What has your pet done for you lately? Maybe your dog alerts you if a stranger steps foot on your porch better than any security system. Or perhaps your cat makes you smile as it chases a toy mouse down the hall or cuddles next to you while you take a nap. More than likely, your pets are companions who provide you with unconditional love and may well be considered members of your family. However, what you may not realize is that interacting with animals may have additional benefits. A growing body of research suggests pets can benefit both physical and emotional health often in remarkable and, sometimes, even life-changing ways.Intriguing connections between human health and pet interactions:Heart attack help from Fido. A study funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) followed 421 adults who had suffered heart attacks. The researchers discovered that after a year, the study participants who had dogs were significantly more likely to still be alive than were those who didn't have a pooch regardless of the severity of the heart attack.Heart attack help from ....