Diseases & Conditions
- P. Vera (see:
Polycythemia vera)
- PA/IVS (see:
Pulmonary atresia)
- PAC (see:
Ectopic heartbeat)
- Pacemaker - heart block (see:
Heart block)
- PAD (see:
Peripheral artery disease - legs)
- Paget disease of the bone(Condition)
- Paget disease of the nipple - male (see:
Breast cancer in men)
- Paget disease of the nipple-male (see:
Breast cancer in men)
- Paget's disease of the bone (see:
Paget disease of the bone)
- Pahvant Valley plague (see:
- Pain - back (see:
Low back pain - acute)
- Pain - back - chronic (see:
Low back pain - chronic)
- Pain - CRPS (see:
Complex regional pain syndrome)
- Pain medicines - opiate withdrawal (see:
Opiate and opioid withdrawal)
- Painful bladder disease complex (see:
Cystitis - noninfectious)
- Painful neuropathy (see:
- Painful rib syndrome (see:
Slipping rib syndrome)
- Painful urination - noninfectious (see:
Cystitis - noninfectious)
- Painless thyroiditis (see:
Silent thyroiditis)
- PAIS (see:
Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome)
- Palatal myoclonus(Condition)
- Palatal tremor (see:
Palatal myoclonus)
- Palivizumab (see:
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV))
- Palmar fascial fibromatosis - Dupuytren (see:
Dupuytren contracture)
- Palsy - progressive supranuclear (see:
Progressive supranuclear palsy)
- PAN (see:
Polyarteritis nodosa)
- Pancoast syndrome (see:
Brachial plexopathy)
- Pancreas - inflammation (see:
Acute pancreatitis)
- Pancreas divisum(Condition)
- Pancreatic abscess(Condition)
- Pancreatic cancer(Condition)
- Pancreatic cancer (see:
Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors)
- Pancreatic divisum (see:
Pancreas divisum)
- Pancreatic endocrine tumor (see:
- Pancreatic insufficiency - chronic (see:
Chronic pancreatitis)
- Pancreatic islet cell tumor (see:
Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors)
- Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (see:
- Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors(Condition)
- Pancreatic pseudocyst(Condition)
- Pancreatitis - children(Condition)
- Pancreatitis - chronic - discharge (see:
Chronic pancreatitis)
- Pancreatitis - pseudocyst (see:
Pancreatic pseudocyst)
- Pancreatitis ascites (see:
- Panhypopituitarism (see:
- Panhypopituitarism (see:
Growth hormone deficiency - children)
- Panic attacks (see:
Panic disorder)
- Panic disorder(Condition)
- Pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration (see:
Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (NBIA))
- PAP (see:
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis)
- Pap smear - dysplasia (see:
Cervical dysplasia)
- Papillary carcinoma of the thyroid (see:
Thyroid cancer - papillary carcinoma)
- Papillary thyroid cancer (see:
Thyroid cancer - papillary carcinoma)
- Papillary thyroid carcinoma (see:
Thyroid cancer - papillary carcinoma)
- Papillary thyroid carcinoma (see:
Thyroid cancer)
- Papular acrodermatitis of childhood (see:
Gianotti-Crosti syndrome)
- Papulosquamous - pityriasis rosea (see:
Pityriasis rosea)
- Papulovesicular acro-located syndrome (see:
Gianotti-Crosti syndrome)
- Paraganglioma - glomus jugulare (see:
Glomus jugulare tumor)
- Paraganglioma - glomus tympanum (see:
Glomus tympanum tumor)
- Paraganglionoma (see:
- Parahemophilia (see:
Factor V deficiency)
- Parainfluenza(Condition)
- Paralysis - spastic (see:
Cerebral palsy)
- Paralysis agitans (see:
Parkinson disease)
- Paralytic dementia (see:
General paresis)
- Paralytic ileus (see:
Intestinal obstruction and Ileus)
- Paralytic ileus - pseudo-obstruction (see:
Intestinal pseudo-obstruction)
- Paranoid personality disorder(Condition)
- Paraphimosis(Condition)
- Parapneumonic pleural effusion(Condition)
- Paraquat lung (see:
Paraquat poisoning)
- Paraquat poisoning(Condition)
- Parasite infection - hookworm (see:
Creeping eruption)
- Parasite infection - trichinosis (see:
- Parasite infection - visceral larva migrans (see:
Visceral larva migrans)
- Parasite infection - American trypanosomiasis (see:
Chagas disease)
- Parasite infection - human African trypanosomiasis (see:
Sleeping sickness)
- Parasitic infection - hookworm (see:
Hookworm infection)
- Parasomnia - isolated sleep paralysis (see:
Sleep paralysis)
- Parasomnia - sleep paralysis (see:
Sleep paralysis)
- Parathyroid adenoma(Condition)
- Parathyroid cancer(Condition)
- Parathyroid cancer - pheochromocytoma (see:
Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) II)
- Parathyroid carcinoma (see:
Parathyroid cancer)
- Parathyroid hyperplasia(Condition)
- Parathyroid-related hypercalcemia (see:
- Parathyroid-related hypocalcemia (see:
- Parinaud oculoglandular syndrome(Condition)
- Parkinson disease(Condition)
- Parkinson plus syndrome (see:
Multiple system atrophy - parkinsonian type)
- Parkinson's disease (see:
Parkinson disease)
- Parkinson's plus syndrome (see:
Multiple system atrophy - parkinsonian type)
- Parkinsonism - secondary (see:
Secondary parkinsonism)
- Paronychia(Condition)
- Parotitis (see:
Salivary gland infections)
- Parotitis (see:
- Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria (PCH)(Condition)
- Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH)(Condition)
- Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT)(Condition)
- Parrot pneumonia (see:
- Pars planitis (see:
- Parsonage Turner syndrome (see:
Brachial plexopathy)
- Parsonage-Turner syndrome (see:
Brachial plexopathy)
- Partial (focal) seizure (see:
Focal seizure)
- Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome(Condition)
- Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome - Intersex (see:
Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome)
- Partial empty sella (see:
Empty sella syndrome)
- Partial lung collapse (see:
- Partial penectomy (see:
Penile cancer)
- Parvovirus B19 (see:
Fifth disease)
- PASC (see:
- Patau syndrome (see:
Trisomy 13)
- Patches on the tongue (see:
Geographic tongue)
- Patellar tendinitis (see:
Anterior knee pain)
- Patellar tendinitis (see:
- Patellofemoral syndrome (see:
Anterior knee pain)
- Patent ductus arteriosus(Condition)
- Patent foramen ovale(Condition)
- Patent processus vaginalis (see:
- Paterson-Kelly syndrome (see:
Plummer-Vinson syndrome)
- Pathological gambling (see:
Compulsive gambling)
- Pavlik harness (see:
Developmental dysplasia of the hip)
- Pavor nocturnus (see:
Night terrors in children)
- PBC (see:
Primary biliary cholangitis)
- PCC (see:
- PCH (see:
Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria (PCH))
- PCNSL (see:
Primary lymphoma of the brain)
- PCOS (see:
Polycystic ovary syndrome)
- PCP (see:
Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia)
- PDA (see:
Patent ductus arteriosus)
- PDD (see:
Persistent depressive disorder)
- PE (see:
Pulmonary embolus)
- Peanut allergy (see:
Nut allergies)
- Pediatric asthma (see:
Asthma in children)
- Pediatric hypertension (see:
High blood pressure - children)
- Pediatric sleep apnea(Condition)
- Pediculosis (see:
Body lice)
- Pediculosis - pubic lice (see:
Pubic lice)
- Pediculosis capitis - head lice (see:
Head lice)
- Pediculosis corporis (see:
Body lice)
- Pediculosis pubis (see:
Pubic lice)
- Pedopompholyx (see:
Pompholyx eczema)
- Pellagra(Condition)
- Pelvic abscess (see:
Abscess - abdomen or pelvis)
- Pelvic adhesion (see:
- Pelvic floor - stress incontinence (see:
Stress urinary incontinence)
- Pelvic floor hernia (see:
Uterine prolapse)
- Pelvic fracture (see:
Traumatic injury of the bladder and urethra)
- Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)(Condition)
- Pelvic inflammatory disease - chlamydia (see:
Chlamydia infections in women)
- Pelvic pain - adenomyosis (see:
- Pelvic pain - endometriosis (see:
- Pelvic pain syndrome (see:
Prostatitis - nonbacterial)
- Pelvic prolapse - stress incontinence (see:
Stress urinary incontinence)
- Pelvic relaxation - uterine prolapse (see:
Uterine prolapse)
- Pemphigus vulgaris(Condition)
- Penile cancer(Condition)
- Penile warts (see:
Genital warts)
- Peptic esophagitis (see:
Gastroesophageal reflux disease)
- Peptic esophagitis - children (see:
Gastroesophageal reflux disease - children)
- Peptic ulcer(Condition)
- Peptic ulcer - islet cell tumor (see:
Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors)
- Percocet - opiate withdrawal (see:
Opiate and opioid withdrawal)
- Percutaneous needle fasciotomy - Dupuytren (see:
Dupuytren contracture)
