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Index - B
B and T cell screen
(Medical Test)
B and T lymphocyte assays (see:
B and T cell screen
(Medical Test)
B lymphocyte cell surface markers (see:
B-cell leukemia/lymphoma panel
(Medical Test)
B lymphocyte cell surface markerspasting (see:
B-cell leukemia/lymphoma panel
(Medical Test)
B-cell leukemia/lymphoma panel
(Medical Test)
B-cell lymphoma (see:
Burkitt lymphoma
B-cell lymphomas - InDepth (see:
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma - InDepth
Babesiosis - InDepth (see:
Lyme disease and related tick-borne infections - InDepth
Babies - feeding solid food (see:
Feeding patterns and diet - children 6 months to 2 years
Babies and heat rashes
(Special Topic)
Babies and immunizations (see:
Babies and shots
(Special Topic)
Babies and infants - feeding (see:
Feeding patterns and diet - babies and infants
Babies and shots
(Special Topic)
Babies and the flu (see:
Your baby and the flu
(Special Topic)
Babies and vaccinations (see:
Babies and shots
(Special Topic)
Babies and vaccines (see:
Babies and shots
(Special Topic)
Babinski reflex
Babinski sign (see:
Babinski reflex
Baby bottle tooth decay (see:
Tooth decay - early childhood
Baby powder poisoning (see:
Talcum powder poisoning
Baby rash (see:
Rash - child under 2 years
Baby supplies you need
Baciferm overdose (see:
Bacitracin zinc overdose
Baciquent ointment overdose (see:
Bacitracin overdose
Bacitracin overdose
Bacitracin zinc overdose
Back and forth eye movements (see:
Back arching (see:
Back films (see:
Thoracic spine x-ray
(Medical Test)
Back injury - returning to sports (see:
Returning to sports after a back injury
Back pain - foraminotomy (see:
Back pain - home care (see:
Taking care of your back at home
(Special Topic)
Back pain - laminectomy (see:
Back pain - new (see:
Low back pain - acute
Back pain - returning to sports (see:
Returning to sports after a back injury
Back pain - returning to work
Back pain - short-term (see:
Low back pain - acute
Back pain - spinal stenosis (see:
Spinal stenosis
Back pain - when you see the doctor
(Special Topic)
Back pain and sciatica - InDepth
Back pain and sports
Back pain injection (see:
Epidural injections for back pain
Back strain - MRI (see:
MRI and low back pain
(Special Topic)
Back strain - new (see:
Low back pain - acute
Back strain treatment (see:
Taking care of your back at home
(Special Topic)
Backache (see:
Low back pain - acute
Backache - chronic (see:
Low back pain - chronic
Backache - chronic - cognitive behavioral (see:
Cognitive behavioral therapy for back pain
Backache - chronic - narcotics (see:
Taking narcotics for back pain
Backache - InDepth (see:
Back pain and sciatica - InDepth
Backache - lifting (see:
Lifting and bending the right way
Backache - MRI (see:
MRI and low back pain
(Special Topic)
Backache - work (see:
Back pain - returning to work
Bacteremia with sepsis (see:
Bacteremic shock (see:
Septic shock
Bacterial arthritis (see:
Septic arthritis
Bacterial diarrhea (see:
Campylobacter infection
Bacterial endocarditis - children (see:
Endocarditis - children
Bacterial gastroenteritis
Bacterial keratitis (see:
Corneal ulcers and infections
Bacterial labyrinthitis (see:
Bacterial labyrinthitis - aftercare (see:
Labyrinthitis - aftercare
Bacterial liver abscess (see:
Pyogenic liver abscess
Bacterial overgrowth - intestine (see:
Small bowel bacterial overgrowth
Bacterial tracheitis (see:
Bacterial vaginosis - aftercare
Bad breath (see:
Breath odor
BAEP (see:
BAER - brainstem auditory evoked response
(Medical Test)
BAER - brainstem auditory evoked response
(Medical Test)
Baggy eyelids (see:
Eyelid drooping
Baker cyst
Baker's cyst (see:
Baker's cyst (see:
Baker cyst
Baking powder overdose
Baking soda overdose
Balanoposthitis (see:
Baldness (see:
Hair loss
Baldness - female (see:
Female pattern baldness
Baldness - male (see:
Male pattern baldness
Ballismus (see:
Movement - uncontrollable
Ballismus (see:
Movement - unpredictable or jerky
Balloon angioplasty (see:
Angioplasty and stent placement - heart
Balloon angioplasty - discharge (see:
Angioplasty and stent - heart - discharge
Balloon angioplasty - periperhal artiery - discharge (see:
Angioplasty and stent placement - peripheral arteries - discharge
Balloon angioplasty - peripheral artery- discharge (see:
Angioplasty and stent placement - peripheral arteries - discharge
Balloon angioplasty - peripheral artiery - discharge (see:
Angioplasty and stent placement - peripheral arteries - discharge
Balloon kyphoplasty (see:
Balloon valvuloplasty (see:
Aortic valve surgery - minimally invasive
Balloon valvuloplasty - discharge (see:
Heart valve surgery - discharge
Balloon valvuloplasty - discharge (see:
Valvular heart disease (VHD) - overview
Balloon valvuloplasty - pulmonary (see:
Pulmonic valve stenosis
Band-aid surgery (see:
Pelvic laparoscopy
Bankart (see:
Shoulder arthroscopy
Bankart - discharge (see:
Shoulder surgery - discharge
Bankart lesion (see:
Shoulder arthroscopy
Bankart repair (see:
Shoulder arthroscopy
Bankart repair - discharge (see:
Shoulder surgery - discharge
Bannwarth syndrome (see:
Lyme disease
Bannwarth syndrome - InDepth (see:
Lyme disease and related tick-borne infections - InDepth
Bannwarth syndrome - questions (see:
Lyme disease - what to ask your doctor
(Doctor Questions)
Barber's itch (see:
Barbiturate - substance use (see:
Substance use - prescription drugs
(Special Topic)
Barbiturate intoxication and overdose
Barbiturate overdose - pentobarbital (see:
Pentobarbital overdose
Barbiturates - screen (see:
Toxicology screen
(Medical Test)
Bard Button - bolus (see:
Gastrostomy feeding tube - bolus
Bard Button - pump (see:
Gastrostomy feeding tube - pump - child
Bariatric surgery - gastric bypass (see:
Gastric bypass surgery
Bariatric surgery - gastric bypass - discharge (see:
Gastric bypass surgery - discharge
Bariatric surgery - laparoscopic gastric banding (see:
Laparoscopic gastric banding
Bariatric surgery - laparoscopic gastric banding - discharge (see:
Laparoscopic gastric banding - discharge
Barium enema
(Medical Test)
Barium enteroclysis (see:
(Medical Test)
Barium swallow x-ray (see:
Upper GI and small bowel series
(Medical Test)
Barking cough (see:
Barking cough - croup (see:
Barlow syndrome (see:
Mitral valve prolapse
Barotitis (see:
Ear barotrauma
Barotitis media (see:
Ear barotrauma
Barotrauma (see:
Ear barotrauma
Barrett esophagus
Barrett esophagus - esophagectomy (see:
Esophagectomy - minimally invasive
Barrett's esophagus (see:
Barrett esophagus
Bartholin cyst or abscess
Bartholin's cyst or abscess (see:
Bartholin cyst or abscess
Bartonellosis (see:
Cat-scratch disease
Bartter syndrome
Bartter syndrome - serum aldosterone (see:
Aldosterone blood test
(Medical Test)
Basal cell cancer - biopsy (see:
Skin lesion biopsy
(Medical Test)
Basal cell cancer - InDepth (see:
