Diseases & Conditions
Tabes dorsalis
- Tabetic neurosyphilis (see:
Tabes dorsalis)
- Tachy-brady syndrome (see:
Sick sinus syndrome)
- Tachycardia (see:
- Tachycardia - ventricular (see:
Ventricular tachycardia)
- Tachycardia - Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (see:
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW))
- Taenia saginata (see:
Tapeworm infection - beef or pork)
- Taenia solium (see:
Tapeworm infection - beef or pork)
- Taeniasis (see:
Tapeworm infection - beef or pork)
Takayasu arteritis
- Takayasu disease (see:
Aortic arch syndrome)
- Talipes (see:
- Talipes equinovarus (see:
- Tamponade (see:
Cardiac tamponade)
- Tapeworm (see:
Tapeworm infection - beef or pork)
- Tapeworm - infection (see:
Tapeworm infection - hymenolepis)
Tapeworm infection - beef or pork
Tapeworm infection - hymenolepis
- TAPVR (see:
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return)
Tardive dyskinesia
- Tardive syndrome (see:
Tardive dyskinesia)
Tarsal tunnel syndrome
- Taussig-Bing anomaly (see:
Double outlet right ventricle )
Tay-Sachs disease
- TB (see:
Pulmonary tuberculosis)
- TB - scrofula (see:
- TB meningitis (see:
Meningitis - tuberculous)
- TBI - subdural hematoma (see:
Subdural hematoma )
- TBVL (see:
Amaurosis fugax)
- TD (see:
Tardive dyskinesia)
- Tearing - entropion (see:
- Teeth grinding (see:
- Teeth grinding and clenching (see:
- Temporal lobe epilepsy (see:
- Temporal lobe seizure (see:
Focal seizure)
- Temporary visual loss - amaurosis fugax (see:
Amaurosis fugax)
- Temporomandibular disorder (see:
TMJ disorders)
- Temporomandibular joint disorders (see:
TMJ disorders)
- Temporomandibular muscle disorders (see:
TMJ disorders)
- Tendinitis - rotator cuff (see:
Rotator cuff problems)
- Tendinitis of the heel (see:
Achilles tendinitis)
- Tendonitis - elbow (see:
Tennis elbow)
- Teniasis (see:
Tapeworm infection - beef or pork)
Tennis elbow
- Tennis shoulder (see:
Rotator cuff problems)
Tension headache
- Tension-type headache (see:
Tension headache)
- Teratoma - extragonadal (see:
Malignant teratoma of the mediastinum)
- Tertian malaria (see:
- Tertiary syphilis (see:
Testicular cancer
Testicular failure
- Testicular failure (see:
- Testicular feminization (see:
Androgen insensitivity syndrome)
- Testicular ischemia (see:
Testicular torsion)
- Testicular mass (see:
Scrotal masses)
- Testicular neoplasm (see:
Leydig cell testicular tumor)
- Testicular neoplasm (see:
Testicular cancer)
Testicular torsion
- Testicular tumor (see:
Leydig cell testicular tumor)
- Testicular tumor - Leydig (see:
Leydig cell testicular tumor)
- Testicular twisting (see:
Testicular torsion)
- Testis infection (see:
- Testosterone - hypogonadism (see:
- Tet (see:
Tetralogy of Fallot)
Tetralogy of Fallot
- TGA (see:
Transposition of the great arteries)
- TGV (see:
Transposition of the great arteries)
- The drip (see:
- Thiamine deficiency (see:
- Thiamine deficiency - Wernicke (see:
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome)
- Thin bones (see:
- Third cranial nerve palsy (see:
Cranial mononeuropathy III)
- Third nerve palsy - ptosis (see:
Eyelid drooping)
- Third-degree heart block (see:
Heart block)
- Thomsen's disease (see:
Myotonia congenita)
Thoracic aortic aneurysm
- Thoracic aortic aneurysm - dissection (see:
Aortic dissection)
Thoracic outlet syndrome
- Threadworm (see:
- Threatened abortion (see:
Miscarriage - threatened)
- Threatened miscarriage (see:
Miscarriage - threatened)
- Threatened spontaneous abortion (see:
Miscarriage - threatened)
- Three day measles (see:
- Throat cancer (see:
Throat or larynx cancer)
Throat or larynx cancer
- Thrombasthenia (see:
Glanzmann thrombasthenia)
- Thrombasthenia - Glanzmann (see:
Glanzmann thrombasthenia)
- Thrombi (see:
Blood clots)
Thromboangiitis obliterans
- Thromboembolism (see:
Deep vein thrombosis)
- Thromboembolus (see:
Blood clots)
- Thrombophilia - thrombophlebitis (see:
- Thrombophlebitis - superficial (see:
Superficial thrombophlebitis)
- Thrombosis - pulmonary embolism (see:
Pulmonary embolus)
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Thrush - children and adults
Thrush in newborns
- Thymoma - mediastinal (see:
Mediastinal tumor)
- Thyroid - medullary carcinoma (see:
Thyroid cancer - medullary carcinoma)
- Thyroid adenoma (see:
Thyroid nodule)
- Thyroid adenoma - nodule (see:
Thyroid nodule)
Thyroid cancer
Thyroid cancer - medullary carcinoma
- Thyroid cancer - nodule (see:
Thyroid nodule)
Thyroid cancer - papillary carcinoma
- Thyroid cancer - pheochromocytoma (see:
Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) II)
- Thyroid carcinoma (see:
Thyroid nodule)
- Thyroid carcinoma - nodule (see:
Thyroid nodule)
- Thyroid crisis (see:
Thyroid storm)
- Thyroid hormone - hyperthyroidism (see:
- Thyroid hormone - hypothyroidism (see:
- Thyroid incidentaloma (see:
Thyroid nodule)
Thyroid nodule
- Thyroid nodule - medullary (see:
Thyroid cancer - medullary carcinoma)
- Thyroid nodules - hyperthyroidism (see:
Thyroid storm
- Thyroid tumor (see:
Thyroid nodule)
- Thyroid tumor - nodule (see:
Thyroid nodule)
- Thyroiditis - hyperthyroidism (see:
- Thyroiditis - hypothyroidism (see:
- Thyroiditis - silent (see:
Silent thyroiditis)
- Thyrotoxic crisis (see:
Thyroid storm)
Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis
- Thyrotoxic storm (see:
Thyroid storm)
- Thyrotoxicosis (see:
- Thyrotoxicosis - Graves (see:
Graves disease)
- Thyrotoxicosis - nodular goiter (see:
Toxic nodular goiter)
- Thyrotoxicosis - nodule (see:
Thyroid nodule)
- Thyrotoxicosis - thyroid storm (see:
Thyroid storm)
- Thyrotoxicosis factitia (see:
Factitious hyperthyroidism)
- Thyrotoxicosis medicamentosa (see:
Factitious hyperthyroidism)
- TIA (see:
Transient ischemic attack)
- TIA - carotid artery (see:
Carotid artery disease)
- TIA - vertebrobasilar insufficiency (see:
Vertebrobasilar circulatory disorders)
- Tibia vara (see:
Blount disease)
- Tibial nerve dysfunction (see:
Tarsal tunnel syndrome)
- Tibial nerve entrapment (see:
Tarsal tunnel syndrome)
- Tic - chronic motor tic disorder (see:
Chronic motor or vocal tic disorder)
- Tic - facial (see:
Facial tics)
- Tic - transient tic disorder (see:
Provisional tic disorder)
- Tic disorders - Tourette syndrome (see:
Tourette syndrome)
- Tic douloureux (see:
Trigeminal neuralgia)
Tick paralysis
- Tick-borne relapsing fever (see:
Relapsing fever)
- Tick-borne relapsing fever, Louse-borne relapsing fever (see:
Relapsing fever)
- Tilted uterus (see:
Retroversion of the uterus)
- Tinea (see:
- Tinea - capitis (see:
Ringworm of the scalp)
- Tinea barbae (see:
- Tinea circinata (see:
Ringworm of the body)
- Tinea corporis (see:
Ringworm of the body)
- Tinea cruris (see:
Jock itch)
- Tinea of the body (see:
Ringworm of the body)
- Tinea of the foot (see:
Athlete's foot)
- Tinea of the groin (see:
Jock itch)
- Tinea of the scalp (see:
Ringworm of the scalp)
- Tinea pedis (see:
Athlete's foot)
- Tinea unguium (see:
Fungal nail infection)
Tinea versicolor
- Tinnitus - acoustic (see:
Acoustic neuroma)
- Tipped uterus (see:
Retroversion of the uterus)
