Index - C
- CO2 blood test
- CO2 test - serum (see:
CO2 blood test)
- Coagulopathy (see:
Bleeding disorders)
- Coal oil poisoning (see:
Kerosene poisoning)
- Coal worker's pneumoconiosis
- Coal worker's pneumoconiosis - rheumatoid pneumoconiosis (see:
Rheumatoid pneumoconiosis)
- Coarctation of the aorta
- Coarctation of the aorta repair (see:
Congenital heart defect - corrective surgery)
- Coarctation of the aorta repair - discharge (see:
Pediatric heart surgery - discharge)
- Cobalamin (see:
Vitamin B12)
- Cobalamin deficiency anemia (see:
Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia)
- Cobalamin test (see:
Vitamin B12 level)
- Cobalt chloride (see:
Cobalt poisoning)
- Cobalt oxide (see:
Cobalt poisoning)
- Cobalt poisoning
- Cobalt sulfate (see:
Cobalt poisoning)
- Cobbler's chest (see:
Pectus excavatum)
- Cobbler's chest repair (see:
Pectus excavatum repair)
- Cocaine intoxication
- Cocaine withdrawal
- Cocci (see:
Valley fever)
- Coccidioides antibody test (see:
Coccidioides complement fixation)
- Coccidioides antibody test - spinal fluid (see:
CSF coccidioides complement fixation test)
- Coccidioides blood test (see:
Coccidioides precipitin test)
- Coccidioides complement fixation
- Coccidioides precipitin test
- Coccidioidomycosis (see:
Valley fever)
- Coccidioidomycosis antibody test (see:
Coccidioides precipitin test)
- Coccidioidomycosis blood test (see:
Coccidioides complement fixation)
- Coccidioidomycosis, Cocci (see:
Valley fever)
- Coccydynia - aftercare (see:
Tailbone trauma - aftercare)
- Coccyx fracture (see:
Tailbone trauma - aftercare)
- Coccyx injury (see:
Tailbone trauma - aftercare)
- Coccyx injury (see:
Tailbone trauma)
- Coccyx injury: Coccyx fracture (see:
Tailbone trauma - aftercare)
- Cochlear implant
- Cock-robin deformity (see:
- Codeine - substance use (see:
Substance use - prescription drugs)
- Codeine overdose
- Cognitive behavioral therapy for back pain
- Cognitive impairment - what to ask your doctor (see:
Dementia - what to ask your doctor )
- Coil embolization (see:
Endovascular embolization)
- Coiling (see:
Brain aneurysm repair)
- Coiling - discharge (see:
Brain aneurysm repair - discharge)
- Coiling - endovascular (see:
Endovascular embolization)
- Cold (see:
Common cold)
- Cold - InDepth (see:
Colds and the flu - InDepth)
- Cold - sneezing (see:
- Cold agglutinins (see:
Febrile/cold agglutinins)
- Cold and cough - children (see:
Cold medicines and children)
- Cold exposure (see:
- Cold exposure - arms or legs (see:
- Cold intolerance
- Cold medicines and children
- Cold nodule (see:
Thyroid nodule)
- Cold sore (see:
Herpes - oral)
- Cold sore - InDepth (see:
Herpes simplex - InDepth)
- Cold sores (see:
Mouth sores)
- Cold sweat (see:
Skin - clammy)
- Cold water calorics (see:
Caloric stimulation)
- Cold wave lotion poisoning
- Colds and flu – antibiotics
- Colds and the flu - InDepth
- Colds and the flu - what to ask your doctor - adult
- Colds and the flu - what to ask your doctor - child
- Colds and vitamin C (see:
Vitamin C and colds)
- Colectomy - colostomy (see:
- Colectomy - partial (see:
Large bowel resection)
- Colectomy - partial - discharge (see:
Large bowel resection - discharge)
- Colesevelam (Welchol) (see:
Bile acid sequestrants for cholesterol)
- Colesevelam (Welchol®) (see:
Bile acid sequestrants for cholesterol)
- Colestipol (Colestid) (see:
Bile acid sequestrants for cholesterol)
- Colestipol (Colestid®) (see:
Bile acid sequestrants for cholesterol)
- Colic and crying - self-care
- Colitis (see:
Ulcerative colitis)
- Colitis
- Colitis - campylobacter (see:
Campylobacter infection)
- Colitis - cytomegalovirus (see:
CMV - gastroenteritis/colitis)
- Colitis - discharge (see:
Crohn disease - discharge)
- Colitis - discharge (see:
Ulcerative colitis - discharge)
- Colitis - InDepth (see:
Ulcerative colitis - InDepth)
- Colitis - norovirus (see:
Norovirus - hospital)
- Colitis - pseudomembranous (see:
Pseudomembranous colitis)
- Colitis - toxin (see:
Stool C difficile toxin)
- Colitis - ulcerative - InDepth (see:
Ulcerative colitis - InDepth)
- Colitis - VRE (see:
Vancomycin-resistant enterococci - hospital)
- Colitis in children (see:
Crohn disease - children - discharge)
- Colitis in children - UC (see:
Ulcerative Colitis - children - discharge)
- Collagen vascular disease
- Collagenase injection - Dupuytren (see:
Dupuytren contracture)
- Collapsed lung (pneumothorax)
- Collapsed lung - travel (see:
Traveling with breathing problems)
- Collarbone fracture - aftercare (see:
Broken collarbone - aftercare)
- Collateral ligament (CL) injury - aftercare
- Collateral ligament - arthroscopy (see:
Knee arthroscopy)
- Collateral ligament repair – discharge (see:
Knee arthroscopy - discharge )
- Collateral ligament repair - discharge (see:
Knee arthroscopy - discharge )
- Collateral ligament-arthroscopy (see:
Knee arthroscopy)
- College students and the flu
- Colles wrist fracture - aftercare
- Collodian baby - lamellar ichthyosis (see:
Lamellar ichthyosis)
- Collodion baby - lamellar ichthyosis (see:
Lamellar ichthyosis)
- Colloidal goiter (see:
Simple goiter)
- Coloboma of the iris
- Colocasia plant poisoning (see:
Caladium plant poisoning)
- Cologne poisoning
- Colography - virtual (see:
Virtual colonoscopy)
- Cologuard
- Colon - adenocarcinoma (see:
Colorectal cancer)
- Colon - adenocarcinoma - InDepth (see:
Colon and rectal cancers - InDepth)
- Colon and rectal cancers - InDepth
- Colon cancer (see:
Colorectal cancer)
- Colon cancer - bowel resection discharge (see:
Large bowel resection - discharge)
- Colon cancer - colonoscopy (see:
- Colon cancer - colostomy (see:
- Colon cancer - guaiac test (see:
Stool guaiac test)
- Colon cancer - liver metastases (see:
Liver metastases)
- Colon cancer - polyps (see:
Colorectal polyps)
- Colon cancer - prevention (see:
Understanding your colorectal cancer risk)
- Colon cancer - screening (see:
Understanding your colorectal cancer risk)
- Colon cancer screening
- Colon cancer screening - Cologuard (see:
- Colon cancer screening - FIT (see:
Fecal immunochemical test (FIT))
- Colon cancer sigmoidoscopy (see:
- Colon carcinoma (see:
Colorectal cancer)
- Colon carcinoma - InDepth (see:
Colon and rectal cancers - InDepth)
- Colon polyps - colonoscopy (see:
- Colon precancer screening - Cologuard (see:
- Colon resection (see:
Large bowel resection)
- Colon resection - discharge (see:
Large bowel resection - discharge)
- Colonic arteriovenous malformation (see:
Angiodysplasia of the colon)
- Colonic ileus (see:
Intestinal obstruction and Ileus)
- Colonic pseudo-obstruction (see:
Intestinal pseudo-obstruction)
- Colonic tissue culture (see:
Culture - colonic tissue )
- Colonoscopy
- Colonoscopy - screening (see:
Colon cancer screening)
- Colonoscopy - screening (see:
- Colonoscopy - virtual (see:
Virtual colonoscopy)
- Colonoscopy discharge
- Color blindness
- Color deficiency (see:
Color blindness)
- Color vision test
- Colorado tick fever
- Colorectal cancer
- Colorectal cancer - barium enema (see:
Barium enema)
- Colorectal cancer - biopsy (see:
Rectal biopsy)
- Colorectal cancer - colonoscopy (see:
- Colorectal cancer - guaiac test (see:
Stool guaiac test)
- Colorectal cancer - InDepth (see:
Colon and rectal cancers - InDepth)
- Colorectal cancer - liver metastases (see:
Liver metastases)
- Colorectal cancer - lower GI series (see:
Barium enema)
- Colorectal cancer - resources
- Colorectal cancer - screening (see:
Colon cancer screening)
- Colorectal polyps
- Colorectal sigmoidoscopy (see:
- Colostomy
- Colostomy - pouch change (see:
Changing your ostomy pouch)
- Colostomy - what to ask your doctor (see:
Ileostomy - what to ask your doctor )
- Colporrhaphy - repair of vaginal wall (see:
Anterior vaginal wall repair)
- Colposcopy (see:
Colposcopy - directed biopsy)
- Colposcopy - cone biopsy (see:
Cone biopsy)
- Colposcopy - directed biopsy
- Colposcopy - dysplasia (see:
Cervical dysplasia)
- Colposcopy - Pap (see:
Pap test)
- Coma (see:
Decreased alertness)
- Coma - first aid (see:
Unconsciousness - first aid)
- Combined androgen blockade (see:
Hormone therapy for prostate cancer)
- Comedones
- Comfort care (see:
What is palliative care?)