- Perforated eardrum (see:
Ruptured eardrum)
- Perforation of the esophagus (see:
Esophageal perforation)
- Perforation of the intestines (see:
Gastrointestinal perforation)
- Perianal abscess (see:
Anorectal abscess)
- Perianal streptococcal cellulitis(Condition)
- Perianal streptococcal dermatitis (see:
Perianal streptococcal cellulitis)
- Periapical abscess (see:
Tooth abscess)
- Periarteritis nodosa (see:
Polyarteritis nodosa)
- Pericardial tamponade (see:
Cardiac tamponade)
- Pericarditis(Condition)
- Pericarditis - after heart attack(Condition)
- Pericarditis - constrictive(Condition)
- Pericarditis - tamponade (see:
Cardiac tamponade)
- Perichondritis(Condition)
- Perimenopause (see:
- Perinatal - HIV (see:
HIV/AIDS in pregnant women and infants)
- Perinephric abscess (see:
Perirenal abscess)
- Periodic disease (see:
Familial Mediterranean fever)
- Periodic fever (see:
Familial Mediterranean fever)
- Periodic paralysis - hyperkalemic (see:
Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis)
- Periodic paralysis - hypokalemic (see:
Hypokalemic periodic paralysis)
- Periodic paralysis - thyrotoxic (see:
Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis)
- Periodic peritonitis (see:
Familial Mediterranean fever)
- Periodontal disease (see:
- Periodontitis(Condition)
- Perioral dermatitis(Condition)
- Periorbital cellulitis(Condition)
- Periorificial dermatitis (see:
Perioral dermatitis)
- Peripartum cardiomyopathy(Condition)
- Peripheral artery disease - legs(Condition)
- Peripheral neuritis (see:
Peripheral neuropathy)
- Peripheral neuropathy(Condition)
- Peripheral neuropathy - mononeuritis multiplex (see:
Multiple mononeuropathy)
- Peripheral neuropathy - tibial nerve (see:
Tarsal tunnel syndrome)
- Peripheral vascular disease (see:
Peripheral artery disease - legs)
- Peripheral vertigo (see:
Vertigo-associated disorders)
- Peripheral vision loss - RP (see:
Retinitis pigmentosa)
- Perirectal abscess (see:
Anorectal abscess)
- Perirenal abscess(Condition)
- Peritonitis(Condition)
- Peritonitis - secondary(Condition)
- Peritonitis - spontaneous bacterial(Condition)
- Peritonsillar abscess(Condition)
- Periungual warts (see:
- Periventricular leukomalacia(Condition)
- Pernicious anemia(Condition)
- Peroneal nerve injury (see:
Common peroneal nerve dysfunction)
- Peroneal nerve injury - foot drop (see:
Foot drop)
- Peroneal nerve palsy (see:
Common peroneal nerve dysfunction)
- Peroneal neuropathy (see:
Foot drop)
- Persistent (chronic) motor or vocal tic disorder (see:
Chronic motor or vocal tic disorder)
- Persistent depressive disorder(Condition)
- Personality disorder - antisocial (see:
Antisocial personality disorder)
- Personality disorder - avoidant (see:
Avoidant personality disorder)
- Personality disorder - borderline (see:
Narcissistic personality disorder)
- Personality disorder - borderline (see:
Borderline personality disorder)
- Personality disorder - dependent (see:
Dependent personality disorder)
- Personality disorder - histrionic (see:
Histrionic personality disorder)
- Personality disorder - obsessive-compulsive (see:
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder)
- Personality disorder - paranoid (see:
Paranoid personality disorder)
- Personality disorder - schizoid (see:
Schizoid personality disorder)
- Personality disorder - schizotypal (see:
Schizotypal personality disorder)
- Personality disorders(Condition)
- Perspiration - excessive (see:
- Perthes disease (see:
Legg-Calve-Perthes disease)
- Pertussis(Condition)
- Pervasive developmental disorder (see:
Autism spectrum disorder)
- Pervasive developmental disorder - Asperger syndrome (see:
Autism spectrum disorder - Asperger syndrome)
- Pervasive developmental disorder - autism (see:
Autism spectrum disorder)
- Pes cavus (see:
High arch)
- Pes planovalgus (see:
Flat feet)
- Pes planus (see:
Flat feet)
- Petit mal seizure (see:
Absence seizure)
- Petrositis(Condition)
- Peutz-Jeghers syndrome(Condition)
- Peyronie disease (see:
Curvature of the penis)
- Peyronie's disease (see:
Curvature of the penis)
- PFO (see:
Patent foramen ovale)
- PGA II - Hashimoto (see:
Chronic thyroiditis (Hashimoto disease))
