- Hageman factor assay (see:
Factor XII assay)
(Medical Test)
Hand x-ray
(Medical Test)
- Hansen disease - skin test (see:
Lepromin skin test)
(Medical Test)
- Hanson disease - skin test (see:
Lepromin skin test)
(Medical Test)
Haptoglobin blood test
(Medical Test)
- Hayfever - allergy testing (see:
Allergy testing - skin)
(Medical Test)
- Hb (see:
(Medical Test)
- Hb electrophoresis (see:
Hemoglobin electrophoresis)
(Medical Test)
- HbA1C test (see:
A1C test)
(Medical Test)
- HbA1C test: Glycated hemoglobin test (see:
A1C test)
(Medical Test)
- HBE (see:
His bundle electrography)
(Medical Test)
- hCG - quadruple (see:
Quadruple screen test)
(Medical Test)
HCG blood test - qualitative
(Medical Test)
HCG blood test - quantitative
(Medical Test)
- HCG in blood serum - qualitative (see:
HCG blood test - qualitative)
(Medical Test)
HCG in urine
(Medical Test)
- HCO3- (see:
CO2 blood test)
(Medical Test)
- HCT (see:
(Medical Test)
- HDL cholesterol (see:
HDL test)
(Medical Test)
HDL test
(Medical Test)
- Head CT (see:
Head CT scan)
(Medical Test)
Head CT scan
(Medical Test)
Head MRI
(Medical Test)
- Head x-ray (see:
Skull x-ray)
(Medical Test)
- Hearing test (see:
(Medical Test)
- Heart attack - CPK (see:
CPK isoenzymes test)
(Medical Test)
- Heart attack - myoglobin blood test (see:
Myoglobin blood test)
(Medical Test)
- Heart attack - myoglobin urine test (see:
Myoglobin urine test)
(Medical Test)
- Heart beat (see:
(Medical Test)
- Heart biopsy (see:
Myocardial biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Heart block - EPS (see:
Intracardiac electrophysiology study (EPS))
(Medical Test)
- Heart block - His (see:
His bundle electrography)
(Medical Test)
- Heart catheterization (see:
Cardiac catheterization)
(Medical Test)
Heart CT scan
(Medical Test)
- Heart disease - angiography (see:
Coronary angiography)
(Medical Test)
- Heart disease - stress echocardiography (see:
Stress echocardiography)
(Medical Test)
- Heart disease - treadmill (see:
Exercise stress test)
(Medical Test)
- Heart failure - cardiac catheterization (see:
Cardiac catheterization)
(Medical Test)
- Heart failure - digoxin test (see:
Digoxin test)
(Medical Test)
- Heart failure - MRI (see:
Heart MRI)
(Medical Test)
Heart MRI
(Medical Test)
- Heart nuclear medicine scan (see:
Heart PET scan)
(Medical Test)
Heart PET scan
(Medical Test)
- Heart positron emission tomography (see:
Heart PET scan)
(Medical Test)
- Heart rate (see:
(Medical Test)
- Heart scan - nuclear (see:
Nuclear ventriculography)
(Medical Test)
- Heart valve - cardiac catheterization (see:
Cardiac catheterization)
(Medical Test)
- Heelstick (see:
Capillary sample)
(Medical Test)
(Medical Test)
- Hematuria - urinalysis (see:
(Medical Test)
- Hematuria test (see:
RBC urine test)
(Medical Test)
- Hemochromatosis - serum iron (see:
Serum iron test)
(Medical Test)
(Medical Test)
- Hemoglobin - glycosylated (see:
A1C test)
(Medical Test)
- Hemoglobin A1C (see:
A1C test)
(Medical Test)
Hemoglobin electrophoresis
(Medical Test)
- Hemoglobin glycosylated test (see:
A1C test)
(Medical Test)
- Hemoglobinopathy - electrophoresis (see:
Hemoglobin electrophoresis)
(Medical Test)
Hemoglobinuria test
(Medical Test)
- Hemolytic anemia - free hemoglobin (see:
Serum free hemoglobin test)
(Medical Test)
- Hemolytic anemia sugar water hemolysis test (see:
Sugar-water hemolysis test)
(Medical Test)
- Hemophilic factor B (see:
Factor IX assay)
(Medical Test)