- Common AV orifice (see:
Endocardial cushion defect)
- Common causes of low back pain
- Common cold
- Common fibular nerve dysfunction (see:
Common peroneal nerve dysfunction)
- Common ichthyosis (see:
Ichthyosis vulgaris)
- Common peroneal nerve dysfunction
- Common symptoms during pregnancy
- Common ventricle (see:
Double inlet left ventricle )
- Communicating with patients
- Communicating with someone with aphasia
- Communicating with someone with dysarthria
- Communication disorder - language disorder (see:
Language disorders in children)
- Communication disorder - speech disorder (see:
Speech disorders - children)
- Community-acquired pneumonia (see:
Community-acquired pneumonia in adults)
- Community-acquired pneumonia - atypical (see:
Atypical pneumonia)
- Community-acquired pneumonia - atypical (see:
Mycoplasma pneumonia)
- Community-acquired pneumonia - children (see:
Pneumonia in children - community acquired)
- Community-acquired pneumonia - mycoplasma (see:
Mycoplasma pneumonia)
- Community-acquired pneumonia in adults
- Compartment syndrome
- Compartment syndrome - Volkmann ischemic contracture (see:
Volkmann contracture)
- Complement
- Complement assay (see:
- Complement component 3 (C3)
- Complement component 4
- Complement fixation test to C burnetii
- Complement proteins (see:
- Complete blood count (see:
CBC blood test)
- Complete blood count - peripheral (see:
Blood smear)
- Complete laryngectomy (see:
- Complete protein (see:
Protein in diet)
- Complex carbohydrates (see:
- Complex regional pain - spinal stimulation (see:
Spinal cord stimulation)
- Complex regional pain syndrome
- Compound 4049 poisoning (see:
Malathion poisoning)
- Comprehensive cancer center (see:
Children's cancer centers)
- Comprehensive metabolic panel
- Compression fracture - kyphoplasty (see:
- Compression fracture - osteoporosis (see:
- Compression fracture - osteoporosis - InDepth (see:
Osteoporosis - InDepth)
- Compression fractures of the back
- Compression hose (see:
Compression stockings)
- Compression of spinal cord (see:
Spinal cord trauma)
- Compression stockings
- Compulsive gambling
- Compulsive hair pulling (see:
- Compulsive overeating (see:
Binge eating disorder)
- Compulsive overeating - InDepth (see:
Eating disorders - InDepth)
- Computed axial tomography scan (see:
CT scan)
- Computed axial tomography scan – cervical spine (see:
Cervical spine CT scan)
- Computed axial tomography scan - arm (see:
Arm CT scan)
- Computed axial tomography scan - heart (see:
Heart CT scan)
- Computed axial tomography scan - heart (see:
Cardiac CT scan overview)
- Computed axial tomography scan - knee (see:
Knee CT scan)
- Computed axial tomography scan - leg (see:
Leg CT scan)
- Computed axial tomography scan - lumbar spine (see:
Lumbar spine CT scan)
- Computed axial tomography scan - pelvis (see:
Pelvic CT scan)
- Computed axial tomography scan - shoulder (see:
Shoulder CT scan)
- Computed axial tomography scan - sinus (see:
Sinus CT scan)
- Computed axial tomography scan - thoracic spine (see:
Thoracic spine CT scan)
- Computed axial tomography scan of cervical spine (see:
Cervical spine CT scan)
- Computed tomographic colonography (see:
Virtual colonoscopy)
- Computed tomography - cranial (see:
Head CT scan)
- Computed tomography angiography - abdomen and pelvis (see:
CT angiography - abdomen and pelvis)
- Computed tomography angiography - brain (see:
CT angiography - head and neck)
- Computed tomography angiography - neck (see:
CT angiography - head and neck)
- Computed tomography angiography - peripheral (see:
CT angiography - arms and legs)
- Computed tomography angiography - thorax (see:
CT angiography – chest)
- Computed tomography scan (see:
CT scan)
- Computed tomography scan – cervical spine (see:
Cervical spine CT scan)
- Computed tomography scan - abdomen (see:
Abdominal CT scan)
- Computed tomography scan - arm (see:
Arm CT scan)
- Computed tomography scan - heart (see:
Heart CT scan)
- Computed tomography scan - heart (see:
Cardiac CT scan overview)
- Computed tomography scan - knee (see:
Knee CT scan)
- Computed tomography scan - leg (see:
Leg CT scan)
- Computed tomography scan - lumbar spine (see:
Lumbar spine CT scan)
- Computed tomography scan - orbit (see:
Orbit CT scan)
- Computed tomography scan - pelvis (see:
Pelvic CT scan)
- Computed tomography scan - shoulder (see:
Shoulder CT scan)
- Computed tomography scan - sinus (see:
Sinus CT scan)
- Computed tomography scan - thoracic spine (see:
Thoracic spine CT scan)
- Computed tomography scan of cervical spine (see:
Cervical spine CT scan)
- Concomitant
- Concussion (see:
Traumatic brain injury)
- Concussion - head injury (see:
Head injury - first aid)
- Concussion - preventing in children (see:
Preventing head injuries in children)
- Concussion in adults - discharge
- Concussion in adults - what to ask your doctor
- Concussion in children - discharge
- Concussion in children - what to ask your doctor
- Conditions associated with jaundice (see:
- Condom catheter (see:
External incontinence devices)
- Conduct disorder
- Conductive hearing loss (see:
Hearing loss)
- Conductive hearing loss - infants (see:
Hearing loss - infants)
- Condyloma (see:
Genital warts)
- Condylomata acuminata (see:
Genital warts)
- Condylomata acuminate (see:
Genital warts)
- Cone biopsy
- Conformal external beam radiation - breast (see:
Partial breast radiation therapy - external beam)
- Confusion
- Congenital absence of the pulmonary valve (see:
Absent pulmonary valve)
- Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
- Congenital antithrombin III deficiency
- Congenital bronchiectasis (see:
- Congenital cataract
- Congenital CMV (see:
Congenital cytomegalovirus)
- Congenital cranial osteoporosis (see:
- Congenital cytomegalovirus
- Congenital defect - epispadias (see:
- Congenital defect - pinna (see:
Low-set ears and pinna abnormalities)
- Congenital defect - vagina, ovaries, uterus, and cervix (see:
Developmental differences of the female genital tract)
- Congenital defect-pinna (see:
Low-set ears and pinna abnormalities)
- Congenital dermal melanocytosis (see:
Dermal melanocytosis)
- Congenital diabetes insipidus (see:
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus)
- Congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair
- Congenital disease (see:
Osteogenesis imperfecta)
- Congenital dislocation of the hip (see:
Developmental dysplasia of the hip)
- Congenital dysplasia of the hip (see:
Developmental dysplasia of the hip)
- Congenital enamel hypoplasia (see:
Amelogenesis imperfecta)
- Congenital erythropoietic porphyria (see:
- Congenital fibrinogen deficiency
- Congenital giant pigmented nevus (see:
Giant congenital nevus)
- Congenital glaucoma (see:
- Congenital glaucoma - InDepth (see:
Glaucoma - InDepth)
- Congenital growth hormone deficiency (see:
Growth hormone deficiency - children)
- Congenital heart - aortic stenosis (see:
Aortic stenosis)
- Congenital heart - hypoplastic left heart (see:
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome)
- Congenital heart - tricuspid atresia (see:
Tricuspid atresia)
- Congenital heart defect - ALCAPA (see:
Anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery)
- Congenital heart defect - aortopulmonary window (see:
Aortopulmonary window)
- Congenital heart defect - ASD (see:
Atrial septal defect (ASD))
- Congenital heart defect - coronary artery fistula (see:
Coronary artery fistula)
- Congenital heart defect - corrective surgery
- Congenital heart defect - dextrocardia (see:
Dextrocardia )
- Congenital heart defect - DILV (see:
Double inlet left ventricle )
- Congenital heart defect - DORV (see:
Double outlet right ventricle )
- Congenital heart defect - double aortic arch (see:
Double aortic arch)
- Congenital heart defect - Ebstein (see:
Ebstein anomaly)
- Congenital heart defect - ECD (see:
Endocardial cushion defect)
- Congenital heart defect - Eisenmenger (see:
Eisenmenger syndrome)
- Congenital heart defect - heart failure in children (see:
Heart failure in children)
- Congenital heart defect - PFO (see:
Patent foramen ovale)
- Congenital heart defect - TAPVR (see:
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return)
- Congenital heart defect - tetralogy (see:
Tetralogy of Fallot)
- Congenital heart defect - transposition (see:
Transposition of the great arteries)
- Congenital heart defect - vascular ring (see:
Vascular ring)
- Congenital heart defect - VSD (see:
Ventricular septal defect)
- Congenital heart defects (CHD) - Blood flow
- Congenital heart defects (CHD) overview
- Congenital heart disease
- Congenital heart disease - endocarditis - children (see:
Endocarditis - children)
- Congenital heart disease - MRI (see:
Heart MRI)
- Congenital heart disease - pulmonary atresia (see:
Pulmonary atresia)
- Congenital heart disease - pulmonary valve (see:
Absent pulmonary valve)
- Congenital heart disease - endocarditis - children (see:
Endocarditis - children)
- Congenital heart surgery (see:
Congenital heart defect - corrective surgery)
- Congenital heart surgery - discharge (see:
Pediatric heart surgery - discharge)
- Congenital hernia of the diaphragm (see:
Diaphragmatic hernia)
- Congenital hernia of the diaphragm (CDH) (see:
Diaphragmatic hernia)
- Congenital herpes (see:
Pregnancy and herpes)
- Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (see:
Pyloric stenosis in infants)
- Congenital hypothyroidism (see:
Neonatal hypothyroidism)
- Congenital lues (see:
Congenital syphilis)
- Congenital megacolon (see:
Hirschsprung disease)
- Congenital melanocytic nevus - large (see:
Giant congenital nevus)
- Congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (see:
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus)
- Congenital nephrotic syndrome
- Congenital nevus (see:
Birthmarks - pigmented)
- Congenital pernicious anemia (see:
Pernicious anemia)
- Congenital platelet function defects
- Congenital protein C or S deficiency
- Congenital ptosis (see:
Ptosis - infants and children)
- Congenital rubella
- Congenital spherocytic hemolytic anemia (see:
Hereditary spherocytic anemia)
- Congenital syphilis
- Congenital teeth (see:
Natal teeth)
- Congenital toxoplasmosis
