays
(Medical Test)
Digital rectal exam
(Medical Test)
Digital stenosing tenosynovitis (see:
Trigger finger
Digitalis toxicity
Digitoxin overdose (see:
Cardiac glycoside overdose
Digoxin overdose (see:
Cardiac glycoside overdose
Digoxin test
(Medical Test)
Dilantin overdose
Dilated cardiomyopathy
Dilaudid - opiate withdrawal (see:
Opiate and opioid withdrawal
Dilaudid overdose (see:
Hydromorphone overdose
DILI (see:
Drug-induced liver injury
Dilutional hyponatremia (see:
Low blood sodium
DILV (see:
Double inlet left ventricle
Dimenhydrinate overdose
Dimetabs (see:
Dimenhydrinate overdose
Dimethyl formaldehyde poisoning (see:
Acetone poisoning
Dimethyl ketone poisoning (see:
Acetone poisoning
Diminished hypercapnic ventilator drive (see:
Primary alveolar hypoventilation
Diminished hypoxic ventilator drive (see:
Primary alveolar hypoventilation
Dinoflagellate poisoning (see:
Poisoning - fish and shellfish
Diphenhydramine overdose
Diphenoxylate and atropine poisoning (see:
Antidiarrheal drug overdose
Diphenoxylate with atropine overdose (see:
Lomotil overdose
Diphenylhydantoin (see:
Phenytoin overdose
Diphtheric cardiomyopathy (see:
Diphtheric polyneuropathy (see:
Diphyllobothriasis (see:
Fish tapeworm infection
Direct and indirect hernia (see:
Direct antiglobulin test (see:
Coombs test
(Medical Test)
Direct bilirubin - blood (see:
Bilirubin blood test
(Medical Test)
Direct bilirubin - urine (see:
Bilirubin - urine
(Medical Test)
Direct fluorescent antibody - sputum (see:
Sputum direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) test
(Medical Test)
Direct immunofluorescence (see:
B and T cell screen
(Medical Test)
Direct immunofluorescence test (see:
Sputum direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) test
(Medical Test)
Direct laryngoscopy (see:
Laryngoscopy and nasolaryngoscopy
(Medical Test)
Directly observed therapy (see:
Taking medicines to treat tuberculosis
Dirt - swallowing
Disaccharidase deficiency (see:
Lactose intolerance
Disc - herniated (see:
Herniated disk
Disc arthroplasty (see:
Disk replacement - lumbar spine
Disc replacement (see:
Disk replacement - lumbar spine
Discectomy (see:
Discharge - home health care (see:
Home health care
Discharge from breasts (see:
Nipple discharge
Discharge from the vagina (see:
Vaginal itching and discharge - adult and adolescent
Discipline in children
(Special Topic)
Discoid lupus (see:
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Discoid lupus - InDepth (see:
Systemic lupus erythematosus - InDepth
Discoloration of urine (see:
Urine - abnormal color
Discolored teeth (see:
Tooth - abnormal colors
Disfluency (see:
Speech disorders - children
Disinfection procedures (see:
Cleaning to prevent the spread of germs
(Special Topic)
Disintegrative psychosis (see:
Autism spectrum disorder - childhood disintegrative disorder
Disk inflammation (see:
Disk removal (see:
Disk removal - discharge (see:
Spine surgery - discharge
Disk replacement - lumbar spine
Diskectomy - discharge (see:
Spine surgery - discharge
Dislocated elbow - children (see:
Nursemaid's elbow
Dislocated jaw (see:
Broken or dislocated jaw
Dislocated shoulder - aftercare
Dislocation - elbow - partial (see:
Nursemaid's elbow
Dislocation - kneecap (see:
Kneecap dislocation
Dislocation - radial head (see:
Nursemaid's elbow
Disodium salt poisoning (see:
Sodium carbonate poisoning
Disorders of sex development (see:
Differences of sex development
Disorientation (see:
Displaced ribs (see:
Slipping rib syndrome
Disposable urinary collection devices (see:
Urinary incontinence products - self-care
Disposable urinary collection devices (see:
Urinary incontinence products
(Special Topic)
Disposal of unused medicines (see:
How and when to get rid of unused medicines
Disruptive behavior - child (see:
Conduct disorder
(Special Topic)
Dissecting aneurysm repair (see:
Brain aneurysm repair
Dissecting aneurysm repair - discharge (see:
Brain aneurysm repair - discharge
Disseminated gonococcal infection (DGI) (see:
Gonococcal arthritis
Disseminated gonococcemia (see:
Gonococcal arthritis
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
Disseminated lupus erythematosus (see:
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Disseminated lupus erythematosus - InDepth (see:
Systemic lupus erythematosus - InDepth
Disseminated tuberculosis
(Special Topic)
Distal esophageal spasm (see:
Esophageal spasm
Distal femoral osteotomy (see:
Osteotomy of the knee
Distal fibula fracture (see:
Ankle fracture - aftercare
Distal leg bypass (see:
Peripheral artery bypass - leg
Distal median nerve dysfunction
Distal radius fracture (see:
Colles wrist fracture - aftercare
Distal renal tubular acidosis
Distal splenorenal shunt
Distal splenorenal shunt procedure (see:
Distal splenorenal shunt
Distal tibia fracture (see:
Ankle fracture - aftercare
Distant flaps - self-care (see:
Skin flaps and grafts - self-care
Distended abdomen (see:
Abdomen - swollen
Distracted driving
(Special Topic)
Diuretic anti-hypertensives overdose (see:
Thiazide overdose
Diuretic antihypertensives overdose (see:
Thiazide overdose
Diverticula - diverticulosis (see:
Diverticular disease - discharge (see:
Diverticulitis and diverticulosis - discharge
Diverticular disease - diverticulosis (see:
Diverticulitis - colonoscopy (see:
(Medical Test)
Diverticulitis - colostomy (see:
Diverticulitis - diverticulosis (see:
Diverticulitis - what to ask your doctor
(Doctor Questions)
Diverticulitis and diverticulosis - discharge
Dizziness (see:
Vertigo-associated disorders
Dizziness - Ménière disease (see:
Meniere disease
Dizziness - Ménière self-care (see:
Meniere disease - self-care
(Special Topic)
Dizziness - positional (see:
Benign positional vertigo
Dizziness - positional vertigo (see:
Benign positional vertigo - aftercare
Dizziness - vertebrobasilar insufficiency (see:
Vertebrobasilar circulatory disorders
Dizziness and vertigo - aftercare
dizziness-Ménière's disease (see:
Meniere disease
DJD (see:
DJD - elbow arthroplasty (see:
Elbow replacement
DJD - InDepth (see:
Osteoarthritis - InDepth
DKA (see:
Diabetic ketoacidosis
DLB (see:
DLCO test (see:
Lung diffusion testing
(Medical Test)
DM1 - InDepth (see:
Diabetes - type 1 - InDepth
DMEK - discharge (see:
Corneal transplant - discharge
DNR (see:
Do-not-resuscitate order
(Special Topic)
DNR - advance directive (see:
Advance care directives
(Special Topic)
DNR order (see:
Do-not-resuscitate order
(Special Topic)
Do cell phones cause cancer? (see:
Cell phones and cancer
(Special Topic)
Do not resuscitate (see:
Do-not-resuscitate order
(Special Topic)
Do not resuscitate - advance directive (see:
Advance care directives
(Special Topic)
Do not resuscitate order (see:
Do-not-resuscitate order
(Special Topic)
Do you have a drinking problem?