- Phagocyte deficiency - chronic granulomatous disease (see:
Chronic granulomatous disease)
- Pharyngeal diphtheria (see:
- Pharyngitis - bacterial (see:
Pharyngitis - sore throat)
- Pharyngitis - sore throat(Condition)
- Pharyngitis - streptococcal (see:
Strep throat)
- Pharyngitis - viral(Condition)
- Pharyngomaxillary space abscess(Condition)
- Phenacetin nephritis (see:
Analgesic nephropathy)
- Phenylketonuria(Condition)
- Pheochromocytoma(Condition)
- Pheochromocytoma - MEN II (see:
Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) II)
- Phlebitis (see:
- Phlebitis, superficial phlebitis, deep vein thrombosis (see:
- Phlegmasia alba dolens (see:
Phlegmasia cerulea dolens)
- Phlegmasia cerulea dolens(Condition)
- Phobia - simple/specific(Condition)
- Phobia - social (see:
Social anxiety disorder)
- Phonological disorder (see:
Speech disorders - children)
- Phonological disorder(Condition)
- Phosphate - low (see:
- Photocoagulation - retina (see:
Diabetes and eye disease)
- Photodermatosis (see:
Polymorphous light eruption)
- PHP (see:
- Phthirus pubis (see:
Pubic lice)
- Phymatous rosacea (see:
- Physical abuse - children (see:
Child physical abuse)
- Physical concomitants (see:
- Physiologic ovarian cysts (see:
Ovarian cysts)
- Pica(Condition)
- Pick disease (see:
Frontotemporal dementia)
- Pickwickian syndrome (see:
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS))
- PID (see:
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID))
- PID - chlamydia (see:
Chlamydia infections in women)
- Pierre Robin anomaly (see:
Pierre Robin sequence)
- Pierre Robin complex (see:
Pierre Robin sequence)
- Pierre Robin sequence(Condition)
- Pierre Robin syndrome (see:
Pierre Robin sequence)
- Piles (see:
- Pimples (see:
- Pinguecula(Condition)
- Pink eye (see:
Conjunctivitis or pink eye)
- Pink eye - allergic (see:
Allergic conjunctivitis)
- Pink-eye (see:
Conjunctivitis or pink eye)
- Pinworms(Condition)
- Pipe smoking (see:
Nicotine and tobacco)
- Pitcher's shoulder (see:
Rotator cuff problems)
- Pituitary - empty sella syndrome (see:
Empty sella syndrome)
- Pituitary adenoma (see:
Pituitary tumor)
- Pituitary apoplexy(Condition)
- Pituitary Cushing disease (see:
Cushing disease)
- Pituitary Cushing's disease (see:
Cushing disease)
- Pituitary dwarfism (see:
Growth hormone deficiency - children)
- Pituitary giant (see:
- Pituitary giant (see:
- Pituitary giant (in childhood) (see:
- Pituitary infarction (see:
Pituitary apoplexy)
- Pituitary insufficiency (see:
- Pituitary tumor(Condition)
- Pituitary tumor apoplexy (see:
Pituitary apoplexy)
- Pityriasis alba(Condition)
- Pityriasis pilaris (see:
Pityriasis rubra pilaris)
- Pityriasis rosea(Condition)
- Pityriasis rubra (see:
- Pityriasis rubra pilaris(Condition)
- Pityriasis versicolor (see:
Tinea versicolor)
- PJP pneumonia (see:
Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia)
- PJS (see:
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome)
- PK deficiency (see:
Pyruvate kinase deficiency)
- PKAN (see:
Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (NBIA))
- PKD (see:
Pyruvate kinase deficiency)
- PKU (see:
- Placenta abruption - definition(Condition)
- Placenta previa(Condition)
- Placental abruption (see:
Placenta abruption - definition)
- Placental dysfunction (see:
Placental insufficiency)
- Placental insufficiency(Condition)
- Plagiocephaly (see:
- Plague(Condition)
- Plane juvenile warts (see:
- Plantar fasciitis(Condition)
- Plantar neuralgia (see:
Morton neuroma)
- Plantar warts (see:
- Plaque buildup - arteries (see:
- Plaque psoriasis (see:
- Plasma cell dyscrasia (see:
Multiple myeloma)
- Plasma cell myeloma (see:
Multiple myeloma)
- Plasmacytoma of bone (see:
Multiple myeloma)
- Plasmodium (see:
- Platelet function defects - congenital (see:
Congenital platelet function defects)
- Platelet storage pool disorder (see:
Congenital platelet function defects)
- Pleural effusion(Condition)
- Pleural effusion - pneumonia (see:
Parapneumonic pleural effusion)
- Pleural fibroma (see:
Solitary fibrous tumor)
- Pleural fluid (see:
Pleural effusion)
- Pleurisy(Condition)
- Pleurisy - purulent (see:
- Pleuritic chest pain (see:
- Pleuritis (see:
- Plummer disease (see:
Toxic nodular goiter)
- Plummer's disease (see:
Toxic nodular goiter)
- Plummer-Vinson syndrome(Condition)
- PMDD (see:
Premenstrual syndrome)
- PMDD (see:
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder)
- PML (see:
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy)
- PMLE (see:
Polymorphous light eruption)
- PMR (see:
Polymyalgia rheumatica)
- PMS (see:
Premenstrual syndrome)
- PNET - children (see:
Brain tumor - children)
- Pneumococcal meningitis(Condition)
- Pneumococcus - meningitis (see:
Pneumococcal meningitis)
- Pneumoconiosis (see:
Coal worker's pneumoconiosis)
- Pneumoconiosis - rheumatoid (see:
Rheumatoid pneumoconiosis)
- Pneumocystis carinii (see:
Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia)
- Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia(Condition)
- Pneumocystis pneumonia (see:
Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia)
- Pneumocystosis (see:
Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia)
- Pneumomediastinum(Condition)
- Pneumonia - cytomegalovirus (see:
CMV pneumonia)
- Pneumonia - eosinophilic (see:
Simple pulmonary eosinophilia)
- Pneumonia - hydrocarbon (see:
Hydrocarbon pneumonia)
- Pneumonia - immunocompromised host (see:
Pneumonia - weakened immune system)
- Pneumonia - viral (see:
Viral pneumonia)
- Pneumonia - weakened immune system(Condition)
- Pneumonia in children - community acquired(Condition)
- Pneumonia in immunodeficient patient (see:
Pneumonia - weakened immune system)
- Pneumonic plague (see:
- Pneumothorax (see:
Collapsed lung (pneumothorax))
- Pneumothorax - infants(Condition)
- Pneumothorax - neonatal (see:
Pneumothorax - infants)
- Pneumothorax dropped lung (see:
Collapsed lung (pneumothorax))
- PNH (see:
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH))
- Podagra (see:
- Polio(Condition)
- Polio-like syndrome (see:
Acute flaccid myelitis)
- Poliomyelitis (see:
- Poly-X Klinefelter syndrome (see:
Klinefelter syndrome)
- Polyarteritis nodosa(Condition)
- Polychromasia (see:
- Polychromatophilia(Condition)
- Polycystic echinococcosis (see:
- Polycystic kidney disease(Condition)
- Polycystic ovaries (see:
Polycystic ovary syndrome)
- Polycystic ovary disease (see:
Polycystic ovary syndrome)
- Polycystic ovary syndrome(Condition)
- Polycythemia - newborn(Condition)
- Polycythemia rubra vera (see:
Polycythemia vera)
- Polycythemia vera(Condition)
- Polycythemia with chronic cyanosis (see:
Polycythemia vera)
- Polycythemia with chronic cyanosis - Myelopathic polycythemia (see:
Polycythemia vera)
- Polyfollicular ovarian disease (see:
Polycystic ovary syndrome)
- Polymenorrhea (see:
Vaginal or uterine bleeding)
- Polymenorrhea - dysfunctional (see:
Abnormal uterine bleeding)
- Polymenorrhea - dysfunctional uterine bleeding (see:
Abnormal uterine bleeding)
- Polymorphic light eruption (see:
Polymorphous light eruption)
- Polymorphous light eruption(Condition)
- Polymyalgia rheumatica(Condition)
- Polymyositis - adult(Condition)
- Polyneuropathy (see:
Peripheral neuropathy)
- Polyneuropathy - chronic inflammatory (see:
Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy)
- Polyneuropathy - sensorimotor (see:
Sensorimotor polyneuropathy)
- Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia (see:
McCune-Albright syndrome)
- Polyps - colorectal (see:
Colorectal polyps)
- Pompholyx (see:
Pompholyx eczema)
- Pompholyx eczema(Condition)
- Pontiac fever (see:
Legionnaires disease)
- Poor feeding (see:
Failure to thrive)
- Popliteal cyst (see:
Baker cyst)
- Pork tapeworm (see:
Tapeworm infection - beef or pork)
- Porphyria(Condition)
- Porphyria cutanea tarda (see:
- Port-wine stain(Condition)
- Portal hypertension - ascites (see:
- Portasystemic encephalopathy (see:
Loss of brain function - liver disease)
- Portosystemic encephalopathy (see:
Loss of brain function - liver disease)
- Portosystemic encephalopathy (see:
Hepatocerebral degeneration)
- Post-acute COVID-19 (see:
- Post-acute sequelae of SARS CoV-2 infection (see:
- Post-cardiac injury syndrome (see:
Pericarditis - after heart attack)
- Post-COVID (see:
- Post-COVID condition (see:
- Post-COVID conditions (see:
- Post-infectious arthritis (see:
Reactive arthritis)
- Post-infectious glomerulonephritis (see:
Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis (GN))
- Post-MI pericarditis (see:
Pericarditis - after heart attack)
- Post-phlebitic syndrome (see:
Deep vein thrombosis)
- Post-polio syndrome (see:
- Post-radiation enteritis (see:
Radiation enteritis)
- Post-renal failure - injury (see:
Injury - kidney and ureter)
- Post-splenectomy complications(Condition)
- Post-thrombotic syndrome (see:
Deep vein thrombosis)
- Post-traumatic stress disorder(Condition)
- Post-varicella acute cerebellar ataxia (see:
Acute cerebellar ataxia)
- Postcardiotomy pericarditis (see:
Pericarditis - after heart attack)
- Posterior circulation ischemia (see:
Vertebrobasilar circulatory disorders)
- Posterior fossa tumor(Condition)
- Posterior tibial neuralgia (see:
Tarsal tunnel syndrome)
- Posterior uveitis (see:
- Postinfectious glomerulonephritis (see:
Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis (GN))
- Postmenopause (see:
- Postnatal depression (see:
Postpartum depression)
- Postpartum depression(Condition)
- Postpartum hypopituitarism (see:
Sheehan syndrome)
- Postpartum pituitary insufficiency (see:
Sheehan syndrome)
- Postpartum psychological reactions (see:
Postpartum depression)
- Postpartum thyroiditis (see:
Silent thyroiditis)
- Postprandial hypotension (see:
Low blood pressure)
- Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis (GN)(Condition)
- Postural kyphosis (see:
- Pot (see:
Marijuana intoxication)
- Potassium - high (see:
High potassium level)
- Potassium - low (see:
Low blood potassium)
- Potassium wasting (see:
Bartter syndrome)
- Potassium-sensitive periodic paralysis (see:
Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis)
- Potter phenotype (see:
Potter syndrome)
- Potter syndrome(Condition)
- Potter's syndrome (see:
Potter syndrome)
- Poxvirus (see:
- PPD (see:
Paranoid personality disorder)
- PPH (see:
Pulmonary hypertension)
- Prader-Willi syndrome(Condition)
- Pre-renal failure - injury (see:
Injury - kidney and ureter)
- Pre-renal failure - injury, Post-renal failure - injury (see:
Injury - kidney and ureter)
- Precancerous changes of the cervix (see:
Cervical dysplasia)
- Precancerous changes of the cervix - dysplasia (see:
Cervical dysplasia)
- Precancerous polyps (see:
Colorectal polyps)
- Precocious puberty(Condition)
- Preeclampsia(Condition)
- Preeclampsia - eclampsia (see:
- Preemie (see:
Premature infant)
- Preexcitation syndrome (see:
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW))
- Pregnancy - eclampsia (see:
- Pregnancy - hepatitis B children (see:
Hepatitis B - children)
- Pregnancy - hepatitis C - children (see:
Hepatitis C - children)
- Pregnancy - HIV (see:
HIV/AIDS in pregnant women and infants)
- Pregnancy - hyperemesis (see:
Hyperemesis gravidarum)
- Pregnancy - IUGR (see:
Intrauterine growth restriction)
- Pregnancy - placenta previa (see:
Placenta previa)
- Pregnancy and herpes(Condition)
- Pregnancy mask (see:
- Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) (see:
- Preleukemia (see:
Myelodysplastic syndrome)
- Premature atrial contraction (see:
Ectopic heartbeat)
- Premature beats (see:
Ectopic heartbeat)
- Premature closure of sutures (see:
- Premature ejaculation(Condition)
- Premature infant(Condition)
- Premature ovarian failure(Condition)
- Premature Ovarian Failure(Condition)
- Premature separation of placenta (see:
Placenta abruption - definition)
- Premature supraventricular contractions (see:
Ectopic heartbeat)
- Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (see:
Premenstrual syndrome)
- Premenstrual dysphoric disorder(Condition)
- Premenstrual syndrome(Condition)
- Premie (see:
Premature infant)
- Prepatellar bursitis (see:
- Prerenal azotemia(Condition)
- Presbycusis (see:
Age-related hearing loss)
- Presbyopia(Condition)
- Preseptal cellulitis (see:
Periorbital cellulitis)
- Pressure-related ear pain (see:
Ear barotrauma)
- Preterm infant (see:
Premature infant)
- Primary adrenal insufficiency (see:
Addison disease)
- Primary alveolar hypoventilation(Condition)
- Primary amenorrhea (see:
Absent menstrual periods - primary)
- Primary amyloidosis(Condition)