- Congenitally missing tooth (see:
Tooth formation - delayed or absent)
- Congested nose (see:
Stuffy or runny nose - children)
- Congested nose (see:
Stuffy or runny nose – adult)
- Congestive heart failure (see:
Heart failure)
- Congestive heart failure (CHF) - home monitoring for children (see:
Heart failure in children - home care)
- Congestive heart failure (CHF) overview
- Congestive heart failure - children (see:
Heart failure in children)
- Congestive heart failure - discharge (see:
Heart failure - discharge)
- Congestive heart failure - InDepth (see:
Heart failure - InDepth)
- Congestive heart failure - medicines (see:
Heart failure - medicines)
- Congestive heart failure - palliative (see:
Heart failure - palliative care)
- Congestive heart failure - surgery (see:
Heart failure - surgeries and devices)
- Congestive heart failure - tests (see:
Heart failure - tests)
- Conglomerate silicosis (see:
Silicosis )
- Congophilic angiopathy (see:
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy)
- Conical teeth (see:
Tooth - abnormal shape)
- Conjoined teeth (see:
Tooth - abnormal shape)
- Conjugated bilirubin - blood (see:
Bilirubin blood test)
- Conjugated bilirubin - urine (see:
Bilirubin - urine)
- Conjunctiva
- Conjunctival infection (see:
Eye redness)
- Conjunctival injection (see:
Eye redness)
- Conjunctivitis - allergic seasonal/perennial (see:
Allergic conjunctivitis)
- Conjunctivitis - chlamydia (see:
- Conjunctivitis - granular (see:
- Conjunctivitis of the newborn (see:
Neonatal conjunctivitis)
- Conjunctivitis or pink eye
- Conn syndrome (see:
Primary and secondary hyperaldosteronism)
- Connate teeth (see:
Tooth - abnormal shape)
- Conscious sedation for surgical procedures
- Considering plastic surgery after a large weight loss
- Constipation – IBS (see:
Irritable bowel syndrome)
- Constipation - bowel retraining (see:
Bowel retraining)
- Constipation - encopresis (see:
- Constipation - fiber (see:
High-fiber foods)
- Constipation - fiber (see:
- Constipation - IBS (see:
Irritable bowel syndrome)
- Constipation - impaction (see:
Fecal impaction)
- Constipation - palliative care (see:
Palliative care - fluid, food, and digestion)
- Constipation - self-care
- Constipation - what to ask your doctor
- Constipation in infants and children
- Constitutional delayed puberty (see:
Delayed puberty in girls)
- Constitutional liver dysfunction (see:
Gilbert syndrome)
- Constriction band syndrome (see:
Amniotic band sequence)
- Constriction rings (see:
Amniotic band sequence)
- Constrictive pericarditis (see:
Pericarditis - constrictive)
- Consumer rights and protections
- Consumption coagulopathy (see:
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC))
- Contac overdose
- Contact dermatitis
- Contact dermatitis - latex allergy (see:
Managing latex allergies at home )
- Contact dermatitis - latex allergy (see:
Latex allergies - for hospital patients)
- Continent ileostomy (see:
Types of ileostomy)
- Continent ileostomy - changing (see:
Ileostomy - changing your pouch)
- Continent ileostomy - diet (see:
Ileostomy and your diet)
- Continent ileostomy - discharge (see:
Total colectomy or proctocolectomy - discharge)
- Continent ileostomy - discharge (see:
Ileostomy - discharge)
- Continent ileostomy - living with (see:
Living with your ileostomy)
- Continent ileostomy - stoma care (see:
Ileostomy - caring for your stoma)
- Continent ileostomy and your child (see:
Ileostomy and your child)
- Continuous electrocardiograms (EKGs) (see:
Cardiac event monitors)
- Continuous positive airway pressure (see:
Positive airway pressure treatment)
- Continuous pump feeding (see:
Nasogastric feeding tube )
- Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (see:
Insulin pumps)
- Contouring surgery (see:
Considering plastic surgery after a large weight loss)
- Contraception statistics
- Contraction stress test - monitoring (see:
Monitoring your baby before labor)
- Contracture deformity
- Contraindication
- Controlling hypertension (see:
Controlling your high blood pressure)
- Controlling your high blood pressure
- Contusion (see:
- Contusion - discharge (see:
Brain injury - discharge )
- Conversion disorder (see:
Functional neurological disorder)
- Convulsion - childhood epilepsy (see:
Epilepsy in children)
- Convulsions (see:
- Cooking starch poisoning (see:
Starch poisoning)
- Cooking utensils and nutrition
- Cooking without salt
- Coolant poisoning (see:
Refrigerant poisoning)
- Cooley anemia (see:
- Cooley's anemia (see:
- Coombs test
- Coordination impairment (see:
Movement - uncoordinated)
- Cooties - head lice (see:
Head lice)
- COPD (see:
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD))
- COPD (see:
Overview of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD))
- COPD - adults - discharge (see:
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - adults - discharge)
- COPD - alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (see:
Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency)
- COPD - comorbidities (see:
COPD and other health problems)
- COPD - control drugs
- COPD - day to day (see:
Day to day with COPD)
- COPD - home oxygen (see:
Using oxygen at home)
- COPD - how to use a nebulizer (see:
How to use a nebulizer)
- COPD - InDepth (see:
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - InDepth)
- COPD - managing stress and your mood
- COPD - nebulizer (see:
How to use an inhaler - no spacer)
- COPD - nebulizer (see:
How to use a nebulizer)
- COPD - oxygen safety (see:
Oxygen safety)
- COPD - postural drainage (see:
Postural drainage )
- COPD - pursed lip breathing (see:
How to breathe when you are short of breath)
- COPD - quick-relief drugs
- COPD - secondhand smoke (see:
Smoking and COPD)
- COPD - short-acting beta agonist inhaler (see:
COPD - quick-relief drugs)
- COPD - travel (see:
Traveling with breathing problems)
- COPD - what to ask your doctor
- COPD and other health problems
- COPD exacerbation (see:
COPD flare-ups)
- COPD flare-ups
- Cope syndrome (see:
Milk-alkali syndrome)
- Coping with cancer - finding the support you need
- Coping with cancer - hair loss
- Coping with cancer - looking and feeling your best
- Coping with cancer - managing fatigue
- Copper - ceruloplasmin (see:
Ceruloplasmin blood test)
- Copper in diet
- Copper poisoning
- Copper transport disease (see:
Menkes disease)
- Coproporphyrin levels (see:
Porphyrins blood test)
- Cor pulmonale
- Cor pulmonale - children (see:
Heart failure in children)
- Cor pulmonale - home monitoring for children (see:
Heart failure in children - home care)
- Cor pulmonale - pulmonary hypertension (see:
Pulmonary hypertension)
- Cord - umbilical (see:
Umbilical cord care in newborns)
- Cord blood testing
- Cord compression (see:
Spinal cord trauma)
- Core biopsy of the prostate (see:
Prostate biopsy)
- Core needle breast biopsy - stereotactic (see:
Breast biopsy - stereotactic)
- Core needle breast biopsy - ultrasound (see:
Breast biopsy - ultrasound)
- Cornea - keratitis (see:
Interstitial keratitis)
- Corneal edema (see:
Cloudy cornea)
- Corneal injury
- Corneal opacification (see:
Cloudy cornea)
- Corneal scarring (see:
Cloudy cornea)
- Corneal transplant
- Corneal transplant - discharge
- Corneal ulcers and infections
- Corns - InDepth (see:
Foot pain - InDepth)
- Corns and calluses
- Coronary angiography
- Coronary angioplasty (see:
Angioplasty and stent placement - heart)
- Coronary angioplasty - discharge (see:
Angioplasty and stent - heart - discharge )
- Coronary artery angioplasty (see:
Angioplasty and stent placement - heart)
- Coronary artery angioplasty - discharge (see:
Angioplasty and stent - heart - discharge )
- Coronary artery bypass graft (see:
Heart bypass surgery)
- Coronary artery bypass graft - discharge (see:
Heart bypass surgery - discharge)
- Coronary artery bypass surgery (see:
Heart bypass surgery)
- Coronary artery bypass surgery - discharge (see:
Heart bypass surgery - discharge)
- Coronary artery disease (CAD) overview
- Coronary artery disease - activity (see:
Being active when you have heart disease)
- Coronary artery disease - angina (see:
Stable angina)
- Coronary artery disease - angiography (see:
Coronary angiography)
- Coronary artery disease - butter (see:
Butter, margarine, and cooking oils)
- Coronary artery disease - bypass discharge (see:
Heart bypass surgery - discharge)
- Coronary artery disease - CABG (see:
Heart bypass surgery)
- Coronary artery disease - cardiac catheterization (see:
Cardiac catheterization)
- Coronary artery disease - cardiac catheterization discharge (see:
Cardiac catheterization - discharge )
- Coronary artery disease - cardiac rehab (see:
Cardiac rehabilitation)
- Coronary artery disease - chest pain (see:
Angina - when you have chest pain)
- Coronary artery disease - chest pain (see:
Heart disease modifiable risk factors - obesity)
- Coronary artery disease - chest pain (see:
Cardiac catheterization - angioplasty and other procedures)
- Coronary artery disease - chest pain (see:
Coronary artery disease (CAD) overview)
- Coronary artery disease - cholesterol and lifestyle (see:
Cholesterol and lifestyle)
- Coronary artery disease - diabetes (see:
Diabetes - preventing heart attack and stroke)
- Coronary artery disease - diet (see:
Heart disease and diet)
- Coronary artery disease - dietary fats (see:
Dietary fats explained)
- Coronary artery disease - heart attack (see:
Heart attack)
- Coronary artery disease - heart attack - InDepth (see:
Heart attack and acute coronary syndrome - InDepth)
- Coronary artery disease - heart smart substitutions (see:
Simple, heart-smart substitutions)
- Coronary artery disease - InDepth
- Coronary artery disease - living with (see:
Living with heart disease and angina)
- Coronary artery disease - MIDCAB (see:
Heart bypass surgery - minimally invasive)
- Coronary artery disease - MIDCAB discharge (see:
Heart bypass surgery - minimally invasive - discharge)
- Coronary artery disease - monounsaturated fat (see:
Facts about monounsaturated fats)
- Coronary artery disease - nuclear stress (see:
Nuclear stress test)
- Coronary artery disease - omega-3s (see:
Omega-3 fats - Good for your heart)
- Coronary artery disease - polyunsaturated fat (see:
Facts about polyunsaturated fats)
- Coronary artery disease - risk factors (see:
Heart disease - risk factors)
- Coronary artery disease - saturated fat (see:
Facts about saturated fats)
- Coronary artery disease - stent placement (see:
Angioplasty and stent placement - heart)
- Coronary artery disease - stress (see:
Stress and your heart)
- Coronary artery disease - stress echocardiography (see:
Stress echocardiography)
- Coronary artery disease - thrombolytic (see:
Thrombolytic drugs for heart attack)
- Coronary artery disease - trans fat (see:
Facts about trans fats)
- Coronary artery disease - treadmill (see:
Exercise stress test)
- Coronary artery disease - unstable angina (see:
Unstable angina)
- Coronary artery disease - what to ask your doctor (see:
Angina - what to ask your doctor )
- Coronary artery disease - women (see:
Heart disease and women)
- Coronary artery disease -unstable angina (see:
Unstable angina)
- Coronary artery disease-heart attack (see:
Heart attack)
- Coronary artery fistula
- Coronary artery spasm
- Coronary bypass surgery (see:
Heart bypass surgery)
- Coronary bypass surgery - discharge (see:
Heart bypass surgery - discharge)
- Coronary calcium scan (see:
Heart CT scan)
- Coronary calcium scan (see:
Cardiac CT scan overview)
- Coronary event - discharge (see:
Heart attack – discharge)
- Coronary heart disease
- Coronary heart disease - cardiac rehab (see:
Cardiac rehabilitation)
- Coronary heart disease - chest pain (see:
Angina - when you have chest pain)
- Coronary heart disease - chest pain (see:
Heart disease modifiable risk factors - obesity)
- Coronary heart disease - chest pain (see:
Cardiac catheterization - angioplasty and other procedures)
- Coronary heart disease - chest pain (see:
Coronary artery disease (CAD) overview)
- Coronary heart disease - diet (see:
Heart disease and diet)
- Coronary heart disease - heart smart substitutions (see:
Simple, heart-smart substitutions)
- Coronary heart disease - stent placement (see:
Angioplasty and stent placement - heart)
- Coronary heart disease - stress (see:
Stress and your heart)
- Coronary revascularization - stent placement (see:
Angioplasty and stent placement - heart)
- Coronary risk panel (see:
Lipid profile test)
- Coronary risk profile results (see:
Cholesterol testing and results)
- Coronary stents (see:
- Coronavirus
- Coronavirus - 2019 (see:
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19))
- Coronavirus - 2019 discharge (see:
Mild to moderate COVID-19 - discharge)
- Coronavirus - 2019-nCoV (see:
- Coronavirus - cloth face masks (see:
Respiratory viruses and face masks)
- Coronavirus - COVID-19 (see:
- Coronavirus - face masks (see:
Respiratory viruses and face masks)
- Coronavirus - MERS (see:
- Coronavirus - Middle East respiratory syndrome (see:
- Coronavirus - novel 2019 (see:
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19))
- Coronavirus - SARS (see:
- Coronavirus - Severe acute respiratory syndrome (see:
- Coronavirus disease - recovery (see:
Mild to moderate COVID-19 - discharge)
- Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
- Coronavirus home test (see:
Self-testing for COVID-19)
- Coronavirus novel 2019 - symptoms (see:
COVID-19 symptoms)
- Coronavirus-2019 (see:
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19))
- Coronavirus-cloth face masks (see:
Respiratory viruses and face masks)
- Coronavirus-Novel 2019 (see:
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19))
- Coronaviruses (see:
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS))
- Corpus luteum cysts (see:
Ovarian cysts)
- Corramedan overdose (see:
Cardiac glycoside overdose)
- Correction of unequal bone length (see:
Leg lengthening and shortening)
- Cortical vascular dementia (see:
Vascular dementia)
- Corticosteroid inhaler - COPD - control drugs (see:
COPD - control drugs)
- Corticosteroid injection (see:
Steroid injections - tendon, bursa, joint)
- Corticosteroid-induced Cushing syndrome (see:
Exogenous Cushing syndrome)
- Corticosteroids overdose
- Cortisol blood test
- Cortisol excess (see:
Cushing syndrome)
- Cortisol suppression test (see:
Dexamethasone suppression test)
- Cortisol urine test
- Cortisone injection (see:
Steroid injections - tendon, bursa, joint)
- Cortisone shot - hip (see:
Hip joint injection)
- Cortisporin ointment overdose (see:
Bacitracin zinc overdose)
- Cortrosyn stimulation test (see:
ACTH stimulation test)
- Cosmetic breast surgery - discharge
- Cosmetic ear surgery
- Cosmetic nose surgery (see:
- Cosmetic surgery of the abdomen (see:
Abdominal wall surgery)
- Cosmetic surgery of the face (see:
- Costen's syndrome (see:
TMJ disorders)
- Costochondritis
- Costosternal chondrodynia (see:
- Costosternal syndrome (see:
- Cosyntropin stimulation test (see:
ACTH stimulation test)
- Cotton bract disease (see:
Byssinosis )
- Cotton mouth (see:
Dry mouth)
- Cotton mouth syndrome (see:
Dry mouth)
- Cotton worker's lung (see:
Byssinosis )
- Cough
- Cough suppressant - children (see:
Cold medicines and children)
- Coughing up blood
- Could you have low testosterone?