- Tissue infection - clostridial (see:
Gas gangrene)
- Tissue/organ rejection (see:
Transplant rejection)
- TM (see:
Transverse myelitis)
- TMD (see:
TMJ disorders)
TMJ disorders
- TMLV (see:
Amaurosis fugax)
- TMVL (see:
Amaurosis fugax)
- Tobacco use (see:
Nicotine and tobacco)
- TOF (see:
Tetralogy of Fallot)
- Tongue - patchy (see:
Geographic tongue)
- Tongue infection (see:
- Tongue inflammation (see:
Tongue tie
- Tonsillar herniation (see:
Brain herniation)
- Tonsillitis - abscess (see:
Peritonsillar abscess)
- Tonsillitis - strep (see:
Strep throat)
- Tonsillitis-strep (see:
Strep throat)
- Tooth - unemerged (see:
Impacted tooth)
Tooth abscess
- Tooth decay (see:
Dental cavities)
- Tooth infection (see:
Tooth abscess)
- Tophaceous gout (see:
- Tophi (see:
- Torn tracheal mucosa (see:
Tracheal rupture)
- Torsion of the testis (see:
Testicular torsion)
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return
- Total veins (see:
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return)
Tourette syndrome
- Tourette's syndrome (see:
Tourette syndrome)
- Toxemia (see:
- Toxic dilation of the colon (see:
Toxic megacolon)
- Toxic erythema of the newborn (see:
Erythema toxicum)
- Toxic goiter - hyperthyroidism (see:
- Toxic hepatitis (see:
Drug-induced liver injury)
- Toxic injury of the kidney (see:
Injury - kidney and ureter)
Toxic megacolon
- Toxic multinodular goiter (see:
Toxic nodular goiter)
Toxic nodular goiter
- Toxic nodular goiter (see:
Simple goiter)
Toxic shock syndrome
- Toxic shock-like syndrome (see:
Toxic shock syndrome)
Toxic synovitis
- Toxocariasis (see:
Visceral larva migrans)
Tracheal rupture
- Tracheoesophageal fistula (see:
Esophageal atresia)
Tracheomalacia - acquired
Tracheomalacia - congenital
- Transfusion reaction (see:
Hemolytic transfusion reaction)
- Transfusion reaction - hemolytic (see:
ABO incompatibility)
- Transgender (see:
Gender dysphoria)
- Transient binocular visual loss (see:
Amaurosis fugax)
Transient familial hyperbilirubinemia
Transient ischemic attack
- Transient monocular blindness (see:
Amaurosis fugax)
- Transient monocular visual loss (see:
Amaurosis fugax)
- Transient RDS (see:
Transient tachypnea - newborn)
- Transient synovitis (see:
Toxic synovitis)
Transient tachypnea - newborn
- Transitional cell cancer of the renal pelvis or ureter (see:
Renal pelvis or ureter cancer)
- Transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder (see:
Bladder cancer)
- Transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (see:
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease)
Transplant rejection
Transposition of the great arteries
- Transposition of the great vessels (see:
Transposition of the great arteries)
- Transsexualism (see:
Gender dysphoria)
- Transtentorial herniation (see:
Brain herniation)
Transverse myelitis
- Transverse myelitis (see:
Neuromyelitis optica )
- Trauma - compartment syndrome (see:
Compartment syndrome)
- Trauma - inner ear (see:
Acoustic trauma)
Traumatic brain injury
- Traumatic brain injury - concussion (see:
Traumatic brain injury)
- Traumatic brain injury - subdural hematoma (see:
Subdural hematoma )
Traumatic injury of the bladder and urethra
- Traumatic injury of the kidney (see:
Injury - kidney and ureter)
- Traveler's diarrhea - E. coli (see:
E coli enteritis)
- Traveler's diarrhea - giardiasis (see:
Giardia infection)
- Traveler's diarrhea - shigellosis (see:
Treacher Collins syndrome
- Treacher Collins-Franceschetti syndrome (see:
Treacher Collins syndrome)
- Tremor - drug-induced (see:
Drug-induced tremor)