- Hemorrhage - RBC scan (see:
RBC nuclear scan)
(Medical Test)
- Hemorrhoids - anoscopy (see:
Anoscopy and high-resolution anoscopy)
(Medical Test)
- Heparan sulfate - urine (see:
Acid mucopolysaccharides)
(Medical Test)
- Hepatitis A antibody test (see:
Hepatitis virus panel)
(Medical Test)
- Hepatitis B antibody test (see:
Hepatitis virus panel)
(Medical Test)
- Hepatitis C antibody test (see:
Hepatitis virus panel)
(Medical Test)
- Hepatitis D antibody test (see:
Hepatitis virus panel)
(Medical Test)
Hepatitis virus panel
(Medical Test)
- Hepatobiliary nuclear imaging scan (see:
Gallbladder radionuclide scan)
(Medical Test)
- Herpes serology (see:
Serum herpes simplex antibodies)
(Medical Test)
- Herpes simplex virus culture (see:
Herpes viral culture of lesion)
(Medical Test)
Herpes viral culture of lesion
(Medical Test)
- Herpes zoster virus culture (see:
Herpes viral culture of lesion)
(Medical Test)
- Heterophile agglutination test (see:
Mononucleosis spot test)
(Medical Test)
- Heterophile antibody test (see:
Mononucleosis spot test)
(Medical Test)
- Hgb (see:
(Medical Test)
- Hgb electrophoresis (see:
Hemoglobin electrophoresis)
(Medical Test)
- Hgb S test (see:
Sickle cell test)
(Medical Test)
- HIAA (see:
5-HIAA urine test)
(Medical Test)
- HIDA (see:
Gallbladder radionuclide scan)
(Medical Test)
- High blood pressure - blood pressure measurement (see:
Blood pressure measurement)
(Medical Test)
- High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels (see:
HDL test)
(Medical Test)
- High-grade colposcopy (see:
Colposcopy - directed biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- High-grade cone biopsy (see:
Cone biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- High-grade dysplasia - HPV testing (see:
HPV test)
(Medical Test)
- High-grade Pap (see:
Pap test)
(Medical Test)
- High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (see:
C-reactive protein)
(Medical Test)
- Highly-sensitive ACTH (see:
ACTH blood test)
(Medical Test)
- Hirschsprung disease - rectal biopsy (see:
Rectal biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- His bundle electrogram (see:
His bundle electrography)
(Medical Test)
His bundle electrography
(Medical Test)
- His bundle recording (see:
His bundle electrography)
(Medical Test)
Histocompatibility antigen test
(Medical Test)
- Histoplasma antibody test (see:
Histoplasma complement fixation)
(Medical Test)
Histoplasma complement fixation
(Medical Test)
Histoplasma skin test
(Medical Test)
- Histoplasmosis skin test (see:
Histoplasma skin test)
(Medical Test)
- HIV confirmatory test (see:
Screening and diagnosis for HIV)
(Medical Test)
- HIV screening (see:
Screening and diagnosis for HIV)
(Medical Test)
- HIV screening test (see:
Screening and diagnosis for HIV)
(Medical Test)
- HIV testing (see:
Screening and diagnosis for HIV)
(Medical Test)
- HLA typing (see:
Histocompatibility antigen test)
(Medical Test)
HLA-B27 antigen
(Medical Test)
Holter monitor (24h)
(Medical Test)
- Holter monitors (see:
Cardiac event monitors)
(Medical Test)
Home vision tests
(Medical Test)
- Homovanillic acid (HVA) (see:
Catecholamines - urine)
(Medical Test)
Hormone levels
(Medical Test)
- HPO4-2 (see:
Phosphorus blood test)
(Medical Test)
- HPO4-2, PO4-3 (see:
Phosphorus blood test)
(Medical Test)
- HPV - colposcopy (see:
Colposcopy - directed biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- HPV - cone biopsy (see:
Cone biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- HPV - Pap (see:
Pap test)
(Medical Test)
HPV test
(Medical Test)
- HPV testing in women (see:
HPV test)
(Medical Test)
- hs-CRP (see:
C-reactive protein)
(Medical Test)
- HSG (see:
(Medical Test)
- HSIL - colposcopy (see:
Colposcopy - directed biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- HSIL - cone biopsy (see:
Cone biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- HSIL - HPV testing (see:
HPV test)
(Medical Test)
- HSIL - Pap (see:
Pap test)
(Medical Test)
- HSV blood test (see:
Serum herpes simplex antibodies)
(Medical Test)
- Human chorionic gonadotrophin - serum - qualitative (see:
HCG blood test - qualitative)
(Medical Test)
- Human chorionic gonadotropin - quadruple (see:
Quadruple screen test)
(Medical Test)
- Human chorionic gonadotropin - urine (see:
HCG in urine)
(Medical Test)
- Human chorionic gonadotropin blood test - quantitative (see:
HCG blood test - quantitative)
(Medical Test)
- Human leukocyte antigen B27 (see:
HLA-B27 antigen)
(Medical Test)
- Human papilloma virus - colposcopy (see:
Colposcopy - directed biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Human papilloma virus - cone biopsy (see:
Cone biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Human papilloma virus - Pap cervix - Pap (see:
Pap test)
(Medical Test)
- Human papilloma virus - testing (see:
HPV test)
(Medical Test)
- Humphrey visual field exam (see:
Visual field)
(Medical Test)
- HVA (see:
Catecholamines - urine)
(Medical Test)
- Hyaline casts (see:
Urinary casts)
(Medical Test)
- Hydrogen breath test for lactose tolerance (see:
Lactose tolerance tests)
(Medical Test)
- Hyperbilirubinemia - bilirubin blood test (see:
Bilirubin blood test)
(Medical Test)
- Hypercalcemia - calcium level (see:
Calcium blood test)
(Medical Test)
- Hypercholesterolemia - apolipoprotein B100 (see:
Apolipoprotein B100)
(Medical Test)
- Hypergenesis (see:
(Medical Test)
- Hyperkalemia test (see:
Potassium test)
(Medical Test)
- Hyperparathyroidism - calcium level (see:
Calcium blood test)
(Medical Test)
- Hyperparathyroidism - PTH blood test (see:
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) blood test)
(Medical Test)
(Medical Test)
- Hypertension - blood pressure measurement (see:
Blood pressure measurement)
(Medical Test)
- Hyperthyroidism - scan (see:
Thyroid scan)
(Medical Test)
- Hyperthyroidism - TBG (see:
TBG blood test)
(Medical Test)
- Hyperthyroidism - TSH (see:
TSH test)
(Medical Test)
- Hyperthyroidism - TSI (see:
TSI test)
(Medical Test)
- Hyperuricemia - uric acid in blood (see:
Uric acid - blood )
(Medical Test)
- Hypocalcemia - calcium level (see:
Calcium blood test)
(Medical Test)
(Medical Test)
- Hypofibrinogenemia test (see:
Fibrinogen blood test)
(Medical Test)
- Hypoglycemia - glucagon test (see:
Glucagon blood test)
(Medical Test)
- Hypokalemia test (see:
Potassium test)
(Medical Test)
- Hypoparathyroidism - PTH blood test (see:
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) blood test)
(Medical Test)
- Hypothyroidism - TBG (see:
TBG blood test)
(Medical Test)
- Hypothyroidism - thyroglobulin antibody (see:
Antithyroglobulin antibody test)
(Medical Test)
- Hypothyroidism - TSH (see:
TSH test)
(Medical Test)
- Hypothyroidism - TSI (see:
TSI test)
(Medical Test)
- Hypoxia - ABG (see:
Blood gases)
(Medical Test)
- Hysterogram (see:
(Medical Test)
(Medical Test)
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