- Basilar skull fracture (see:
Skull fracture)
- Bed bug bite (see:
Insect bites and stings)
- Bedbug bite (see:
Insect bites and stings)
- Bee sting (see:
Insect bites and stings)
- Bites - insects, bees, and spiders (see:
Insect bites and stings)
- Bites - marine animals (see:
Marine animal stings or bites)
- Bites - snakes (see:
Snake bites)
- Black widow spider bite (see:
Insect bites and stings)
- Bleeding(Injury)
- Blocked airway (see:
Foreign object - swallowed)
- Blocked airway (see:
Foreign object - inhaled)
- Blood loss (see:
- Bone - broken (see:
Broken bone)
- Bone fracture (see:
Broken bone)
- Brain injury (see:
Head injury - first aid)
- Breathing difficulties - first aid(Injury)
- Broken bone(Injury)
- Broken jaw (see:
Broken or dislocated jaw)
- Broken nose (see:
Nose fracture)
- Broken or dislocated jaw(Injury)
- Broken or knocked out tooth(Injury)
- Brown recluse bite (see:
Insect bites and stings)
- Bruise(Injury)
- Burn from chemicals (see:
Chemical burn or reaction)
- Burns(Injury)
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