Melanoma and other skin cancers - InDepth
Basal cell cancer - nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (see:
Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
Basal cell cancer - removal (see:
Skin lesion removal
Basal cell cancer - removal aftercare (see:
Skin lesion removal - aftercare
Basal cell cancer - self-exam (see:
Skin self-exam
(Special Topic)
Basal cell carcinoma (see:
Basal cell skin cancer
Basal cell epithelioma (see:
Basal cell skin cancer
Basal cell nevus syndrome (see:
Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
Basal cell nevus syndrome (BCNS) (see:
Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
Basal cell NMSC (see:
Basal cell skin cancer
Basal cell skin cancer
Basal cell skin cancer - Mohs surgery (see:
Mohs micrographic surgery
Basal ganglia dysfunction
Basal secretion test (see:
Schirmer test
(Medical Test)
Baseball elbow (see:
Medial epicondylitis - golfer's elbow
Baseball finger - aftercare (see:
Mallet finger - aftercare
Basic metabolic panel
(Medical Test)
Basilar skull fracture (see:
Skull fracture
Basra poison grain poisoning (see:
Methylmercury poisoning
Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome
Bat bite - rabies (see:
Bathing a patient in bed
Bathing an infant
Bathing safety tips (see:
Bathing an infant
Bathing trunk nevus (see:
Giant congenital nevus
Bathing your newborn baby (see:
Bathing an infant
Bathroom safety - children
Bathroom safety for adults
Batten disease (see:
Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCL)
Battered child syndrome (see:
Child physical abuse
Batteries - dry cell (see:
Dry cell battery poisoning
Battery acid poisoning (see:
Sulfuric acid poisoning
BAV (see:
Bicuspid aortic valve
Bazinon poisoning (see:
Diazinon poisoning
BCC - removal (see:
Skin lesion removal
BCC - removal aftercare (see:
Skin lesion removal - aftercare
BCNS (see:
Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
Beating heart surgery (see:
Heart bypass surgery
Beating heart surgery - discharge (see:
Heart bypass surgery - discharge
Beau lines (see:
Nail abnormalities
Beau's lines (see:
Nail abnormalities
Beauty parlor syndrome (see:
Vertebrobasilar circulatory disorders
Becker muscular dystrophy
Becker's disease (see:
Myotonia congenita
Becker's dystrophy (see:
Becker muscular dystrophy
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
Bed bath (see:
Bathing a patient in bed
Bed bug bite (see:
Insect bites and stings
Bed rest during pregnancy
Bedbug bite (see:
Insect bites and stings
Bedsore - care (see:
How to care for pressure sores
Bedsore prevention (see:
Preventing pressure ulcers
Bedsores - what to ask your doctor (see:
Pressure ulcers - what to ask your doctor
(Doctor Questions)
Bedsores - what to ask your health care provider (see:
Pressure ulcers - what to ask your doctor
(Doctor Questions)
Bedtime habits for infants and children
(Special Topic)
(Special Topic)
Bee sting (see:
Insect bites and stings
Bee, wasp, hornet, or yellow jacket sting
Beef tapeworm (see:
Tapeworm infection - beef or pork
Beer consumption (see:
Alcohol use and safe drinking
(Special Topic)
Beeswax poisoning
Before knee arthroplasty - what to ask your doctor (see:
Questions to ask your doctor before knee replacement
(Doctor Questions)
Before knee replacement - doctor questions (see:
Questions to ask your doctor before knee replacement
(Doctor Questions)
Before spinal surgery - doctor questions (see:
Questions to ask your surgeon about spinal surgery
(Doctor Questions)
Before spinal surgery - surgeon questions (see:
Questions to ask your surgeon about spinal surgery
(Doctor Questions)
Before spinal surgery - what to ask your doctor (see:
Questions to ask your surgeon about spinal surgery
(Doctor Questions)
Before spinal surgery - what to ask your surgeon (see:
Questions to ask your surgeon about spinal surgery
(Doctor Questions)
Before surgery - doctor visits (see:
Tests and visits before surgery
Before surgery - tests (see:
Tests and visits before surgery
Before weight-loss surgery - what to ask your doctor
(Doctor Questions)
Being active after your heart attack
Being active when you have heart disease
Bell palsy
Bell's palsy (see:
Bell palsy
Belly ache (see:
Abdominal pain
Belly ache in children (see:
Abdominal pain - children under age 12
Bellyache (see:
Abdominal pain
Below knee amputation (see:
Leg or foot amputation
Below knee amputation - discharge (see:
Leg amputation - discharge
Belsey (Mark IV) fundoplication (see:
Anti-reflux surgery
Belsey (Mark IV) fundoplication - children (see:
Anti-reflux surgery - children
Belsey (Mark IV) fundoplication - children - discharge (see:
Anti-reflux surgery - children - discharge
Belsey (Mark IV) fundoplication - discharge (see:
Anti-reflux surgery - discharge
Belt lipectomy (see:
Considering plastic surgery after a large weight loss
(Special Topic)
Ben-Gay overdose (see:
Sports cream overdose
Benadryl overdose (see:
Diphenhydramine overdose
Benefits of breastfeeding
Benefits of quitting tobacco
(Special Topic)
(Special Topic)
Benign breast disease (see:
Fibrocystic breasts
Benign ear cyst or tumor
Benign essential tremor (see:
Essential tremor
Benign intracranial hypertension (see:
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension
Benign migratory glossitis (see:
Geographic tongue
Benign nasal tumor (see:
Juvenile angiofibroma
Benign paroxysmal peritonitis (see:
Familial Mediterranean fever
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (see:
Benign positional vertigo
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (see:
Vertigo-associated disorders
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo - aftercare (see:
Benign positional vertigo - aftercare
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo - Epley (see:
Epley maneuver
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo-Epley (see:
Epley maneuver
Benign positional vertigo
Benign positional vertigo (see:
Vertigo-associated disorders
Benign positional vertigo - aftercare (see:
Dizziness and vertigo - aftercare
Benign positional vertigo - aftercare
Benign positional vertigo - Epley (see:
Epley maneuver
Benign positional vertigo-Epley (see:
Epley maneuver
Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) - resources
(Special Topic)
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) cause and symptoms
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (hypertrophy) (see:
Enlarged prostate
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (hypertrophy) - resection (see:
Prostate resection - minimally invasive
Benign prostatic hyperplasia - InDepth
Benign prostatic hyperplasia - self-care (see:
Enlarged prostate - after care
Benign prostatic hypertrophy (hyperplasia) (see:
Enlarged prostate
Benign prostatic hypertrophy - self-care (see:
Enlarged prostate - after care
Benign prostatic hypertrophy - what to ask your doctor (see:
Enlarged prostate - what to ask your doctor
(Doctor Questions)
Benign pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy (see:
Becker muscular dystrophy
Benign skin tumors - keratosis (see:
Seborrheic keratosis
Benign summer light eruption (see:
Polymorphous light eruption
Benzene poisoning
Benzenol poisoning (see:
Carbolic acid poisoning
Benzodiazepine - substance use (see:
Substance use - prescription drugs
(Special Topic)
Benzodiazepine overdose - oxazepam (see:
Oxazepam overdose
Benzodiazepines (see:
Medicines for sleep
(Special Topic)
Benzodiazepines - screen (see:
Toxicology screen
(Medical Test)
Bereavement (see:
Berger disease (see:
IgA nephropathy
Berger's disease (see:
IgA nephropathy
Bernard-Soulier syndrome (see:
Congenital platelet function defects
Bernstein test
(Medical Test)
Berry aneurysm - endovascular repair (see:
Endovascular embolization
Berry aneurysm repair (see:
Brain aneurysm repair
Berry aneurysm repair - discharge (see:
Brain aneurysm repair - discharge
Beta agonist inhaler - COPD - control drugs (see:
COPD - control drugs
Beta galactosidase deficiency (see:
Mucopolysaccharidosis type IV
Beta thalassemia (see:
Beta-blockers overdose
Beta-carotene blood test
(Medical Test)
Beta-HCG - urine (see:
HCG in urine
(Medical Test)
Beta-HCG in blood serum - qualitative (see:
HCG blood test - qualitative
(Medical Test)
Beuren syndrome (see:
Williams syndrome
Bevacizumab - intravitreal injection (see:
Intravitreal injection
Bevacizumab-intravitreal injection (see:
Intravitreal injection
Bi-malleolar (see:
Ankle fracture - aftercare
Bicarbonate test (see:
CO2 blood test
(Medical Test)
Bicipital tendinitis (see:
Bicommissural aortic valve (see:
Bicuspid aortic valve
Bicuspid aortic valve
Bicycle safety
Bicycling - back pain (see:
Back pain and sports
Biduoterian fever (see:
Biermer anemia (see:
Pernicious anemia
Bilateral acoustic neurofibromatosis (see:
Neurofibromatosis 2
Bilateral hydronephrosis
Bilateral tonic-clonic seizure
Bilateral vestibular schwannomas (see:
Neurofibromatosis 2
(Special Topic)
Bile acid resins (see:
Bile acid sequestrants for cholesterol
Bile acid sequestrants for cholesterol
Bile culture
(Medical Test)
Bile duct cancer (see:
Bile duct obstruction
Bile duct stone (see:
Bile duct stones - InDepth (see:
Gallstones and gallbladder disease - InDepth
Bile duct stricture
Bile tract (see:
Biliary system
(Special Topic)
Bilevel positive airway pressure (see:
Positive airway pressure treatment
(Special Topic)
Bilharzia (see:
Bili lights
(Special Topic)
Bili lights - jaundice (see:
Newborn jaundice
Biliary atresia
Biliary calculus (see:
Biliary calculus - laparoscopic discharge (see:
Gallbladder removal - laparoscopic - discharge
Biliary calculus - open discha (see:
Gallbladder removal - open - discharge
Biliary calculus - open discharge (see:
Gallbladder removal - open - discharge
Biliary calculus: chenodeoxycholic acids (CDCA) (see:
Biliary calculus: gallstones chenodeoxycholic acids (CDCA) (see:
Biliary calculus: gallstones chenodeoxycholic acids (CDCA) - InDepth (see:
Gallstones and gallbladder disease - InDepth
Biliary colic (see:
Biliary colic - InDepth (see:
Gallstones and gallbladder disease - InDepth
Biliary obstruction (see:
Bile duct obstruction
Biliary scan (see:
Gallbladder radionuclide scan
(Medical Test)
Biliary stricture (see:
Bile duct stricture
Biliary system
(Special Topic)
Biliary tract (see:
Biliary system
(Special Topic)
Biliary tract biopsy (see:
Biopsy - biliary tract
(Medical Test)
Bilirubin - bili lights (see:
Bili lights
(Special Topic)
Bilirubin - urine
(Medical Test)
Bilirubin blood test
(Medical Test)
Bilirubin encephalopathy
Bilirubin encephalopathy (BE) (see:
Bilirubin encephalopathy
Bilirubin-induced neurologic dysfunction (BIND) (see:
Bilirubin encephalopathy
Billowing mitral valve (see:
Mitral valve prolapse
Binge eating - InDepth (see:
Eating disorders - InDepth
Binge eating - resources (see:
Eating disorders - resources
(Special Topic)
Binge eating disorder
Binge-purge behavior (see:
Binge-purge behavior - InDepth (see:
Eating disorders - InDepth
Binswanger disease (see:
Vascular dementia
Bioengineered foods (see:
Genetically modified organisms - GMOs
(Special Topic)
Biological therapy (see:
Immunotherapy for cancer
(Special Topic)
Biomicroscopy (see:
Slit-lamp exam
(Medical Test)
Biophysical profile - monitoring (see:
Monitoring your baby before labor
(Special Topic)
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - abdominal wall fat pad (see:
Abdominal wall fat pad biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - biliary tract
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - bladder (see:
Bladder biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - bone (see:
Bone lesion biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - bone marrow (see:
Bone marrow biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - breast - stereotactic (see:
Breast biopsy - stereotactic
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - breast - ultrasound (see:
Breast biopsy - ultrasound
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - brush - urinary tract (see:
Ureteral retrograde brush biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - carpal tunnel (see:
Carpal tunnel biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - cervical punch (see:
Colposcopy - directed biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - cervix - colposcopy (see:
Colposcopy - directed biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - colposcopy - directed (see:
Colposcopy - directed biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - cone (see:
Cone biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - endometrium (see:
Endometrial biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - gastric tissue (see:
Gastric tissue biopsy and culture
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - gingiva (gums) (see:
Gum biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - heart (see:
Myocardial biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - kidney (see:
Kidney biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - liver (see:
Liver biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - lymph nodes (see:
Lymph node biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - mouth or throat (see:
Oropharynx lesion biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - muscle (see:
Muscle biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - nasal mucosa (see:
Nasal mucosal biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - nerve (see:
Nerve biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - open lung (see:
Open lung biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - open pleura (see:
Open pleural biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - polyps (see:
Polyp biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - prostate (see:
Prostate cancer
Biopsy - prostate - InDepth (see:
Prostate cancer - InDepth
Biopsy - rectum (see:
Rectal biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - salivary gland (see:
Salivary gland biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - skin (see:
Skin lesion biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - stomach tissue (see:
Gastric tissue biopsy and culture
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - synovial membrane (see:
Synovial biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - testicle (see:
Testicular biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - thyroid - skinny-needle (see:
Fine needle aspiration of the thyroid
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - tongue (see:
Tongue biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - upper airway (see:
Upper airway biopsy
(Medical Test)
Biotherapy (see:
Immunotherapy for cancer
(Special Topic)
BiPAP (see:
Positive airway pressure treatment
(Special Topic)
Bipolar - ECT (see:
Electroconvulsive therapy
Bipolar - suicide (see:
Suicide and suicidal behavior
Bipolar -suicide (see:
Suicide and suicidal behavior
Bipolar affective disorder (see:
Bipolar disorder
Bipolar affective disorder - InDepth (see:
Bipolar disorder - InDepth
Bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorder - InDepth
Bird breeder's or bird fancier's lung (see:
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Bird flu (see:
Avian influenza
Bird flu - InDepth (see:
Colds and the flu - InDepth
Birth - changes in the newborn (see:
Changes in the newborn at birth
(Special Topic)
Birth - managing pain (see:
Managing pain during labor
Birth defect - ALCAPA (see:
Anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery
Birth defect - dextrocardia (see:
Birth defect - DILV (see:
Double inlet left ventricle
Birth defect - DORV (see:
Double outlet right ventricle
Birth defect - ECD (see:
Endocardial cushion defect
Birth defect - gastroschisis (see:
Birth defect - omphalocele (see:
Birth defect - tetralogy (see:
Tetralogy of Fallot
Birth defect - transposition (see:
Transposition of the great arteries
Birth defect - vagina, ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and cervix (see:
Developmental differences of the female genital tract
Birth defect - vagina, ovaries, uterus, and cervix (see:
Developmental differences of the female genital tract
Birth defect heart - aortopulmonary window (see:
Aortopulmonary window
Birth defect heart - ASD (see:
Atrial septal defect (ASD)
Birth defect heart - coronary artery fistula (see:
Coronary artery fistula
Birth defect heart - double aortic arch (see:
Double aortic arch
Birth defect heart - Ebstein (see:
Ebstein anomaly
Birth defect heart - Eisenmenger (see:
Eisenmenger syndrome
Birth defect heart - pulmonary valve (see:
Absent pulmonary valve
Birth defect heart - vascular ring (see:
Vascular ring
Birth defect of the heart - heart failure in children (see:
Heart failure in children
Birth defects - hysteroscopy (see:
Birth-acquired herpes (see:
Pregnancy and herpes
Birth-related brachial plexus palsy (see:
Brachial plexus injury in newborns
Birthmark - hemangioma (see:
Birthmark removal (see:
Skin lesion removal
Birthmark removal aftercare (see:
Skin lesion removal - aftercare
Birthmarks - pigmented
Bites - animals - self-care (see:
Animal bites - self-care
Bites - human - self-care (see:
Human bites - self-care
Bites - insects, bees, and spiders (see:
Insect bites and stings
Bites - marine animals (see:
Marine animal stings or bites
Bites - snakes (see:
Snake bites
Bitewings (see:
Dental x-rays
(Medical Test)
Bithermal caloric testing (see:
Caloric stimulation
(Medical Test)
Bitter nightshade poisoning (see:
Blue nightshade poisoning
Bittersweet poisoning (see:
Blue nightshade poisoning
Biventricular assist device (see:
Ventricular assist device
Biventricular pacemaker (see:
Heart pacemaker
Biventricular pacemaker - discharge (see:
Heart pacemaker - discharge
BK amputation (see:
Leg or foot amputation
BK amputation - discharge (see:
Leg amputation - discharge
Black light test (see:
Wood lamp examination
(Medical Test)
Black lung disease (see:
Coal worker's pneumoconiosis
Black nightshade poisoning
Black or tarry stools
Black widow spider
Black widow spider bite (see:
Insect bites and stings
Blackheads (see:
Blackwater fever (see:
Bladder biopsy
(Medical Test)
Bladder birth defect repair (see:
Bladder exstrophy repair
Bladder calculi (see:
Bladder stones
Bladder cancer
Bladder cancer - cytology (see:
Cytology exam of urine
(Medical Test)
Bladder catheter - infants (see:
Urinary catheter - infants
(Special Topic)
Bladder exstrophy repair
Bladder incontinence - care at home (see:
When you have urinary incontinence
Bladder incontinence stress (see:
Stress urinary incontinence
Bladder infection - adults (see:
Urinary tract infection - adults
Bladder infection - children (see:
Urinary tract infection - children
Bladder infection - InDepth (see:
Urinary tract infection - InDepth
Bladder infection - self-care (see:
Urinary tract infection in women - self-care
Bladder infection - urinalysis (see:
(Medical Test)
Bladder injury (see:
Traumatic injury of the bladder and urethra
Bladder outlet obstruction
Bladder pain syndrome (see:
Cystitis - noninfectious
Bladder perforation (see:
Traumatic injury of the bladder and urethra
Bladder scan (see:
Radionuclide cystogram
(Medical Test)
Bladder spasms (see:
Urge incontinence
Bladder stones
Blake drain (see:
Closed suction drain with bulb
Blanching of the fingers (see:
Fingers that change color
Bland diet
Bland-White-Garland syndrome (see:
Anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery
Blastocyst (see:
Fetal development
(Special Topic)
Bleach (see:
Sodium hypochlorite poisoning
Bleed - angiodysplasia (see:
Angiodysplasia of the colon
Bleeding - colorectal polyps (see:
Colorectal polyps
Bleeding - dysfunctional uterine (see:
Abnormal uterine bleeding
Bleeding disorder - Factor V deficiency (see:
Factor V deficiency
Bleeding disorder - hemophilia (see:
Bleeding disorder - hemophilia A (see:
Hemophilia A
Bleeding disorder - hemophilia B (see:
Hemophilia B
Bleeding disorder - idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (see:
Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
Bleeding disorder - ITP (see:
Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
Bleeding disorder - von Willebrand (see:
Von Willebrand disease
Bleeding disorders
Bleeding during cancer treatment
Bleeding esophageal varices
Bleeding from ear (see:
Ear discharge
Bleeding from the nose (see:
Bleeding gums
Bleeding into the skin
Bleeding scan (see:
RBC nuclear scan
(Medical Test)
Bleeding scan, Tagged RBC scan (see:
RBC nuclear scan
(Medical Test)
Bleeding time
(Medical Test)
Bleeding ulcer (see:
Peptic ulcer
Bleeding ulcer - InDepth (see:
Peptic ulcers - InDepth
