- T and B lymphocyte assays (see:
B and T cell screen)
(Medical Test)
- T cell count (see:
T-cell count)
(Medical Test)
T-cell count
(Medical Test)
- T-lymphocyte count (see:
T-cell count)
(Medical Test)
- T3 radioimmunoassay (see:
T3 test)
(Medical Test)
- T3 resin uptake (see:
T3RU test)
(Medical Test)
T3 test
(Medical Test)
T3RU test
(Medical Test)
- Tachycardia - EPS (see:
Intracardiac electrophysiology study (EPS))
(Medical Test)
- Tachycardia - Holter (see:
Holter monitor (24h))
(Medical Test)
- Taeniasis - ova and parasites (see:
Stool ova and parasites exam)
(Medical Test)
- Tagged RBC scan (see:
RBC nuclear scan)
(Medical Test)
- Tangent screen exam (see:
Visual field)
(Medical Test)
- Tape test (see:
Pinworm test)
(Medical Test)
- Targeted prostate biopsy (see:
Prostate biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- TB skin test (see:
PPD skin test)
(Medical Test)
- TB smear (see:
Sputum stain for mycobacteria)
(Medical Test)
TBG blood test
(Medical Test)
- TBG level (see:
TBG blood test)
(Medical Test)
- TCD (see:
Transcranial Doppler ultrasound)
(Medical Test)
- TCD ultrasonography (see:
Transcranial Doppler ultrasound)
(Medical Test)
- TCO2 (see:
CO2 blood test)
(Medical Test)
- Tear test (see:
Schirmer test)
(Medical Test)
- Tearing test (see:
Schirmer test)
(Medical Test)
- Technetium scan (see:
Liver scan)
(Medical Test)
Temperature measurement
(Medical Test)
Tensilon test
(Medical Test)
- Test for precipitating antibodies (see:
Aspergillosis precipitin)
(Medical Test)
- Test of adrenal reserve (see:
ACTH stimulation test)
(Medical Test)
Testicular biopsy
(Medical Test)
- Testicular cancer - screening - self-exam (see:
Testicular self-exam)
(Medical Test)
Testicular self-exam
(Medical Test)
- Testicular sonogram (see:
Scrotal ultrasound)
(Medical Test)
- Testicular ultrasound (see:
Scrotal ultrasound)
(Medical Test)
(Medical Test)
Tests for H pylori
(Medical Test)
- Tests of adrenal reserve (see:
ACTH stimulation test)
(Medical Test)
- Tetracosactide stimulation test (see:
ACTH stimulation test)
(Medical Test)
- Tetralogy - quadruple (see:
Quadruple screen test)
(Medical Test)
- Thalassemia - electrophoresis (see:
Hemoglobin electrophoresis)
(Medical Test)
- Thalassemia - osmotic fragility (see:
Osmotic fragility test)
(Medical Test)
- Thallasemia - electrophoresis (see:
Hemoglobin electrophoresis)
(Medical Test)
- Thallium stress test (see:
Nuclear stress test)
(Medical Test)
- The PKU test (see:
Newborn screening tests)
(Medical Test)
Therapeutic drug levels
(Medical Test)
- Therapeutic drug monitoring (see:
Therapeutic drug levels)
(Medical Test)
(Medical Test)
- Thoracic aortic aneurysm - CTA chest (see:
CT angiography – chest)
(Medical Test)
- Thoracic CT (see:
Chest CT)
(Medical Test)
- Thoracic MRI (see:
Chest MRI)
(Medical Test)
Thoracic spine CT scan
(Medical Test)
- Thoracic spine films (see:
Thoracic spine x-ray)
(Medical Test)
Thoracic spine x-ray
(Medical Test)
- Thoracic x-ray (see:
Thoracic spine x-ray)
(Medical Test)
- Thormahlen's test (see:
Urine melanin test)
(Medical Test)
- Throat culture and sensitivity (see:
Throat swab culture)
(Medical Test)
- Throat lesion biopsy (see:
Oropharynx lesion biopsy)
(Medical Test)
Throat swab culture
(Medical Test)
- Thrombocyte count (see:
Platelet count)
(Medical Test)
- Thrombocytopenia - bone marrow aspiration (see:
Bone marrow aspiration)
(Medical Test)
- Thrombocytopenia - platelet antibody (see:
Platelet antibodies blood test)
(Medical Test)
- Thymus derived lymphocyte count (see:
T-cell count)
(Medical Test)
- Thyroglobulin antibody (see:
Antithyroglobulin antibody test)
(Medical Test)
- Thyroid antimicrosomal antibody (see:
Thyroid peroxidase antibody)
(Medical Test)
- Thyroid cancer - aspiration (see:
Fine needle aspiration of the thyroid )
(Medical Test)
- Thyroid echogram (see:
Thyroid ultrasound)
(Medical Test)
Thyroid function tests
(Medical Test)
- Thyroid hormone-binding ratio (see:
T3RU test)
(Medical Test)
- Thyroid nodule - aspiration (see:
Fine needle aspiration of the thyroid )
(Medical Test)
- Thyroid nodule - scan (see:
Thyroid scan)
(Medical Test)
- Thyroid nodule - ultrasound (see:
Thyroid ultrasound)
(Medical Test)
- Thyroid nodule fine needle aspirate biopsy (see:
Fine needle aspiration of the thyroid )
(Medical Test)
Thyroid peroxidase antibody
(Medical Test)
Thyroid scan
(Medical Test)
- Thyroid sonogram (see:
Thyroid ultrasound)
(Medical Test)
- Thyroid stimulating hormone (see:
TSH test)
(Medical Test)
- Thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin (see:
TSI test)
(Medical Test)
Thyroid ultrasound
(Medical Test)
- Thyroid uptake (see:
Radioactive iodine uptake)
(Medical Test)
- Thyroiditis - T3 (see:
T3 test)
(Medical Test)
- Thyroiditis - thyroglobulin antibody (see:
Antithyroglobulin antibody test)
(Medical Test)
- Thyroiditis - TSI (see:
TSI test)
(Medical Test)
- Thyrotoxicosis - T3 (see:
T3 test)
(Medical Test)
- Thyrotropin (see:
TSH test)
(Medical Test)
- Thyroxine test (see:
Free T4 test)
(Medical Test)
- Thyroxine test by equilibrium dialysis (see:
Free T4 test)
(Medical Test)
- TIA - carotid duplex (see:
Carotid duplex)
(Medical Test)
- TIA - CTA neck (see:
CT angiography - head and neck)
(Medical Test)
- TIA-CTA head (see:
CT angiography - head and neck)
(Medical Test)
- TIA-CTA neck (see:
CT angiography - head and neck)
(Medical Test)
- TIBC (see:
Total iron binding capacity)
(Medical Test)
- Tissue biopsy - Gram stain (see:
Gram stain of tissue biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Tissue sampling (see:
(Medical Test)
- Tissue typing (see:
Histocompatibility antigen test)
(Medical Test)
- Titer - antibodies (see:
Antibody titer blood test)
(Medical Test)
- TnI (see:
Troponin test)
(Medical Test)
- TnT (see:
Troponin test)
(Medical Test)
Tongue biopsy
(Medical Test)
(Medical Test)
TORCH screen
(Medical Test)
- Total bilirubin - blood (see:
Bilirubin blood test)
(Medical Test)
Total cholesterol
(Medical Test)
- Total CO2 (see:
CO2 blood test)
(Medical Test)
Total iron binding capacity
(Medical Test)
Total protein
(Medical Test)
- Total T4 test (see:
Free T4 test)
(Medical Test)
- Toxic nodular goiter - T3 (see:
T3 test)
(Medical Test)
Toxicology screen
(Medical Test)
- Toxoplasma antibody titer (see:
Toxoplasma blood test)
(Medical Test)
Toxoplasma blood test
(Medical Test)
- Toxoplasma serology (see:
Toxoplasma blood test)
(Medical Test)
- TPOAb (see:
Thyroid peroxidase antibody)
(Medical Test)
- Transabdominal ultrasound (see:
Pelvic ultrasound - abdominal)
(Medical Test)
- Transcranial Doppler study (see:
Transcranial Doppler ultrasound)
(Medical Test)
- Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography (see:
Transcranial Doppler ultrasound)
(Medical Test)
Transcranial Doppler ultrasound
(Medical Test)
- Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) (see:
(Medical Test)
- Transfusion - blood typing (see:
Blood typing)
(Medical Test)
- Transient ischemic attack - carotid duplex (see:
Carotid duplex)
(Medical Test)
(Medical Test)
- Transrectal prostate biopsy (see:
Prostate biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Transtelephonic event monitors (see:
Cardiac event monitors)
(Medical Test)
- Transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) (see:
(Medical Test)
- Transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) - children (see:
Echocardiogram - children)
(Medical Test)
- Transthoracic needle aspiration (see:
Lung needle biopsy)
(Medical Test)
Transvaginal ultrasound
(Medical Test)
- Triacylglycerol test (see:
Triglyceride level)
(Medical Test)
- Trichomoniasis - wet mount (see:
Vaginitis test - wet mount)
(Medical Test)
Triglyceride level
(Medical Test)
- Triiodothyronine (see:
T3 test)
(Medical Test)
- Triple screen test (see:
Quadruple screen test)
(Medical Test)
- Trisomy 21 - quadruple (see:
Quadruple screen test)
(Medical Test)
Troponin test
(Medical Test)
- TroponinI (see:
Troponin test)
(Medical Test)
- TroponinT (see:
Troponin test)
(Medical Test)
Trypsin and chymotrypsin in stool
(Medical Test)
- Trypsin-like immunoreactivity (see:
Trypsinogen test)
(Medical Test)
Trypsinogen test
(Medical Test)
- TSH receptor antibody (see:
TSI test)
(Medical Test)
- TSH receptor stimulating antibody (see:
TSI test)
(Medical Test)
TSH test
(Medical Test)
TSI test
(Medical Test)
- Tuberculin skin test (see:
PPD skin test)
(Medical Test)
- Tuberculosis smear (see:
Sputum stain for mycobacteria)
(Medical Test)
Tularemia blood test
(Medical Test)
- Tularemia test (see:
Tularemia blood test)
(Medical Test)
- Tumor imaging - PET (see:
PET scan)
(Medical Test)
- Turner syndrome - quadruple (see:
Quadruple screen test)
(Medical Test)
- Tympanogram (see:
(Medical Test)
(Medical Test)
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