- Coumadin - what to ask your doctor (see:
Taking warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven) - what to ask your doctor)
- Counting carbohydrates
- CoV (see:
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS))
- COVID - 19 immunizations (see:
COVID-19 vaccines)
- COVID - 19 immunizations for children and teens (see:
COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 6 months and older)
- COVID - 19 prevention – vaccines for children and teens (see:
COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 6 months and older)
- COVID - 19 prevention - vaccines (see:
COVID-19 vaccines)
- COVID - 19 shots (see:
COVID-19 vaccines)
- COVID - 19 shots for children and teens (see:
COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 6 months and older)
- COVID - 19 vaccinations (see:
COVID-19 vaccines)
- COVID - 19 vaccinations for children and teens (see:
COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 6 months and older)
- COVID 19 - cloth face coverings (see:
Respiratory viruses and face masks)
- COVID 19 - face coverings (see:
Respiratory viruses and face masks)
- COVID 19 - Nasopharyngeal swab (see:
COVID-19 virus test)
- COVID 19 - past infection (see:
COVID-19 antibody test)
- COVID 19 - Prevention (see:
How to protect yourself and others from COVID-19)
- COVID-19 (see:
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19))
- COVID-19 – what to do when you are sick
- COVID-19 - cloth face coverings (see:
Respiratory viruses and face masks)
- COVID-19 - face coverings (see:
Respiratory viruses and face masks)
- COVID-19 - Nasopharyngeal swab (see:
COVID-19 virus test)
- COVID-19 - past infection (see:
COVID-19 antibody test)
- COVID-19 - Prevention (see:
How to protect yourself and others from COVID-19)
- COVID-19 antibody test
- COVID-19 exposure (see:
What to do after exposure to COVID-19)
- COVID-19 exposure - what to do (see:
What to do after exposure to COVID-19)
- COVID-19 home isolation (see:
COVID-19 – what to do when you are sick)
- COVID-19 immunizations (see:
COVID-19 vaccines)
- COVID-19 immunizations for children and teens (see:
COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 6 months and older)
- COVID-19 isolation (see:
COVID-19 – what to do when you are sick)
- COVID-19 PCR test (see:
COVID-19 virus test)
- COVID-19 prevention - vaccines (see:
COVID-19 vaccines)
- COVID-19 prevention - vaccines for children and teens (see:
COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 6 months and older)
- COVID-19 recovery (see:
Mild to moderate COVID-19 - discharge)
- COVID-19 self-test (see:
Self-testing for COVID-19)
- COVID-19 serologic test (see:
COVID-19 antibody test)
- COVID-19 shots (see:
COVID-19 vaccines)
- COVID-19 shots for children and teens (see:
COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 6 months and older)
- COVID-19 symptoms
- COVID-19 vaccinations (see:
COVID-19 vaccines)
- COVID-19 vaccinations for children and teens (see:
COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 6 months and older)
- COVID-19 vaccine - what you need to know
- COVID-19 vaccine booster shots (see:
COVID-19 vaccines)
- COVID-19 vaccines
- COVID-19 vaccines - what to expect
- COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 6 months and older
- COVID-19 virus test
- Cow’s milk allergy - children (see:
Cow's milk and children)
- Cow's milk - infants
- Cow's milk allergy - children (see:
Cow's milk and children)
- Cow's milk and children
- Coxa plana (see:
Legg-Calve-Perthes disease)
- Coxiella burnetii - complement fixation test (see:
Complement fixation test to C burnetii)
- Coxsackievirus infection (see:
Hand-foot-mouth disease)