Blepharoplasty (see:
Eyelid lift
Blepharoptosis (see:
Eyelid drooping
Blepharoptosis - children (see:
Ptosis - infants and children
Blepharospasm (see:
Eyelid twitch
Blindness - color (see:
Color blindness
Blindness - resources
(Special Topic)
Blindness - vision loss (see:
Living with vision loss
Blindness and vision loss
Blisters (see:
Bloating (see:
Abdominal bloating
Bloating - lactose intolerance (see:
Lactose intolerance
Bloch-Siemens syndrome (see:
Incontinentia pigmenti
Bloch-Sulzberger syndrome (see:
Incontinentia pigmenti
Blockage of leg arteries (see:
Peripheral artery disease - legs
Blockage of leg arteries - Doppler (see:
Doppler ultrasound exam of an arm or leg
(Medical Test)
Blockage of leg arteries - InDepth (see:
Peripheral artery disease and intermittent claudication - InDepth
Blockage of upper airway
Blocked airway (see:
Foreign object - inhaled
Blocked airway (see:
Foreign object - swallowed
Blocked fallopian tubes - hysterosalpingography (see:
(Medical Test)
Blocked nasolacrimal duct (see:
Blocked tear duct
Blocked tear duct
Blood alcohol test (see:
Toxicology screen
(Medical Test)
Blood cancer - chronic lymphocytic leukemia (see:
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
Blood clot - CTA lung (see:
CT angiography – chest
(Medical Test)
Blood clot - lung (see:
Pulmonary embolus
Blood clot - V/Q scan (see:
Pulmonary ventilation/perfusion scan
(Medical Test)
Blood clot in the legs (see:
Deep vein thrombosis
Blood clot in the legs - discharge (see:
Deep vein thrombosis - discharge
Blood clot in the renal vein (see:
Renal vein thrombosis
Blood clot to the lungs - D-dimer (see:
D-dimer test
(Medical Test)
Blood clots
Blood clots (see:
Cardiac and vascular disorders: Blood clot
Blood clots - lupus anticoagulants (see:
Antiphospholipid syndrome - APS
Blood culture
(Medical Test)
Blood differential test
(Medical Test)
Blood donation before surgery
Blood fluke (see:
Blood gases
(Medical Test)
Blood glucose - managing (see:
Managing your blood sugar
Blood group (see:
Blood typing
(Medical Test)
Blood hemoglobin (see:
Serum free hemoglobin test
(Medical Test)
Blood in ejaculation (see:
Blood in the semen
Blood in stool - colonoscopy (see:
(Medical Test)
Blood in stool - sigmoidoscopy (see:
(Medical Test)
Blood in the semen
Blood in the stool (see:
Rectal bleeding
Blood in the stool - hemorrhoids (see:
Blood in the urine (see:
Urine - bloody
Blood in the vomit (see:
Vomiting blood
Blood incompatibility - ABO (see:
ABO incompatibility
Blood incompatibility - HDN (see:
Hemolytic disease of the newborn
Blood indices (see:
RBC indices
(Medical Test)
Blood lead levels (see:
Lead levels - blood
(Medical Test)
Blood loss (see:
Blood poisoning (see:
Blood pressure - low (see:
Low blood pressure
Blood pressure measurement
(Medical Test)
Blood pressure monitors for home
(Special Topic)
Blood pressure reading (see:
Blood pressure measurement
(Medical Test)
Blood sample - arterial (see:
Arterial stick
(Medical Test)
Blood sample - capillary (see:
Capillary sample
(Medical Test)
Blood smear
(Medical Test)
Blood spots (see:
Blood sugar level (see:
Blood sugar test
(Medical Test)
Blood sugar management - InDepth (see:
Diabetes diet - InDepth
Blood sugar test
(Medical Test)
Blood thinner - heparin shot (see:
How to give a heparin shot
Blood thinners - aspirin (see:
Aspirin and heart disease
Blood thinners - clopidogrel (see:
Antiplatelet drugs - P2Y12 inhibitors
Blood transfusion - hemochromatosis (see:
Blood transfusion reaction (see:
Hemolytic transfusion reaction
Blood transfusions
Blood typing
(Medical Test)
Blood urea nitrogen (see:
BUN - blood test
(Medical Test)
Blood-draw (see:
(Medical Test)
Blood-pressure - DASH diet (see:
Understanding the DASH diet
Blood-thinner care (see:
Taking warfarin (Coumadin)
Bloodborne infections (see:
Bloodborne pathogens
(Special Topic)
Bloodborne pathogens
(Special Topic)
Bloodshot eyes (see:
Eye redness
Bloody sputum (see:
Coughing up blood
Blount disease
Blount's disease (see:
Blount disease
Blue discoloration of the skin
Blue nightshade poisoning
Blue spell - newborns (see:
Apnea of prematurity
Blues (see:
Bluish lips and fingernails (see:
Blue discoloration of the skin
Bluish skin (see:
Blue discoloration of the skin
Blunt myocardial injury (see:
Myocardial contusion
Blurred vision (see:
Vision problems
Blurry vision - retinal artery occlusion (see:
Retinal artery occlusion
Blurry vision - retinal vein occlusion (see:
Retinal vein occlusion
Blushing (see:
Skin blushing/flushing
BMD test (see:
Bone mineral density test
(Medical Test)
BMI (see:
Body mass index
(Special Topic)
BMI (see:
Body contouring (see:
Body lice
Body lift (see:
Considering plastic surgery after a large weight loss
(Special Topic)
Body mass index
(Special Topic)
Body movements - uncontrollable (see:
Movement - uncontrollable
Body temperature norms
(Special Topic)
Body wall defect (see:
Amniotic band sequence
Body-contouring surgery (see:
Considering plastic surgery after a large weight loss
(Special Topic)
Body-contouring surgery (see:
Boerhaave syndrome (see:
Esophageal perforation
Bog onion poisoning (see:
Jack-in-the-pulpit poisoning
Boil (see:
Bolus feeding (see:
Nasogastric feeding tube
Bonding with your baby (see:
Positioning your baby for breastfeeding
Bonding with your newborn
(Special Topic)
Bonding with your baby (see:
Positioning your baby for breastfeeding
Bone - broken (see:
Broken bone
Bone biopsy (see:
Bone lesion biopsy
(Medical Test)
Bone cancer (see:
Bone tumor
Bone cancer - Ewing sarcoma (see:
Ewing sarcoma
Bone densitometry (see:
Bone mineral density test
(Medical Test)
Bone density test (see:
Bone mineral density test
(Medical Test)
Bone fracture (see:
Broken bone
Bone graft
Bone infarction (see:
Bone infection (see:
Bone infection - children (see:
Osteomyelitis in children
Bone infection - discharge (see:
Osteomyelitis - discharge
Bone lengthening (see:
Leg lengthening and shortening
Bone lesion biopsy
(Medical Test)
Bone marrow (stem cell) donation
(Special Topic)
Bone marrow - myelofibrosis (see:
Bone marrow and organ transplant patients and pets (see:
Pets and the immunocompromised person
(Special Topic)
Bone marrow aspiration
(Medical Test)
Bone marrow biopsy
(Medical Test)
Bone marrow cancer - chronic lymphocytic leukemia (see:
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
Bone marrow culture
(Medical Test)
Bone marrow failure - aplastic anemia (see:
Aplastic anemia
Bone marrow transplant
Bone marrow transplant - bleeding (see:
Bleeding during cancer treatment
Bone marrow transplant - discharge
Bone marrow transplant - graft-versus-host disease (see:
Graft-versus-host disease
Bone marrow transplant - preventing infection (see:
Cancer treatment - preventing infection
(Special Topic)
Bone marrow transplant in children - discharge
Bone marrow transplant patients and pets (see:
Pets and the immunocompromised person
