Penis pain
Penis pain is any pain or discomfort in the penis.
The penis is the male organ used for urination and sexual intercourse. The penis is located above the scrotum. It is made of spongy tissue and bloo...

Causes may include:
- Bladder stone
- Bites, either human or insect
- Cancer of the penis
Cancer of the penis
Penile cancer is cancer that starts in the penis, an organ that makes up part of the male reproductive system.
ImageRead Article Now Book Mark Article - Erection that does not go away (priapism)
- Genital herpes
Genital herpes
Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection. It is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). This article focuses on HSV type 2 infection....
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- Infected prosthesis of the penis
A prosthesis is a device designed to replace a missing part of the body or to make a part of the body work better. Diseased or missing eyes, arms, h...
ImageRead Article Now Book Mark Article - Infection under the foreskin of uncircumcised men (balanitis)
Balanitis is swelling of the foreskin and head of the penis.
ImageRead Article Now Book Mark Article - Inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis)
Prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate gland. This problem can be caused by an infection with bacteria. However, this is not a common cause. A...
ImageRead Article Now Book Mark Article - Injury
- Peyronie disease
Peyronie disease
Curvature of the penis is an abnormal bend in the penis that occurs during erection. In adults, it is most often due to Peyronie disease.
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Reiter syndrome
Reactive arthritis is a type of arthritis that follows an infection. It may also cause inflammation of the eyes, skin and urinary and genital system...
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Sickle cell anemia
Sickle cell disease is a disorder passed down through families. The red blood cells that are normally shaped like a disk take on a sickle or crescen...
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- Urethritis caused by chlamydia or gonorrhea
Urethritis is inflammation (swelling and irritation) of the urethra. The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the body.
ImageRead Article Now Book Mark ArticleChlamydia
Chlamydia is an infection caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis. It is most often spread through sexual contact.
ImageRead Article Now Book Mark ArticleGonorrhea
Gonorrhea is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI).
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- Blood clot in a vein in the penis
- Penile fracture
Home Care
How you treat penis pain at home depends on its cause. Talk to your health care provider about treatment. Ice packs may help ease the pain. Do not apply ice directly to the penis. Instead, place the ice in a towel or washcloth and apply the wrapped ice to treat the pain.
If penis pain is caused by a sexually transmitted disease, it is important for your sexual partner to also be treated.
An erection that does not go away (priapism) is a medical emergency. Get to the hospital emergency room right away. Ask your provider about getting treatment for the condition causing priapism. You may need medicines or possibly a procedure or surgery to correct the problem.
When to Contact a Medical Professional
Contact your provider if you notice any of the following:
- An erection that does not go away (priapism). Seek immediate medical attention.
- Pain that lasts for more than 4 hours.
- Pain with other unexplained symptoms.
What to Expect at Your Office Visit
Your provider will do a physical exam and take a medical history, which may include the following questions:
- When did the pain start? Is pain always present?
- Is it a painful erection that won't go away (priapism)?
- Do you feel pain when the penis is not erect?
- Is the pain in all of the penis or just one part of it?
- Have you had any open sores?
- Has there been any injury to the area?
- Are you at risk for exposure to any sexually transmitted diseases?
- What other symptoms do you have?
The physical exam will include a detailed exam of the penis, testicles, scrotum, and groin.
The pain can be treated once its cause has been found. Treatments depend on the cause:
- Infection: Antibiotics, antiviral medicine, or other medicines (in rare cases, circumcision is advised for long-term infection under the foreskin).
Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis.
ImageRead Article Now Book Mark Article - Priapism: The erection needs to diminish. A urinary catheter is inserted to relieve urinary retention, and medicines or surgery may be needed.
Urinary catheter
A urinary catheter is a tube placed in the body to drain and collect urine from the bladder.
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Reviewed By
Kelly L. Stratton, MD, FACS, Associate Professor, Department of Urology, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK. Also reviewed by David C. Dugdale, MD, Medical Director, Brenda Conaway, Editorial Director, and the A.D.A.M. Editorial team.
Broderick GA. Priapism. In: Partin AW, Domochowski RR, Kavoussi LR, Peters CA, eds. Campbell-Walsh-Wein Urology. 12th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2021:chap 70.
Pontari M. Inflammatory and pain conditions of the male genitourinary tract: prostatitis and related pain conditions, orchitis, and epididymitis. In: Partin AW, Domochowski RR, Kavoussi LR, Peters CA, eds. Campbell-Walsh-Wein Urology. 12th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2021:chap 56.
Seftel AD, Yang H. Diagnosis and management of Peyronie’s disease. In: Partin AW, Domochowski RR, Kavoussi LR, Peters CA, eds. Campbell-Walsh-Wein Urology. 12th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2021:chap 73.