(Special Topic)
Do-not-resuscitate - advance directive (see:
Advance care directives
(Special Topic)
Do-not-resuscitate order
(Special Topic)
Dobutamine stress test (see:
Nuclear stress test
(Medical Test)
Doctor - how to choose a family doctor (see:
Choosing a primary care provider
(Special Topic)
Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) (see:
Chiropractor profession
(Special Topic)
Doctor of medicine profession (MD)
(Special Topic)
Doctor of osteopathic medicine
(Special Topic)
Doctors (see:
Types of health care providers
(Special Topic)
Dog bite - rabies (see:
Dog fleas (see:
Dolichostenomelia (see:
Dolichostenomelia (refers to a long, slender body, not just fingers) (see:
Domestic violence
(Special Topic)
Donath-Landsteiner test
(Medical Test)
Donovanosis (granuloma inguinale)
Dopamine - blood (see:
Catecholamine blood test
(Medical Test)
Dopamine - urine test (see:
Catecholamines - urine
(Medical Test)
Dopamine -- blood (see:
Catecholamine blood test
(Medical Test)
Dopamine-urine test (see:
Catecholamines - urine
(Medical Test)
Dopesickness (see:
Opiate and opioid withdrawal
Doppler ultrasound exam of an arm or leg
(Medical Test)
Doppler ultrasound of the heart (see:
(Medical Test)
Doppler ultrasound of the heart - children (see:
Echocardiogram - children
(Medical Test)
Dorsal column stimulation (see:
Spinal cord stimulation
Dorsocervical fat pad (see:
Hump on upper back (dorsocervical fat pad)
DORV (see:
Double outlet right ventricle
DORV with doubly-committed VSD (see:
Double outlet right ventricle
DORV with noncommitted VSD (see:
Double outlet right ventricle
DORV with subaortic VSD (see:
Double outlet right ventricle
DOT (see:
Taking medicines to treat tuberculosis
Double aortic arch
Double arch (see:
Double aortic arch
Double inlet left ventricle
Double outlet right ventricle
Double-balloon enteroscopy (see:
(Medical Test)
Doughy skin (see:
Skin turgor
Down syndrome
Down syndrome - nuchal translucency (see:
Nuchal translucency test
(Medical Test)
Down's syndrome (see:
Down syndrome
Doxepin hydrochloride overdose (see:
Doxepin overdose
Doxepin overdose
Drain cleaner poisoning
Drain opener poisoning
Drain opening agents (see:
Drain opener poisoning
Drainage from the ear (see:
Ear discharge
Drainpipe cleaners
Dramamine (see:
Dimenhydrinate overdose
Drawing medicine out of a vial
DRE (see:
Digital rectal exam
(Medical Test)
Dressing changes (see:
Wet-to-dry dressing changes
Dressler syndrome (see:
Pericarditis - after heart attack
Drinking alcohol during pregnancy (see:
Alcohol and pregnancy
(Special Topic)
Drinking alcohol responsibly (see:
Responsible drinking
Drinking in moderation (see:
Responsible drinking
Drinking problem (see:
Alcohol use disorder
Drinking problem - InDepth (see:
Alcohol use disorders - InDepth
Drinking water safely during cancer treatment
Driving - older adults (see:
Driving and older adults
Driving - seniors (see:
Driving and older adults
Driving and older adults
Driving and seniors (see:
Driving and older adults
Driving and teenagers (see:
Safe driving for teens
(Special Topic)
Drop finger - aftercare (see:
Mallet finger - aftercare
Drop foot (see:
Foot drop
Drowning - near (see:
Non-fatal drowning
Drowning - non-fatal (see:
Non-fatal drowning
Drowsiness - idiopathic (see:
Idiopathic hypersomnia
Drug abuse - amphetamines (see:
Substance use - amphetamines
(Special Topic)
Drug abuse - cocaine (see:
Substance use - cocaine
(Special Topic)
Drug abuse - cocaine withdrawal (see:
Cocaine withdrawal
Drug abuse - inhalants (see:
Substance use - inhalants
(Special Topic)
Drug abuse - LSD (see:
Substance use - LSD
(Special Topic)
Drug abuse - marijuana (see:
Substance use - marijuana
(Special Topic)
Drug abuse - opiate withdrawal (see:
Opiate and opioid withdrawal
Drug abuse - phencyclidine (see:
Substance use - phencyclidine (PCP)