- Tremor - essential (see:
Essential tremor)
- Tremor - familial (see:
Essential tremor)
Trench mouth
- Treponema - syphilis (see:
- Tri atresia (see:
Tricuspid atresia)
- Triad syndrome (see:
Prune belly syndrome)
- Trichinellosis (see:
- Trichiniasis (see:
- Trichobezoar (see:
- Trichomonas vaginitis (see:
- Trichopoliodystrophy (see:
Menkes disease)
Trichorrhexis nodosa
- Trichotillosis (see:
- Trichuriasis (see:
Whipworm infection)
Tricuspid atresia
- Tricuspid insufficiency (see:
Tricuspid regurgitation)
Tricuspid regurgitation
- Trifacial neuralgia (see:
Trigeminal neuralgia)
Trigeminal neuralgia
- Trismus (see:
Trisomy 13
Trisomy 18
- Trisomy 21 (see:
Down syndrome)
- Trophoblastic tumor (see:
- Tropical hemorrhagic fever caused by yellow fever virus (see:
Yellow fever)
Tropical sprue
- Truncus (see:
Truncus arteriosus)
Truncus arteriosus
- TSLS (see:
Toxic shock syndrome)
- TTN (see:
Transient tachypnea - newborn)
- TTP (see:
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura)
- TTP ADAMTS13 (see:
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura)
- TTTS (see:
Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome)
- Tubal ligation - ectopic pregnancy (see:
Ectopic pregnancy)
- Tubal ligation-ectopic pregnancy (see:
Ectopic pregnancy)
- Tubal pregnancy (see:
Ectopic pregnancy)
- Tubercular meningitis (see:
Meningitis - tuberculous)
- Tuberculosis - disseminated (see:
Disseminated tuberculosis)
- Tuberculosis - pulmonary (see:
Pulmonary tuberculosis)
- Tuberculous adenitis (see:
- Tuberculous cervical lymphadenitis (see:
Tuberous sclerosis
- Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) (see:
Tuberous sclerosis)
- Tubulointerstitial nephritis (see:
Interstitial nephritis)
- Tumor - acoustic (see:
Acoustic neuroma)
- Tumor - adrenal (see:
Adrenocortical carcinoma)
- Tumor - bone (see:
Bone tumor)
- Tumor - ear (see:
Benign ear cyst or tumor)
- Tumor - Leydig cell (see:
Leydig cell testicular tumor)
- Tumor - liver (see:
Liver cancer - hepatocellular carcinoma)
- Tumor - metastatic pleural (see:
Metastatic pleural tumor)
- Tumor - pituitary (see:
Pituitary tumor)
- Tumor - retina (see:
- Tumor - salivary duct (see:
Salivary gland tumors)
- Tumor - spinal cord (see:
Spinal tumor)
- Tumor - thyroid (see:
Thyroid cancer)
- Tumor - vaginal (see:
Vaginal cancer)
- Tumor embolus (see:
Pulmonary embolus)
Turner syndrome
- Twelfth rib syndrome (see:
Slipping rib syndrome)
Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome
- Twisted neck (see:
- Twitch - eyelid (see:
Eyelid twitch)
- Tympanic membrane perforation (see:
Ruptured eardrum)
Type 1 diabetes
- Type 1 diabetes (see:
- Type 1 tracheomalacia (see:
Tracheomalacia - congenital)
Type 2 diabetes
- Type 2 diabetes (see:
- Type 2 polyglandular autoimmune syndrome - Hashimoto (see:
Chronic thyroiditis (Hashimoto disease))
- Type I familial incomplete male pseudohermaphroditism (see:
Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome)
- Type I glycogen storage disease (see:
von Gierke disease)
- Type I hyperlipoproteinemia (see:
Familial lipoprotein lipase deficiency)
- Type I RTA (see:
Distal renal tubular acidosis)
- Type II hyperlipoproteinemia (see:
Familial hypercholesterolemia)
- Type II RTA (see:
Proximal renal tubular acidosis)
- Type III hyperlipoproteinemia (see:
Familial dysbetalipoproteinemia)
- Type IV hyperlipoproteinemia (see:
Familial hypertriglyceridemia)
Type V glycogen storage disease
- Types 1A and 1B pseudohypoparathyroidism (see:
Typhoid fever
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