(Special Topic)
Bone mineral density test
(Medical Test)
Bone neoplasm - Ewing sarcoma (see:
Ewing sarcoma
Bone pain or tenderness
Bone scan
(Medical Test)
Bone shortening (see:
Leg lengthening and shortening
Bone strength and calcium (see:
Calcium and bones
(Special Topic)
Bone thinning - calcium and bones (see:
Calcium and bones
(Special Topic)
Bone thinning - hyperparathyroidism (see:
Bone thinning - parathyroid adenoma (see:
Parathyroid adenoma
Bone thinning - parathyroid hyperplasia (see:
Parathyroid hyperplasia
Bone tumor
Bone tumor - benign (see:
Bone tumor
Bone tumor - osteosarcoma (see:
Bone x-ray
(Medical Test)
Bonnevie-Ullrich syndrome (see:
Turner syndrome
Bony gallium scan (see:
Gallium scan
(Medical Test)
Bony tumor of the ear canal (see:
Benign ear cyst or tumor
BOO (see:
Bladder outlet obstruction
Booster shots - InDepth (see:
Immunizations - InDepth
Booster shots for COVID-19 (see:
COVID-19 vaccines
(Special Topic)
Borax poisoning (see:
Boric acid poisoning
Borderline personality disorder
Boric acid poisoning
Borreliosis (see:
Lyme disease
Borreliosis - InDepth (see:
Lyme disease and related tick-borne infections - InDepth
Botox - larynx: spasmodic dysphonia-BTX (see:
Botulinum toxin injection - larynx
Botox - larynx: spasmodic dysphonia - BTX (see:
Botulinum toxin injection - larynx
Botox - larynx: spasmodic dysphonia-BTX (see:
Botulinum toxin injection - larynx
Botox-larynx: spasmodic dysphonia-BTX (see:
Botulinum toxin injection - larynx
Bottle carries (see:
Tooth decay - early childhood
Bottle feeding (see:
Infant formulas
Bottle mouth (see:
Tooth decay - early childhood
Botulinum toxin injection - larynx
Bounding pulse (see:
Pulse - bounding
Bourneville disease (see:
Tuberous sclerosis
Bowel incontinence
Bowel incontinence - bowel retraining (see:
Bowel retraining
(Special Topic)
Bowel obstruction (see:
Intestinal obstruction and Ileus
Bowel obstruction - repair (see:
Intestinal obstruction repair
Bowel obstruction - suction (see:
Gastric suction
(Medical Test)
Bowel resection - small intestine (see:
Small bowel resection
Bowel resection - small intestine - discharge (see:
Small bowel resection - discharge
Bowel retraining
(Special Topic)
Bowel sounds (see:
Abdominal sounds
Bowel surgery - colostomy creation (see:
Bowel transit time
(Medical Test)
Boxer's fracture - aftercare (see:
Hand fracture - aftercare
BPD (see:
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
BPD - oxygen therapy in infants (see:
Oxygen therapy in infants
(Special Topic)
BPH (see:
Enlarged prostate
BPH - InDepth (see:
Benign prostatic hyperplasia - InDepth
BPH - resection (see:
Prostate resection - minimally invasive
BPH - self-care (see:
Enlarged prostate - after care
BPH - what to ask your doctor (see:
Enlarged prostate - what to ask your doctor
(Doctor Questions)
BPH resources (see:
Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) - resources
(Special Topic)
BPP - monitoring (see:
Monitoring your baby before labor
(Special Topic)
BPPV (see:
Benign positional vertigo
BPPV - aftercare (see:
Benign positional vertigo - aftercare
BPPV - Epley (see:
Epley maneuver
BPPV-Epley (see:
Epley maneuver
BPPV: dizziness- positional (see:
Benign positional vertigo
BPV - Epley (see:
Epley maneuver
Brachial palsy (see:
Brachial plexus injury in newborns
Brachial plexopathy
Brachial plexopathy (see:
Brachial plexus injury in newborns
Brachial plexus
(Special Topic)
Brachial plexus dysfunction (see:
Brachial plexopathy
Brachial plexus injury in newborns
Brachioplasty (see:
Considering plastic surgery after a large weight loss
(Special Topic)
Brachytherapy - breast (see:
Partial breast brachytherapy
Bradycardia (see:
Bradycardia (see:
Cardiac arrhythmia: Taking a medical history
Bradycardia (see:
Cardiac arrhythmia: Heart palpitations and other symptoms
Bradycardia (see:
Cardiac arrhythmia: Physical exam
Bradycardia (see:
Cardiac arrhythmia - conduction system overview
Bradycardia (see:
Cardiac arrhythmia symptoms
Bradycardia (see:
Cardiac arrhythmia: Additional tests
Bradycardia (see:
Cardiac arrhythmia tests: ECG and EKG
Bradycardia - cardioversion (see:
(Special Topic)
Bradycardia - EPS (see:
Intracardiac electrophysiology study (EPS)
(Medical Test)
Bradycardia - pacemaker (see:
Heart pacemaker
Bradycardia - pacemaker discharge (see:
Heart pacemaker - discharge
Bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome (see:
Sick sinus syndrome
Bradykinin receptor antagonist - HAE (see:
Hereditary angioedema
Brain abscess
Brain aneurysm repair
Brain aneurysm repair - discharge
Brain bleeding - discharge (see:
Stroke - discharge
Brain cancer - CyberKnife (see:
Stereotactic radiosurgery - CyberKnife
Brain cancer - optic glioma (see:
Optic glioma
Brain CT (see:
Head CT scan
(Medical Test)
Brain hemorrhage - discharge (see:
Stroke - discharge
Brain herniation
Brain injury (see:
Head injury - first aid
Brain injury – infants (see:
Periventricular leukomalacia
Brain injury - concussion (see:
Traumatic brain injury
Brain injury - concussion - discharge (see:
Concussion in adults - discharge
Brain injury - discharge
Brain injury - infants (see:
Periventricular leukomalacia
Brain injury - mild - discharge (see:
Concussion in children - discharge
Brain injury - mild - what to ask your doctor - adult (see:
Concussion in adults - what to ask your doctor
(Doctor Questions)
Brain injury - mild - what to ask your doctor - child (see:
Concussion in children - what to ask your doctor
(Doctor Questions)
Brain injury in children - discharge (see:
Concussion in children - discharge
Brain lymphoma (see:
Primary lymphoma of the brain
Brain metastases - CyberKnife (see:
Stereotactic radiosurgery - CyberKnife
Brain MRI (see:
Head MRI
(Medical Test)
Brain natriuretic peptide test
(Medical Test)
Brain neurostimulation (see:
Deep brain stimulation
Brain PET scan
(Medical Test)
Brain positron emission tomography (see:
Brain PET scan
(Medical Test)
Brain radiation - discharge
Brain stem glioma - children (see:
Brain tumor - children
Brain surgery
Brain surgery - discharge
Brain tumor - children
Brain tumor - CyberKnife (see:
Stereotactic radiosurgery - CyberKnife
Brain tumor - metastatic (secondary) (see:
Metastatic brain tumor
Brain tumor - metastatic (secondary) (see:
How cancer spreads through the body
Brain tumor - primary - adults
Brain tumors - primary - InDepth
Brain wave test (see:
(Medical Test)
Brainstem auditory evoked potentials (see:
BAER - brainstem auditory evoked response
(Medical Test)
Brainstem glioma (see:
Posterior fossa tumor
Branch retinal artery occlusion (see:
Retinal artery occlusion
Branch retinal vein occlusion (see:
Retinal vein occlusion
Branchial cleft cyst
BRAO (see:
Retinal artery occlusion
BRAT diet (see:
Diarrhea in infants
(Special Topic)
BRAT diet - infants (see:
Diarrhea in infants
(Special Topic)
Braxton Hicks contractions (see:
Am I in labor?
