Asthma Treatment Quiz

  • Which of the following is not a goal of asthma treatment?

  • The main types of medicine for asthma are:

  • This device, used with an inhaler, helps get more medicine into the airways.

  • Sometimes younger children use a nebulizer to take their medicine. What does this machine do?

  • You can stop taking your control medicine when you start to feel better.

  • Why should you use a peak flow meter to check how quickly you can move air out of your lungs?

  • If you use quick-relief drugs twice a week or more to control your asthma symptoms, you should:

  • Getting rid of tobacco smoke at home is the most important thing a family can do to help a child with asthma.

  • Exercise can bring on asthma symptoms in some people, but you can still participate in the activities you love. Do this ahead of time:

  • Asthma action plans should include:

  • Which of these asthma symptoms is an emergency?

  • People with asthma can lead normal, active lives.