Index - A
- Alanine aminotransferase (see:
Alanine transaminase (ALT) blood test)
- Alanine transaminase (see:
Alanine transaminase (ALT) blood test)
- Alanine transaminase (ALT) blood test
- Albinism
- Albright hereditary osteodystrophy (see:
- Albright's hereditary osteodystrophy (see:
- Albumin - urine (see:
Urine protein dipstick test)
- Albumin blood (serum) test
- Albuminuria (see:
Urine protein dipstick test)
- ALCAPA (see:
Anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery)
- ALCAPA syndrome (see:
Anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery)
- Alcaptonuria (see:
- Alcaptonuric ochronosis (see:
- Alcohol - diabetes (see:
Diabetes and alcohol)
- Alcohol - drinking too much (see:
When you are drinking too much - tips for cutting back)
- Alcohol - underage drinking (see:
Risks of underage drinking)
- Alcohol abuse (see:
Alcohol use disorder)
- Alcohol abuse - delirium tremens (see:
Delirium tremens)
- Alcohol abuse - drinking problem (see:
Do you have a drinking problem?)
- Alcohol abuse - drinking too much (see:
When you are drinking too much - tips for cutting back)
- Alcohol abuse - fetal alcohol (see:
Fetal alcohol syndrome)
- Alcohol abuse - helping a loved one (see:
Helping a loved one with a drinking problem)
- Alcohol abuse - how to stop (see:
How to stop drinking)
- Alcohol abuse - InDepth (see:
Alcohol use disorders - InDepth)
- Alcohol abuse - quitting drinking (see:
Deciding to quit drinking alcohol)
- Alcohol abuse - risks (see:
Health risks of alcohol use )
- Alcohol abuse - teenager (see:
Talking to your teen about drinking)
- Alcohol addiction (see:
Alcohol use disorder)
- Alcohol addiction - drinking problem (see:
Do you have a drinking problem?)
- Alcohol addiction - InDepth (see:
Alcohol use disorders - InDepth)
- Alcohol and pregnancy
- Alcohol dependence (see:
Alcohol use disorder)
- Alcohol dependence - drinking problem (see:
Do you have a drinking problem?)
- Alcohol dependence - InDepth (see:
Alcohol use disorders - InDepth)
- Alcohol dependence - risks (see:
Health risks of alcohol use )
- Alcohol in pregnancy (see:
Alcohol and pregnancy)
- Alcohol in pregnancy (see:
Fetal alcohol syndrome)
- Alcohol related birth defects (see:
Alcohol and pregnancy)
- Alcohol test - breath (see:
Breath alcohol test)
- Alcohol use - alcoholic ketoacidosis (see:
Alcoholic ketoacidosis)
- Alcohol use - ascites (see:
- Alcohol use - helping a loved one (see:
Helping a loved one with a drinking problem)
- Alcohol use - how to stop (see:
How to stop drinking)
- Alcohol use - teenager (see:
Talking to your teen about drinking)
- Alcohol use - Wernicke (see:
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome)
- Alcohol use and safe drinking
- Alcohol use disorder
- Alcohol use disorder - drinking problem (see:
Do you have a drinking problem?)
- Alcohol use disorder - drinking too much (see:
When you are drinking too much - tips for cutting back)
- Alcohol use disorder - quitting drinking (see:
Deciding to quit drinking alcohol)
- Alcohol use disorder - resources
- Alcohol use disorder - responsible drinking (see:
Responsible drinking)
- Alcohol use disorders - InDepth
- Alcohol use disorder - drinking problem (see:
Do you have a drinking problem?)
- Alcohol withdrawal
- Alcohol withdrawal - delirium tremens (see:
Delirium tremens)
- Alcohol withdrawal delirium (see:
Delirium tremens)
- Alcohol-related birth defects (see:
Fetal alcohol syndrome)
- Alcoholic cardiomyopathy (see:
Dilated cardiomyopathy)
- Alcoholic encephalopathy (see:
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome)
- Alcoholic hepatitis - varices (see:
Bleeding esophageal varices)
- Alcoholic ketoacidosis
- Alcoholic liver disease
- Alcoholic liver disease - varices (see:
Bleeding esophageal varices)
- Alcoholic neuropathy
- Alcoholic polyneuropathy (see:
Alcoholic neuropathy)
- Alcoholism - alcohol use (see:
Alcohol use disorder)
- Alcoholism - alcohol use - InDepth (see:
Alcohol use disorders - InDepth)
- Alcoholism - deciding to quit (see:
Deciding to quit drinking alcohol)
- Alcoholism - drinking problem (see:
Do you have a drinking problem?)