BRCA - breast cancer risk (see:
Understanding your breast cancer risk
(Special Topic)
BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene testing
(Special Topic)
Break the bonds of emotional eating
(Special Topic)
Breakbone fever (see:
Dengue fever
Breast abscess (see:
Breast infection
Breast abscess - post partum mastitis (see:
Breast infection
Breast abscess - subareolar (see:
Subareolar abscess
Breast augmentation (see:
Breast augmentation surgery
Breast augmentation - discharge (see:
Cosmetic breast surgery - discharge
Breast augmentation surgery
Breast augmentation - discharge (see:
Cosmetic breast surgery - discharge
Breast biopsy - stereotactic
(Medical Test)
Breast biopsy - ultrasound
(Medical Test)
Breast cancer
Breast cancer - BRCA1 and BRCA2 (see:
BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene testing
(Special Topic)
Breast cancer - breast biopsy - ultrasound (see:
Breast biopsy - ultrasound
(Medical Test)
Breast cancer - breast reconstruction with implants (see:
Breast reconstruction - implants
Breast cancer - breast reconstruction with natural tissue (see:
Breast reconstruction - natural tissue
Breast cancer - BSE (see:
Breast self-exam
(Special Topic)
Breast cancer - calcifications (see:
Mammogram - calcifications
(Special Topic)
Breast cancer - discharge (see:
Nipple discharge
Breast cancer - male (see:
Breast cancer in men
Breast cancer - mammography (see:
(Medical Test)
Breast cancer - mastectomy (see:
Breast cancer - mastectomy - what to ask your doctor (see:
Mastectomy and breast reconstruction - what to ask your doctor
(Doctor Questions)
Breast cancer - mastectomy -discharge (see:
Mastectomy - discharge
Breast cancer - MRI (see:
Breast MRI scan
(Medical Test)
Breast cancer - partial radiation therapy (see:
Partial breast brachytherapy
Breast cancer - prevention (see:
Understanding your breast cancer risk
(Special Topic)
Breast cancer - radiation therapy (see:
Whole breast radiation therapy
Breast cancer - screening mammography (see:
(Medical Test)
Breast cancer - self-care for lymphedema (see:
Lymphedema - self-care
Breast cancer - stereotactic breast biopsy (see:
Breast biopsy - stereotactic
(Medical Test)
Breast cancer in men
Breast cancer screening
(Special Topic)
Breast cancer screening - MRI (see:
Breast MRI scan
(Medical Test)
Breast cancer screening - self exam (see:
Breast self-exam
(Special Topic)
Breast cancer screening - self exam, breast self-exam (see:
Breast self-exam
(Special Topic)
Breast cancer staging
(Special Topic)
Breast cancer - MRI (see:
Breast MRI scan
(Medical Test)
Breast cancer-breast biopsy - ultrasound (see:
Breast biopsy - ultrasound
(Medical Test)
Breast cancer-male (see:
Breast cancer in men
Breast cancer-prevention (see:
Understanding your breast cancer risk
(Special Topic)
Breast conservation surgery (see:
Breast lump removal
Breast development - puberty in girls (see:
Puberty in girls
(Special Topic)
Breast development in a male (see:
Breast enlargement in males
Breast enlargement in males
Breast exam - breast cancer screening (see:
Breast cancer screening
(Special Topic)
Breast external beam radiation - discharge
Breast feeding - nipple changes (see:
Breast skin and nipple changes
Breast feeding - nipple changes (see:
Breastfeeding - skin and nipple changes
Breast implants (see:
Breast augmentation surgery
Breast implants - discharge (see:
Cosmetic breast surgery - discharge
Breast implants surgery (see:
Breast reconstruction - implants
Breast infection
Breast leakage - prolactin test (see:
Prolactin blood test
(Medical Test)
Breast lift
Breast lift with augmentation (see:
Breast lift
Breast lift with augmentation - discharge (see:
Cosmetic breast surgery - discharge
Breast lift with reduction (see:
Breast lift
Breast lump
Breast lump - benign (see:
Fibroadenoma of the breast
Breast lump - fibroadenoma (see:
Fibroadenoma of the breast
Breast lump - fibrocystic (see:
Fibrocystic breasts
Breast lump - mammogram (see:
(Medical Test)
Breast lump - noncancerous (see:
Fibroadenoma of the breast
Breast lump - ultrasound (see:
Breast ultrasound
(Medical Test)
Breast lump removal
Breast mass (see:
Breast lump
Breast milk - pumping and storing
Breast milk jaundice (see:
Jaundice and breastfeeding
Breast MRI scan
(Medical Test)
Breast nodule (see:
Breast lump
Breast pain
Breast positron emission tomography (see:
PET scan for breast cancer
(Medical Test)
Breast pump information (see:
Breast milk - pumping and storing
Breast radiation (see:
Whole breast radiation therapy
Breast radiation - adjuvant (see:
Whole breast radiation therapy
Breast reconstruction - implants
Breast reconstruction - natural tissue
Breast reconstruction - what to ask your doctor (see:
Mastectomy and breast reconstruction - what to ask your doctor
(Doctor Questions)
Breast reduction
Breast reduction - discharge (see:
Cosmetic breast surgery - discharge
Breast removal surgery (see:
Breast removal surgery - discharge (see:
Mastectomy - discharge
Breast self-exam
(Special Topic)
Breast skin and nipple changes
Breast sparing surgery (see:
Breast lump removal
Breast swelling - premenstrual (see:
Premenstrual breast changes
Breast tenderness (see:
Breast pain
Breast tenderness - premenstrual (see:
Premenstrual breast changes
Breast tomosynthesis (see:
(Medical Test)
Breast tumor (see:
Breast lump
Breast ultrasound
(Medical Test)
Breast enlargement in a male (see:
Breast enlargement in males
Breast-non-feeding jaundice (see:
Jaundice and breastfeeding
Breast-sparing surgery (see:
Breast lump removal
Breastfeeding - babies and infants (see:
Feeding patterns and diet - babies and infants
Breastfeeding - mastitis (see:
Breast infection
Breastfeeding - nipple changes (see:
Breast skin and nipple changes
Breastfeeding - nipple changes (see:
Breastfeeding - skin and nipple changes
Breastfeeding - overcoming problems (see:
Overcoming breastfeeding problems
Breastfeeding - pump (see:
Breast milk - pumping and storing
Breastfeeding - resources
(Special Topic)
Breastfeeding - skin and nipple changes
Breastfeeding failure jaundice (see:
Jaundice and breastfeeding
Breastfeeding jaundice - discharge (see:
Newborn jaundice - discharge
Breastfeeding pattern (see:
Timing of breastfeeding
Breastfeeding positions (see:
Positioning your baby for breastfeeding
Breastfeeding vs. formula feeding
(Special Topic)
Breath alcohol test
(Medical Test)
Breath malodor (see:
Breath odor
Breath odor
Breath sounds
Breath-holding spell
Breathing - rapid and deep (see:
Breathing - rapid and shallow (see:
Rapid shallow breathing
Breathing - slowed or stopped
Breathing difficulties - first aid
Breathing difficulty
Breathing difficulty - lying down
Breathing sounds (see:
Breath sounds
Breathing sounds - abnormal (see:
Breathlessness (see:
Breathing difficulty
Breech birth (see:
Your baby in the birth canal
(Special Topic)
Breech birth
(Special Topic)
Brief psychotic disorder
Brief reactive psychosis (see:
Brief psychotic disorder
Brief resolved unexplained event - BRUE
Brill-Zinsser disease (see:
Bringing your child to visit a very ill sibling
Briquet syndrome (see:
Somatic symptom disorder
Brittle bone disease (see:
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Brittle bones - premature infants (see:
Osteopenia - premature infants
Brittle hair (see:
Trichorrhexis nodosa
Brittle nails (see:
Nail abnormalities
Broad nasal bridge
Broken bone
Broken bone - nail care (see:
Pin care
Broken bone - rod care (see:
Pin care
Broken bone - screw care (see:
Pin care
Broken bone - toe - self-care (see:
Broken toe - self-care
