Surgeries & Procedures
- PAD - angioplasty (see:
Angioplasty and stent placement - peripheral arteries)
- Palate surgery (see:
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) )
- Palatoplasty (see:
Cleft lip and palate repair)
- Pancreas transplant(Surgery)
- Pancreaticoduodenectomy (see:
Surgery for pancreatic cancer)
- Pancreaticogastrostomy (see:
Surgery for pancreatic cancer)
- Panniculectomy(Surgery)
- Papillary cancer - thyroidectomy (see:
Thyroid gland removal)
- Papillary carcinoma - radioiodine (see:
Radioiodine therapy)
- Papillotomy (see:
- ParaGard (see:
Intrauterine devices (IUD))
- Paralytic ileus - repair (see:
Intestinal obstruction repair)
- Parathyroid gland removal(Surgery)
- Parathyroidectomy (see:
Parathyroid gland removal)
- Parkinson - CyberKnife (see:
Stereotactic radiosurgery - CyberKnife)
- Partial breast brachytherapy(Surgery)
- Partial breast radiation therapy - brachytherapy (see:
Partial breast brachytherapy)
- Partial breast radiation therapy - external beam(Surgery)
- Partial external beam radiation - breast (see:
Partial breast radiation therapy - external beam)
- Partial knee replacement(Surgery)
- Partial laryngectomy (see:
- Partial mastectomy (see:
Breast lump removal)
- Partial nephrectomy (see:
Kidney removal)
- Partial shoulder arthroplasty (see:
Shoulder replacement)
- Partial shoulder replacement (see:
Shoulder replacement)
- Partial thyroidectomy (see:
Thyroid gland removal)
- Patellar (knee) debridement (see:
Knee arthroscopy)
- Patent ductus arteriosus ligation (see:
Congenital heart defect - corrective surgery)
- Patent urachal tube repair (see:
Patent urachus repair)
- Patent urachus repair(Surgery)
- PBSI (see:
Partial breast brachytherapy)
- PCI (see:
Angioplasty and stent placement - heart)
- PCNL (see:
Percutaneous kidney procedures)
- PDA ligation (see:
Congenital heart defect - corrective surgery)
- Pectus excavatum repair(Surgery)
- Pediatric heart surgery(Surgery)
- PEG tube insertion (see:
Feeding tube insertion - gastrostomy)
- Pelvic laparoscopy(Surgery)
- Pelvic lymphadenectomy (see:
Radical prostatectomy)
- Pelvic pouch (see:
Total proctocolectomy and ileal-anal pouch)
- Pelviscopy (see:
Pelvic laparoscopy)
- Penetrating keratoplasty (see:
Corneal transplant)
- Peptic ulcer - pyloroplasty (see:
- Percutaneous Achilles tendon rupture repair (see:
Achilles tendon repair)
- Percutaneous coronary intervention (see:
Angioplasty and stent placement - heart)
- Percutaneous electromyography - guided botulinum toxin treatment (see:
Botulinum toxin injection - larynx)
- Percutaneous electromyography-guided botulinum toxin treatment (see:
Botulinum toxin injection - larynx)
- Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube insertion (see:
Feeding tube insertion - gastrostomy)
- Percutaneous indirect laryngoscopy - guided botulinum toxin treatment (see:
Botulinum toxin injection - larynx)
- Percutaneous indirect laryngoscopy-guided botulinum toxin treatment (see:
Botulinum toxin injection - larynx)
- Percutaneous kidney procedures(Surgery)
- Percutaneous lithotripsy (see:
- Percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty (see:
Mitral valve surgery - minimally invasive)
- Percutaneous nephrostolithotomy (see:
Percutaneous kidney procedures)
- Percutaneous nephrostomy (see:
Percutaneous kidney procedures)
- Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty - peripheral artery (see:
Angioplasty and stent placement - peripheral arteries)
- Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (see:
Angioplasty and stent placement - heart)
- Pericardial drain (see:
Chest tube insertion)
- Peridural anesthesia (see:
Spinal and epidural anesthesia)
- Perineal anoplasty (see:
Imperforate anus repair)
- Peripheral artery bypass - leg(Surgery)
- Peripheral vascular disease - angioplasty (see:
Angioplasty and stent placement - peripheral arteries)
- Permanent breast seed implant (see:
Partial breast brachytherapy)
- Permanent pacemaker (see:
Heart pacemaker)
- Peroneal artery - angioplasty (see:
Angioplasty and stent placement - peripheral arteries)
- peroneal artery-angioplasty (see:
Angioplasty and stent placement - peripheral arteries)
- Pharyngitis - tonsillectomy (see:
- Photocoagulation (see:
Laser photocoagulation - eye)
- Photoselective vaporization of the prostate (see:
Prostate resection - minimally invasive)
- Pilonidal abscess (see:
Surgery for pilonidal cyst)
- Pilonidal cyst (see:
Surgery for pilonidal cyst)
- Pilonidal dimple (see:
Surgery for pilonidal cyst)
- Pilonidal disease (see:
Surgery for pilonidal cyst)
- Pilonidal sinus (see:
Surgery for pilonidal cyst)
- Pinnaplasty (see:
Cosmetic ear surgery)
- Pneumatic retinopexy (see:
Retinal detachment repair)
- Pneumonectomy (see:
Lung surgery)
- Popliteal artery - angioplasty (see:
Angioplasty and stent placement - peripheral arteries)
- popliteal artery-angioplasty (see:
Angioplasty and stent placement - peripheral arteries)
- Porcelain crowns (see:
Dental crowns)
- Portacaval shunting(Surgery)
- Portal vein pressure - distal splenorenal shunt (see:
Distal splenorenal shunt)
- Posterior spinal fusion (see:
Spinal fusion)
- Posterior vaginal wall repair (see:
Anterior vaginal wall repair)
- Posteromedial release (see:
Clubfoot repair)
- Pregnancy - cesarean (see:
- Pressure equalization tubes (see:
Ear tube insertion)
- Proctocolectomy (see:
Large bowel resection)
- Proliferative retinopathy - laser (see:
Laser photocoagulation - eye)
- Prostate - enlarged - resection (see:
Prostate resection - minimally invasive)
- Prostate brachytherapy(Surgery)
- Prostate cancer - prostatectomy (see:
Radical prostatectomy)
- Prostate removal - radical (see:
Radical prostatectomy)
- Prostate resection - minimally invasive(Surgery)
- Prostate resection - transurethral (see:
Transurethral resection of the prostate)
- Prostatectomy - radical (see:
Radical prostatectomy)
- Prostatectomy - simple (see:
Simple prostatectomy)
- Prosthetic valves (see:
Heart valve surgery)
- Proximal tibial osteotomy (see:
Osteotomy of the knee)
- PRP - laser (see:
Laser photocoagulation - eye)
- Pseudomembranous colitis - fecal transplant (see:
Fecal microbiota transplant)
- PTA - peripheral artery (see:
Angioplasty and stent placement - peripheral arteries)
- PTH - parathyroidectomy (see:
Parathyroid gland removal)
- Ptosis - eyelid lift (see:
Eyelid lift)
- Ptosis repair - eyelid lift (see:
Eyelid lift)
- Pubo-vaginal sling (see:
Urinary incontinence - urethral sling procedures)
- PUD - pyloroplasty (see:
- Pulling a tooth (see:
Tooth extraction)
- PVD - angioplasty (see:
Angioplasty and stent placement - peripheral arteries)
- PVP (see:
Prostate resection - minimally invasive)
- Pyloric obstruction - pyloroplasty (see:
- Pyloroplasty(Surgery)
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