- Primary and secondary hyperaldosteronism(Condition)
- Primary biliary cholangitis(Condition)
- Primary biliary cirrhosis (see:
Primary biliary cholangitis)
- Primary biliary cirrhosis (the old name for the disease) (see:
Primary biliary cholangitis)
- Primary bone tumor (see:
Bone tumor)
- Primary cardiac amyloidosis - AL type (see:
Cardiac amyloidosis)
- Primary cardiomyopathy (see:
Dilated cardiomyopathy)
- Primary fibrinolysis (see:
Fibrinolysis - primary or secondary)
- Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis (see:
Herpetic stomatitis)
- Primary hypogonadism - male (see:
Testicular failure)
- Primary insomnia (see:
- Primary intestinal pseudo-obstruction (see:
Intestinal pseudo-obstruction)
- Primary livedo reticularis (see:
Livedo reticularis)
- Primary liver cell carcinoma (see:
Liver cancer - hepatocellular carcinoma)
- Primary localized amyloidosis (see:
Primary amyloidosis)
- Primary lymphoma of the brain(Condition)
- Primary lymphoma of the central nervous system (see:
Primary lymphoma of the brain)
- Primary myelofibrosis (see:
- Primary open-angle glaucoma (see:
- Primary polycythemia (see:
Polycythemia vera)
- Primary pulmonary hypertension (see:
Pulmonary hypertension)
- Primary Raynaud (see:
Raynaud phenomenon)
- Primary sclerosing cholangitis (see:
Sclerosing cholangitis)
- Primary syphilis (see:
- Primary systemic amyloidosis (see:
Primary amyloidosis)
- Primary thrombocythemia (see:
Essential thrombocythemia)
- Primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNET) (see:
Ewing sarcoma)
- Primum ASD (see:
Atrial septal defect (ASD))
- Prinzmetal angina (see:
Coronary artery spasm)
- Prinzmetal's angina (see:
Coronary artery spasm)
- Prinzmetal’s angina (see:
Coronary artery spasm)
- Prion disease - kuru (see:
- Problem drinking (see:
Alcohol use disorder)
- Processus vaginalis (see:
- Procidentia (see:
Rectal prolapse)
- Proconvertin deficiency (see:
Factor VII deficiency)
- Proctitis (see:
Ulcerative colitis)
- Proctitis(Condition)
- Proctitis - streptococcal (see:
Perianal streptococcal cellulitis)
- Progeria(Condition)
- Progressive angina (see:
Unstable angina)
- Progressive angina (see:
Acute coronary syndrome)
- Progressive massive fibrosis (see:
Silicosis )
- Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy(Condition)
- Progressive neuropathic (peroneal) muscular atrophy (see:
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease)
- Progressive obliterative cholangiopathy (see:
Biliary atresia)
- Progressive septic granulomatosis (see:
Chronic granulomatous disease)
- Progressive supranuclear palsy(Condition)
- Progressive supranuclear palsy - supranuclear ophthalmoplegia (see:
Supranuclear ophthalmoplegia)
- Progressive systemic sclerosis (see:
- Prolactin - secreting adenoma of the pituitary (see:
- Prolactin-secreting adenoma of the pituitary (see:
- Prolactinoma(Condition)
- Prolactinoma - females (see:
- Prolapsed intervertebral disk (see:
Herniated disk)
- Prolapsed uterus (see:
Uterine prolapse)
- Prolapsing mitral leaflet syndrome (see:
Mitral valve prolapse)
- Prolonged transition (see:
Transient tachypnea - newborn)
- Pronation of feet (see:
Flat feet)
- Prostate - enlarged (see:
Enlarged prostate)
- Prostate biopsy (see:
Prostate cancer)
- Prostate cancer(Condition)
- Prostatism (see:
Bladder outlet obstruction)
- Prostatitis - bacterial(Condition)
- Prostatitis - nonbacterial(Condition)
- Prostatodynia (see:
Prostatitis - nonbacterial)
- Protein C deficiency (see:
Congenital protein C or S deficiency)
- Protein malnutrition (see:
- Protein S deficiency (see:
Congenital protein C or S deficiency)
- Protein-calorie malnutrition (see:
- Protein-losing enteropathy(Condition)
- Prothrombin deficiency(Condition)
- Provisional tic disorder(Condition)
- Proximal renal tubular acidosis(Condition)
- PRP (see:
Pityriasis rubra pilaris)
- Prune belly syndrome(Condition)
- Pruritus - exfoliative dermatitis (see:
- PsA (see:
Psoriatic arthritis)
- PSC (see:
Sclerosing cholangitis)
- Pseudo-ainhum (see:
Amniotic band sequence)
- Pseudo-claudication (see:
Spinal stenosis)
- Pseudo-obstruction - intestinal (see:
Intestinal obstruction and Ileus)
- Pseudofolliculitis barbae (see:
- Pseudogout (see:
Calcium pyrophosphate arthritis)
- Pseudohermaphroditism (see:
Differences of sex development)
- Pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy (see:
Duchenne muscular dystrophy)
- Pseudohypoparathyroidism(Condition)
- Pseudomembranous colitis(Condition)
- Pseudorheumatoid nodule - subcutaneous granuloma annulare (see:
Granuloma annulare)
- Pseudotumor cerebri syndrome (see:
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension)
- Psittacosis(Condition)
- Psoriasis(Condition)
- Psoriasis - guttate (see:
Guttate psoriasis)
- Psoriasis - lichen simplex chronicus (see:
Lichen simplex chronicus)
- Psoriasis - psoriatic arthritis (see:
Psoriatic arthritis)
- Psoriasis vulgaris (see:
- Psoriatic arthritis(Condition)
- PSVT (see:
Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT))
- Psychosis(Condition)
- Psychosis - brief psychotic disorder (see:
Brief psychotic disorder)
- Psychosis - schizoaffective disorder (see:
Schizoaffective disorder)
- Psychosis - schizophrenia (see:
- Psychotic depression (see:
Major depression with psychotic features)
- Psychotic disorders - schizophrenia (see:
- Pterygium(Condition)
- Ptosis (see:
Eyelid drooping)
- Ptosis, Dermatochalasis (see:
Eyelid drooping)
- PTSD (see:
Post-traumatic stress disorder)
- Pubertal delay - boys (see:
Delayed puberty in boys)
- Pubertal delay - girls (see:
Delayed puberty in girls)
- Pubertas praecox (see:
Precocious puberty)
- Pubic lice(Condition)
- Pulicosis (see:
- Pulled elbow (see:
Nursemaid's elbow)
- Pulmonary actinomycosis(Condition)
- Pulmonary air leak (see:
Pneumothorax - infants)
- Pulmonary alveolar phospholipoproteinosis (see:
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis)
- Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis(Condition)
- Pulmonary arterial hypertension (see:
Pulmonary hypertension)
- Pulmonary arteriovenous fistula(Condition)
- Pulmonary aspergilloma(Condition)
- Pulmonary atresia(Condition)
- Pulmonary atresia - intact ventricular septum (see:
Pulmonary atresia)
- Pulmonary congestion (see:
Pulmonary edema)
- Pulmonary edema(Condition)
- Pulmonary embolus(Condition)
- Pulmonary fibrosis (see:
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis)
- Pulmonary fibrosis - from asbestos exposure (see:
- Pulmonary heart disease (see:
Cor pulmonale)
- Pulmonary histiocytosis X (see:
- Pulmonary hypertension(Condition)
- Pulmonary infiltrates with eosinophilia (see:
Simple pulmonary eosinophilia)
- Pulmonary Langerhans cell granulomatosis (see:
- Pulmonary nocardiosis(Condition)
- Pulmonary renal syndrome (see:
Anti-glomerular basement membrane disease)
- Pulmonary stenosis (see:
Pulmonic valve stenosis)
- Pulmonary thromboembolism (see:
Pulmonary embolus)
- Pulmonary tuberculosis(Condition)
- Pulmonary valve agenesis (see:
Absent pulmonary valve)
- Pulmonary vaso-occlusive disease (see:
Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease)
- Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease(Condition)
- Pulmonic valve stenosis(Condition)
- Pulseless disease (see:
Aortic arch syndrome)
- Pulseless disease (see:
Takayasu arteritis)
- Pulseless disease, Large-vessel vasculitis (see:
Takayasu arteritis)
- Pupil-involving third cranial nerve palsy (see:
Cranial mononeuropathy III)
- Pupil-sparing third cranial nerve palsy (see:
Cranial mononeuropathy III - diabetic type)
- Pustular psoriasis (see:
- PVACA (see:
Acute cerebellar ataxia)
- PVB (premature ventricular beat) (see:
Ectopic heartbeat)
- PVC (premature ventricular complex/contraction) (see:
Ectopic heartbeat)
- PVD (see:
Peripheral artery disease - legs)
- PVL (see:
Periventricular leukomalacia)
- Pyelonephritis - adults (see:
Urinary tract infection - adults)
- Pyelonephritis - children (see:
Urinary tract infection - children)
- PYGM deficiency (see:
Type V glycogen storage disease)
- Pyloric stenosis in infants(Condition)
- Pyogenic granuloma(Condition)
- Pyogenic liver abscess(Condition)
- Pyorrhea - gum disease (see:
- Pyothorax (see:
- Pyrophosphate arthropathy (see:
Calcium pyrophosphate arthritis)
- Pyruvate kinase deficiency(Condition)
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