Broken collar bone - newborn (see:
Fractured clavicle in the newborn
Broken collarbone - aftercare
Broken foot - metatarsal (see:
Metatarsal fracture (acute) - aftercare
Broken foot bone (see:
Metatarsal stress fractures - aftercare
Broken foot-metatarsal (see:
Metatarsal fracture (acute) - aftercare
Broken jaw (see:
Broken or dislocated jaw
Broken kneecap - aftercare
Broken nose (see:
Nose fracture
Broken nose (see:
Nasal fracture - aftercare
Broken or dislocated jaw
Broken or knocked out tooth
Broken rib - aftercare (see:
Rib fracture - aftercare
Broken toe - self-care
Broken wrist (see:
Colles wrist fracture - aftercare
Brompheniramine maleate (see:
Pheniramine overdose
Brompheniramine overdose
Bronchial asthma (see:
Bronchial asthma - attack (see:
Signs of an asthma attack
Bronchial asthma - control drugs (see:
Asthma - control drugs
Bronchial asthma - dust (see:
Allergies, asthma, and dust
Bronchial asthma - InDepth (see:
Asthma in children and adolescents - InDepth
Bronchial asthma - InDepth (see:
Asthma in adults - InDepth
Bronchial asthma - inhaler with spacer (see:
How to use an inhaler - with spacer
Bronchial asthma - mold (see:
Allergies, asthma, and molds
Bronchial asthma - peak flow (see:
Make peak flow a habit
Bronchial asthma - peak flow meter (see:
How to use your peak flow meter
Bronchial asthma - pollen (see:
Allergies, asthma, and pollen
Bronchial asthma - quick relief (see:
Asthma - quick-relief drugs
Bronchial asthma - school (see:
Asthma and school
Bronchial asthma - triggers (see:
Stay away from asthma triggers
Bronchial asthma-control drugs (see:
Asthma - control drugs
Bronchial nebulizer (see:
How to use an inhaler - no spacer
Bronchial rupture (see:
Tracheal rupture
Bronchiolitis - discharge
Bronchiolitis - RSV (see:
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
Bronchiolitis - RSV test (see:
RSV antibody test
(Medical Test)
Bronchitis - chronic (see:
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Bronchitis - chronic (see:
Overview of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Bronchitis - chronic - adults - discharge (see:
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - adults - discharge
Bronchitis - chronic - day to day (see:
Day to day with COPD
Bronchitis - chronic - InDepth (see:
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - InDepth
Bronchitis - chronic - quick-relief drugs (see:
COPD - quick-relief drugs
Bronchodilators (see:
Asthma - quick-relief drugs
Bronchodilators - COPD - control drugs (see:
COPD - control drugs
Bronchodilators - COPD - quick-relief drugs (see:
COPD - quick-relief drugs
Bronchopneumonia (see:
Community-acquired pneumonia in adults
Bronchopneumonia - children (see:
Pneumonia in children - community acquired
Bronchopneumonia - children discharge (see:
Pneumonia in children - discharge
Bronchopneumonia adults - discharge (see:
Pneumonia in adults - discharge
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia - oxygen therapy in infants (see:
Oxygen therapy in infants
(Special Topic)
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia - postural drainage (see:
Postural drainage
Bronchoscopic culture
(Medical Test)
(Medical Test)
Brooke ileostomy (see:
Types of ileostomy
Brooke ileostomy - diet (see:
Ileostomy and your diet
Brooke ileostomy - discharge (see:
Ileostomy - discharge
Brooke ileostomy - living with (see:
Living with your ileostomy
Brooke ileostomy - pouch change (see:
Ileostomy - changing your pouch
Brooke ileostomy - stoma care (see:
Ileostomy - caring for your stoma
Brooke ileostomy and your child (see:
Ileostomy and your child
Brow presentation (see:
Delivery presentations
(Special Topic)
Brown dragon poisoning (see:
Jack-in-the-pulpit poisoning
Brown lung disease (see:
Brown recluse bite (see:
Insect bites and stings
Brown recluse spider
Brown tumor of bone (see:
Osteitis fibrosa
Brucella antibody test or titer (see:
Serology for brucellosis
(Medical Test)
Brucella serology (see:
Serology for brucellosis
(Medical Test)
Bruised bladder (see:
Traumatic injury of the bladder and urethra
Bruised kidney (see:
Injury - kidney and ureter
Bruised rib - self care (see:
Bruised rib care
Bruised rib care
Bruised rib-self care (see:
Bruised rib care
Bruised ribs (see:
Bruised rib care
Brushing Your Child's Teeth
(Special Topic)
Bruton's agammaglobulinemia (see:
BRVO (see:
Retinal vein occlusion
BSE (see:
Breast self-exam
(Special Topic)
Bubble bath soap poisoning
Bubo (see:
Groin lump
Bubonic plague (see:
Buccal smear
(Medical Test)
Buccal swab (see:
Buccal smear
(Medical Test)
Budd-Chiari syndrome (see:
Hepatic vein obstruction (Budd-Chiari)
Buerger disease (see:
Thromboangiitis obliterans
Buffalo hump (see:
Hump on upper back (dorsocervical fat pad)
Bug repellent safety
(Special Topic)
Bug spray poisoning
Bulb drain (see:
Closed suction drain with bulb
Bulbous gums (see:
Gums - swollen
Bulbous nose (see:
Bulge-knee (see:
Baker cyst
Bulging eyes (see:
Eyes - bulging
Bulging fontanelles (see:
Fontanelles - bulging
Bulimia - InDepth (see:
Eating disorders - InDepth
Bulimia - resources (see:
Eating disorders - resources
(Special Topic)
Bulimia nervosa (see:
Bulimia nervosa - InDepth (see:
Eating disorders - InDepth
Bulk (see:
Bullous myringitis (see:
Infectious myringitis
Bullous pemphigoid
Bump on the eyelid (see:
Eyelid bump
BUN - blood test
(Medical Test)
Bunion excision (see:
Bunion removal
Bunion removal
Bunion removal - discharge
Bunionectomy (see:
Bunion removal
Bunionectomy - discharge (see:
Bunion removal - discharge
Bunions - InDepth (see:
Foot pain - InDepth
Bunostomum phlebotomum (see:
Creeping eruption
Burch colposuspension (see:
Urinary incontinence - retropubic suspension
Burch colposuspension - discharge (see:
Urinary incontinence surgery - female - discharge
Burch colposuspension vagino-obturator shelf - discharge (see:
Urinary incontinence surgery - female - discharge
Burkitt lymphoma
Burkitt lymphoma - children (see:
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma in children
Burkitt's lymphoma (see:
Burkitt lymphoma
Burn from chemicals (see:
Chemical burn or reaction
Burn from the sun (see:
Burnett syndrome (see:
Milk-alkali syndrome
Burning eyes (see:
Eye burning - itching and discharge
Burning feeling when swallowing (see:
Painful swallowing
Burning feeling when swallowing, dysphagia (see:
Painful swallowing
Burning tongue syndrome (see:
Burning tongue syndrome - symptoms (see:
Tongue problems
Burns - resources
(Special Topic)
Burns skin flap self-care (see:
Skin flaps and grafts - self-care
Burping (see:
Bursitis - steroid (see:
Steroid injections - tendon, bursa, joint
Bursitis of the heel
Bursitis of the hip (see:
Greater trochanteric pain syndrome
Bursitis-steroid (see:
Steroid injections - tendon, bursa, joint
Butazolidin overdose
Butter, margarine, and cooking oils
Butterfly rash - SLE (see:
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Butterfly rash - SLE - InDepth (see:
Systemic lupus erythematosus - InDepth
Butterfly rash-SLE (see:
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Button batteries
Butyrylcholinesterase (see:
Cholinesterase - blood
(Medical Test)
Buying and caring for baby bottles and nipples
(Special Topic)
BV (see:
Bacterial vaginosis - aftercare
BVAD (see:
Ventricular assist device
Bypass - infants (see:
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
(Special Topic)
Bypass surgery - heart (see:
Heart bypass surgery
Bypass surgery - heart - discharge (see:
Heart bypass surgery - discharge
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