- Alcoholism - fetal alcohol (see:
Fetal alcohol syndrome)
- Alcoholism - how to stop (see:
How to stop drinking)
- Alcoholism - InDepth (see:
Alcohol use disorders - InDepth)
- Alcoholism - responsible drinking (see:
Responsible drinking)
- Alcoholism - risks (see:
Health risks of alcohol use )
- Alcoholism - teenager (see:
Talking to your teen about drinking)
- Alcoholism - Wernicke (see:
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome)
- ALD (see:
- Aldolase blood test
- Aldosterone - serum (see:
Aldosterone blood test)
- Aldosterone - urine (see:
24-hour urinary aldosterone excretion test)
- Aldosterone blood test
- Alendronate (Fosamax) (see:
Medicines for osteoporosis)
- Alexander disease (see:
Factor VII deficiency)
- Aliseum overdose (see:
Diazepam overdose)
- Alkaline phosphatase (see:
ALP - blood test)
- Alkaline phosphatase isoenzyme test (see:
ALP isoenzyme test)
- Alkalosis
- Alkalosis - CO2 (see:
CO2 blood test)
- Alkalosis - respiratory (see:
Respiratory alkalosis)
- Alkaptonuria
- Alkaptonuric ochronosis (see:
- ALL (see:
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL))
- ALL - InDepth (see:
Acute lymphocytic leukemia - InDepth)
- Allergen
- Allergen immunotherapy (see:
Allergy shots)
- Allergic conjunctivitis
- Allergic conjunctivitis (see:
Conjunctivitis or pink eye)
- Allergic conjunctivitis - antihistamine (see:
Antihistamines for allergies)
- Allergic conjunctivitis - what to ask your doctor (see:
Allergic rhinitis - what to ask your doctor - adult)
- Allergic dermatitis (see:
Contact dermatitis)
- Allergic reaction - anaphylaxis (see:
- Allergic reaction - angioedema (see:
- Allergic reaction - drug (medication) (see:
Drug allergies)
- Allergic reaction - latex (see:
Latex allergies - for hospital patients)
- Allergic reaction - serum sickness (see:
Serum sickness)
- Allergic reactions
- Allergic rhinitis
- Allergic rhinitis - allergy testing (see:
Allergy testing - skin)
- Allergic rhinitis - antihistamine (see:
Antihistamines for allergies)
- Allergic rhinitis - InDepth
- Allergic rhinitis - pollen (see:
Allergies, asthma, and molds)
- Allergic rhinitis - pollen (see:
Allergies, asthma, and pollen )
- Allergic rhinitis - self-care
- Allergic rhinitis - what to ask your doctor - adult
- Allergic rhinitis - what to ask your doctor - child
- Allergic vasculitis (see:
Hypersensitivity vasculitis)
- Allergies
- Allergies - allergic rhinitis (see:
Allergic rhinitis)
- Allergies - allergic rhinitis - InDepth (see:
Allergic rhinitis - InDepth)
- Allergies - Allergic rhinitis - self-care (see:
Allergic rhinitis - self-care)
- Allergies - nasal corticosteroid sprays (see:
Nasal corticosteroid sprays)
- Allergies - what to ask your doctor - adult (see:
Allergic rhinitis - what to ask your doctor - adult)
- Allergies - what to ask your doctor - child (see:
Allergic rhinitis - what to ask your doctor - child)
- Allergies, asthma, and dust
- Allergies, asthma, and molds
- Allergies, asthma, and pollen
- Allergy - allergens (see:
- Allergy - allergic rhinitis (see:
Allergic rhinitis)
- Allergy - allergic rhinitis - InDepth (see:
Allergic rhinitis - InDepth)
- Allergy - allergies (see:
- Allergy - latex (see:
Latex allergies - for hospital patients)
- Allergy - serum sickness (see:
Serum sickness)
- Allergy - sneezing (see:
- Allergy injections (see:
Allergy shots)
- Allergy shots
- Allergy testing (see:
Allergy testing - skin)
- Allergy testing - skin
- Allergy to food (see:
Food allergy)
- Allocar overdose (see:
Cardiac glycoside overdose)
- Allogeneic donation (see:
Bone marrow (stem cell) donation)
- Allogeneic transplant - GVHD (see:
Graft-versus-host disease)
- Allogenic bone marrow transplant (see:
Bone marrow transplant)
- Allogenic bone marrow transplant - children - discharge (see:
Bone marrow transplant in children - discharge)
- Allogenic bone marrow transplant - discharge (see:
Bone marrow transplant - discharge)
- Allograft (see:
Bone graft)
- Allograft - bone (see:
Bone graft)
- Alocasia plant poisoning (see:
Caladium plant poisoning)
- Aloe
- Alopecia (see:
Hair loss)
- Alopecia (see:
Coping with cancer - hair loss)
- Alopecia areata
- Alopecia in men (see:
Male pattern baldness)
- Alopecia in women (see:
Female pattern baldness)
- Alopecia totalis (see:
Alopecia areata)
- Alopecia universalis (see:
Alopecia areata)
- ALP - blood test
- ALP isoenzyme test
- Alpha fetoprotein
- Alpha thalassemia (see:
- Alpha-1 antitrypsin blood test
- Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
- Alpha-1 protease deficiency (see:
Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency)
- Alpha-L-iduronate deficiency (see:
Mucopolysaccharidosis type I)
- Alpha-tocopherol (see:
Vitamin E)
- Alphamul overdose (see:
Castor oil overdose)
- Alport syndrome
- ALS (see:
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS))
- ALS - resources
- Alstrom syndrome
- Alström syndrome (see:
Alstrom syndrome)
- ALTE (see:
Brief resolved unexplained event - BRUE)
- Alteplase (see:
Thrombolytic therapy)
- Altered mental status (see:
Unconsciousness - first aid)
- Altered mental status - confusion (see:
- Alternative medicine - pain relief
- Alternative medicine - pain relief (see:
Causes and side effects of acute pain)
- Alternative medicine - pain relief (see:
Factors that can cause and worsen chronic pain)
- Alternative treatments for vaginal dryness (see:
Vaginal dryness alternative treatments)
- Altitude anoxia (see:
Acute mountain sickness)
- Altitude sickness (see:
Acute mountain sickness)
- Alupent (see:
Pentazocine overdose)
- Alupram overdose (see:
Diazepam overdose)
- Alveolar abnormalities
- Alveolar cyst disease (see:
- Alveolar lipoproteinosis phospholipidosis (see:
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis)
- Alveolar osteitis (see:
Dry socket)
- Alveolar proteinosis (see:
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis)
- Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma (see:
- Alveolitis (see:
Interstitial lung disease)
- Alveolitis (see:
Dry socket)
- Alveolitis - discharge (see:
Interstitial lung disease - adults - discharge)
- Alzheimer - resources
- Alzheimer - what to ask your doctor (see:
Dementia - what to ask your doctor )
- Alzheimer disease
- Alzheimer disease - dementia (see:
- Alzheimer disease - InDepth
- Alzheimer disease - remembering tips (see:
Remembering tips)
- Alzheimer disease - what to ask your doctor (see:
Dementia - what to ask your doctor )
- Alzheimer's - what to ask your doctor (see:
Dementia - what to ask your doctor )
- Alzheimer's disease (see:
Alzheimer disease)
- APAP (see:
Positive airway pressure treatment)
- APBI - brachytherapy (see:
Partial breast brachytherapy)
- APBI - IMRT (see:
Partial breast radiation therapy - external beam)
- APCA (see:
Antiparietal cell antibody test)
- Apert syndrome
- Apgar score
- Aphasia (see:
Speech impairment in adults)
- Aphthous stomatitis (see:
Mouth sores)
- Aphthous ulcer (see:
Canker sore)
- Aphthous ulcers (see:
Mouth sores)
- Apis venenum purum (see:
Bee, wasp, hornet, or yellow jacket sting)
- Apis venenum purum poisoning (see:
Bee, wasp, hornet, or yellow jacket sting)
- Apis virus poisoning (see:
Bee, wasp, hornet, or yellow jacket sting)
- Apitoxin (see:
Bee, wasp, hornet, or yellow jacket sting)
- Apitoxin poisoning (see:
Bee, wasp, hornet, or yellow jacket sting)
- Aplastic
- Aplastic anemia
- Aplastic anemia - bone marrow aspiration (see:
Bone marrow aspiration)
- Aplastic anemia - bone marrow transplant (see:
Bone marrow transplant)
- Apnea (see:
Breathing - slowed or stopped)
- Apnea - neonatal (see:
Apnea of prematurity)
- Apnea - newborns (see:
Apnea of prematurity)
- Apnea - obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (see:
Obstructive sleep apnea - adults)
- Apnea - obstructive sleep apnea syndrome - adults (see:
Obstructive sleep apnea - adults)
- Apnea - obstructive sleep apnea syndrome - InDepth (see:
Obstructive sleep apnea - InDepth)
- Apnea - pediatric sleep apnea syndrome (see:
Pediatric sleep apnea)
- Apnea of prematurity
- ApoB100 (see:
Apolipoprotein B100)
- ApoC2 (see:
Apolipoprotein CII)
- ApoCII (see:
Apolipoprotein CII)
- Apolipoprotein B deficiency (see:
Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome)
- Apolipoprotein B100
- Apolipoprotein CII
- Apoplexy
- Apoprotein B100 (see:
Apolipoprotein B100)
- Apoprotein CII (see:
Apolipoprotein CII)
- Apparent life-threatening event (see:
Brief resolved unexplained event - BRUE)
- Appendectomy
- Appendicitis
- Appendicitis - appendectomy (see:
- Appendix removal (see:
- Appetite - decreased
- Appetite - increased
- Appetizers (see:
12 healthy snacks with 200 calories or less)
- Applanation (see:
- Apprehension (see:
Stress and your health)
- Apprehension - InDepth (see:
Stress - InDepth)
- Appropriate for gestational age (AGA)
- Apraxia
- Apraxia of speech (see:
- Aprosencephaly with open cranium (see:
- APTT (see:
Partial thromboplastin time (PTT))