(Special Topic)
Drug abuse - prescription drugs (see:
Substance use - prescription drugs
(Special Topic)
Drug abuse - resources (see:
Chemical dependence - resources
(Special Topic)
Drug abuse - teenagers (see:
Teenagers and drugs
(Special Topic)
Drug abuse first aid (see:
Drug use first aid
Drug abuse screen (see:
Toxicology screen
(Medical Test)
Drug abuse-teenages (see:
Teenagers and drugs
(Special Topic)
Drug addiction (see:
Substance use disorder
Drug allergies
Drug allergy - serum sickness (see:
Serum sickness
Drug hypersensitivity (see:
Drug allergies
Drug screen - urine (see:
Urine drug screen
(Medical Test)
Drug screen -- urine (see:
Urine drug screen
(Medical Test)
Drug use - amphetamines (see:
Substance use - amphetamines
(Special Topic)
Drug use - cocaine (see:
Substance use - cocaine
(Special Topic)
Drug use - inhalants (see:
Substance use - inhalants
(Special Topic)
Drug use - LSD (see:
Substance use - LSD
(Special Topic)
Drug use - marijuana (see:
Substance use - marijuana
(Special Topic)
Drug use - phencyclidine (see:
Substance use - phencyclidine (PCP)
(Special Topic)
Drug use - prescription drugs (see:
Substance use - prescription drugs
(Special Topic)
Drug use first aid
Drug-eluting stents (see:
Drug-eluting stents - discharge (see:
Angioplasty and stent - heart - discharge
Drug-induced diarrhea
Drug-induced erectile dysfunction (see:
Drugs that may cause erection problems
(Special Topic)
Drug-induced hepatitis (see:
Drug-induced liver injury
Drug-induced hypertension (see:
High blood pressure - medicine-related
Drug-induced immune hemolytic anemia
Drug-induced liver injury
Drug-induced low blood sugar
Drug-induced lupus erythematosus
Drug-induced pulmonary disease
Drug-induced thrombocytopenia
Drug-induced tremor
Drug-resistant bacteria (see:
Antibiotic resistance
(Special Topic)
Drug-resistant bacteria - prevention (see:
Using antibiotics wisely
(Special Topic)
Drugs - how to get prescription filled (see:
Getting a prescription filled
(Special Topic)
Drugs for pain (see:
Pain medications - narcotics
(Special Topic)
Drugs for pain non-narcotic (see:
Over-the-counter pain relievers
(Special Topic)
Drugs that may cause erection problems
(Special Topic)
Dry cell battery poisoning
Dry climax (see:
Retrograde ejaculation
Dry eye syndrome
Dry eye test (see:
Schirmer test
(Medical Test)
Dry hair
Dry mouth
Dry mouth during cancer treatment
Dry mouth syndrome (see:
Dry mouth
Dry skin
Dry skin - self-care
Dry socket
DSD (see:
Differences of sex development
DSD (see:
Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome
DSDs (see:
Differences of sex development
DSEK - discharge (see:
Corneal transplant - discharge
DSRS (see:
Distal splenorenal shunt
DST (see:
Dexamethasone suppression test
(Medical Test)
DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis) vaccine - what you need to know
(Special Topic)
DTaP - shots (see:
Babies and shots
(Special Topic)
DTs (see:
Delirium tremens
Dual x-ray absorptiometry (see:
Bone mineral density test
(Medical Test)
Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (see:
Bone mineral density test
(Medical Test)
Duarte variant (see:
DUB (see:
Abnormal uterine bleeding
Dubin-Johnson syndrome
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Ductal carcinoma in situ (see:
Breast cancer
Ductal carcinoma in situ - male (see:
Breast cancer in men
Ductal carcinoma in situ - risk (see:
Understanding your breast cancer risk
(Special Topic)
Ductal carcinoma in situ-male (see:
Breast cancer in men
Ductal carcinoma in situ-risk (see:
Understanding your breast cancer risk
(Special Topic)
Duhring disease (see:
Dermatitis herpetiformis
Dumbcane poisoning (see:
Dieffenbachia poisoning
Duodenal aspirated fluid smear (see:
Smear of duodenal fluid aspirate
(Medical Test)
Duodenal atresia
Duodenal parasites test (see:
String test
(Medical Test)
Duodenal tissue culture (see:
Culture - duodenal tissue
(Medical Test)
Duodenal ulcer (see:
Peptic ulcer
Duodenal ulcer - discharge (see:
Peptic ulcer disease - discharge
Duodenal ulcers - InDepth (see:
Peptic ulcers - InDepth
(Special Topic)
Duplex ultrasound
(Medical Test)
Dupuytren contracture
Dupuytren's contracture (see:
Dupuytren contracture
Durable power of attorney - advance care directive (see:
Advance care directives
(Special Topic)
Dusky spell - newborns (see:
Apnea of prematurity
Dust - sneezing (see:
DVT (see:
Deep vein thrombosis
DVT - anticoagulants (see:
Antiphospholipid syndrome - APS
DVT - AT III (see:
Antithrombin III blood test
(Medical Test)
DVT - D-dimer (see:
D-dimer test
(Medical Test)
DVT - discharge (see:
Deep vein thrombosis - discharge
DVT - heparin shot (see:
How to give a heparin shot
DVT - Phlegmasia cerulea dolens (see:
Phlegmasia cerulea dolens
DVT - pulmonary embolism (see:
Pulmonary embolus
DVT-pulmonary embolism (see:
Pulmonary embolus
Dwarf (see:
Dwarf tapeworm infection (see:
Tapeworm infection - hymenolepis
Dwarfism (see:
DXA (see:
Bone mineral density test
(Medical Test)
DXM overdose (see:
Dextromethorphan overdose
Dye remover poisoning
Dyes - cloth (see:
Cloth dye poisoning
Dying - hospice (see:
Hospice care
(Special Topic)
Dysarthria (see:
Speech impairment in adults
Dyschromia (see:
Patchy skin color
Dysfibrinogenemia (see:
Congenital fibrinogen deficiency
Dysfunctional bowel - care (see:
Daily bowel care program
Dysfunctional gallbladder - discharge (see:
Gallstones - discharge
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (see:
Abnormal uterine bleeding
Dysgeusia (see:
Taste - impaired
Dyshidrosis (see:
Pompholyx eczema
Dyshidrotic eczema (see:
Pompholyx eczema
Dyskinesia (see:
Movement - uncontrollable
Dyslexia (see:
Developmental reading disorder
Dyslipidemia (see:
High blood cholesterol levels
Dyslipidemia - children (see:
High cholesterol - children
Dyslipidemia - fibrates (see:
(Special Topic)
Dyslipidemia - InDepth - InDepth (see:
Cholesterol - InDepth
Dyslipidemia - niacin (see:
Niacin for cholesterol
(Special Topic)
Dyslipidemia - statins (see:
How to take statins
(Special Topic)
Dyslipidemia -statins (see:
How to take statins
(Special Topic)
Dysmenorrhea (see:
Painful menstrual periods
Dysosmia (see:
Smell - impaired
Dyspepsia (see:
Dyspepsia - GERD (see:
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Dyspepsia - GERD - children (see:
Gastroesophageal reflux disease - children
Dyspepsia - ulcer - discharge (see:
Peptic ulcer disease - discharge
Dyspepsia - ulcers (see:
Peptic ulcer
Dyspepsia - ulcers - InDepth (see:
Peptic ulcers - InDepth
Dysphagia (see:
Swallowing difficulty
Dysphagia (see:
Swallowing problems
Dysphagia - esophageal ring (see:
Lower esophageal ring
Dysphagia - self-care (see:
Swallowing problems
Dysphonia (see:
Dysphonia - spasmodic (see:
Spasmodic dysphonia
Dysphonia voice disorders (see:
Speech impairment in adults
Dysplasia - cervical cancer screening (see:
Cervical cancer - screening and prevention
Dysplasia cleidocranial (see:
Cleidocranial dysostosis
Dyspnea (see:
Breathing difficulty
Dyspnea - end-of-life (see:
Palliative care - shortness of breath
(Special Topic)
Dyspnea - first aid (see:
Breathing difficulties - first aid
Dyspnea - heart disease warning signs (see:
Warning signs and symptoms of heart disease
Dyspraxia (see:
Dysprothrombinemia (see:
Prothrombin deficiency
Dysthymia (see:
Persistent depressive disorder
Dysthymic disorder (see:
Persistent depressive disorder
Dystonia (see:
Movement - uncontrolled or slow
Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (see:
Epidermolysis bullosa
Dysuria (see:
Urination - painful
Dysuria - noninfectious cystitis (see:
Cystitis - noninfectious
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