B and T cell screen
(Medical Test)
- B and T lymphocyte assays (see:
B and T cell screen)
(Medical Test)
- B lymphocyte cell surface markers (see:
B-cell leukemia/lymphoma panel)
(Medical Test)
- B lymphocyte cell surface markerspasting (see:
B-cell leukemia/lymphoma panel)
(Medical Test)
B-cell leukemia/lymphoma panel
(Medical Test)
- Back films (see:
Thoracic spine x-ray)
(Medical Test)
- BAEP (see:
BAER - brainstem auditory evoked response)
(Medical Test)
BAER - brainstem auditory evoked response
(Medical Test)
- Barbiturates - screen (see:
Toxicology screen)
(Medical Test)
Barium enema
(Medical Test)
- Barium enteroclysis (see:
(Medical Test)
- Barium swallow x-ray (see:
Upper GI and small bowel series)
(Medical Test)
- Bartter syndrome - serum aldosterone (see:
Aldosterone blood test)
(Medical Test)
- Basal cell cancer - biopsy (see:
Skin lesion biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Basal secretion test (see:
Schirmer test)
(Medical Test)
Basic metabolic panel
(Medical Test)
- Benzodiazepines - screen (see:
Toxicology screen)
(Medical Test)
Bernstein test
(Medical Test)
Beta-carotene blood test
(Medical Test)
- Beta-HCG - urine (see:
HCG in urine)
(Medical Test)
- Beta-HCG blood test - quantitative (see:
HCG blood test - quantitative)
(Medical Test)
- Beta-HCG in blood serum - qualitative (see:
HCG blood test - qualitative)
(Medical Test)
- Bicarbonate test (see:
CO2 blood test)
(Medical Test)
Bile culture
(Medical Test)
- Biliary scan (see:
Gallbladder radionuclide scan)
(Medical Test)
- Biliary tract biopsy (see:
Biopsy - biliary tract)
(Medical Test)
Bilirubin - urine
(Medical Test)
Bilirubin blood test
(Medical Test)
- Biomicroscopy (see:
Slit-lamp exam)
(Medical Test)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - abdominal wall fat pad (see:
Abdominal wall fat pad biopsy)
(Medical Test)
Biopsy - biliary tract
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - bladder (see:
Bladder biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - bone (see:
Bone lesion biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - bone marrow (see:
Bone marrow biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - breast - stereotactic (see:
Breast biopsy - stereotactic)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - breast - ultrasound (see:
Breast biopsy - ultrasound)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - brush - urinary tract (see:
Ureteral retrograde brush biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - carpal tunnel (see:
Carpal tunnel biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - cervical punch (see:
Colposcopy - directed biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - cervix - colposcopy (see:
Colposcopy - directed biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - colposcopy - directed (see:
Colposcopy - directed biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - cone (see:
Cone biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - endometrium (see:
Endometrial biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - gastric tissue (see:
Gastric tissue biopsy and culture)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - gingiva (gums) (see:
Gum biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - heart (see:
Myocardial biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - kidney (see:
Kidney biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - liver (see:
Liver biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - lymph nodes (see:
Lymph node biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - mouth or throat (see:
Oropharynx lesion biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - muscle (see:
Muscle biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - nasal mucosa (see:
Nasal mucosal biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - nerve (see:
Nerve biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - open lung (see:
Open lung biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - open pleura (see:
Open pleural biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - polyps (see:
Polyp biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - rectum (see:
Rectal biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - salivary gland (see:
Salivary gland biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - skin (see:
Skin lesion biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - stomach tissue (see:
Gastric tissue biopsy and culture)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - synovial membrane (see:
Synovial biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - testicle (see:
Testicular biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - thyroid - skinny-needle (see:
Fine needle aspiration of the thyroid )
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - tongue (see:
Tongue biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Biopsy - upper airway (see:
Upper airway biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Birth defect - quadruple (see:
Quadruple screen test)
(Medical Test)
- Bitewings (see:
Dental x-rays)
(Medical Test)
- Bithermal caloric testing (see:
Caloric stimulation)
(Medical Test)
- Black light test (see:
Wood lamp examination)
(Medical Test)
Bladder biopsy
(Medical Test)
- Bladder cancer - cytology (see:
Cytology exam of urine)
(Medical Test)
- Bladder infection - urinalysis (see:
(Medical Test)
- Bladder scan (see:
Radionuclide cystogram)
(Medical Test)
- Bleeding scan (see:
RBC nuclear scan)
(Medical Test)
- Bleeding scan, Tagged RBC scan (see:
RBC nuclear scan)
(Medical Test)
Bleeding time
(Medical Test)
- Blockage of leg arteries - Doppler (see:
Doppler ultrasound exam of an arm or leg)
(Medical Test)
- Blocked fallopian tubes - hysterosalpingography (see:
(Medical Test)
- Blood alcohol test (see:
Toxicology screen)
(Medical Test)
- Blood clot - CTA lung (see:
CT angiography – chest)
(Medical Test)
- Blood clot - V/Q scan (see:
Pulmonary ventilation/perfusion scan)
(Medical Test)
- Blood clot to the lungs - D-dimer (see:
D-dimer test)
(Medical Test)
Blood culture
(Medical Test)
Blood differential test
(Medical Test)
Blood gases
(Medical Test)
- Blood group (see:
Blood typing)
(Medical Test)
- Blood hemoglobin (see:
Serum free hemoglobin test)
(Medical Test)
- Blood in stool - colonoscopy (see:
(Medical Test)
- Blood in stool - sigmoidoscopy (see:
(Medical Test)
- Blood indices (see:
RBC indices)
(Medical Test)
- Blood lead levels (see:
Lead levels - blood)
(Medical Test)
Blood pressure measurement
(Medical Test)
- Blood pressure reading (see:
Blood pressure measurement)
(Medical Test)
- Blood sample - arterial (see:
Arterial stick)
(Medical Test)
- Blood sample - capillary (see:
Capillary sample)
(Medical Test)
Blood smear
(Medical Test)
- Blood sugar level (see:
Blood sugar test)
(Medical Test)
Blood sugar test
(Medical Test)
Blood typing
(Medical Test)
- Blood urea nitrogen (see:
BUN - blood test)
(Medical Test)
- Blood-draw (see:
(Medical Test)
- BMD test (see:
Bone mineral density test)
(Medical Test)
- Bone biopsy (see:
Bone lesion biopsy)
(Medical Test)
- Bone densitometry (see:
Bone mineral density test)
(Medical Test)
- Bone density test (see:
Bone mineral density test)
(Medical Test)
Bone lesion biopsy
(Medical Test)
Bone marrow aspiration
(Medical Test)
Bone marrow biopsy
(Medical Test)
Bone marrow culture
(Medical Test)
Bone mineral density test
(Medical Test)
Bone scan
(Medical Test)
Bone x-ray
(Medical Test)
- Bony gallium scan (see:
Gallium scan)
(Medical Test)
- Bowel obstruction - suction (see:
Gastric suction)
(Medical Test)
Bowel transit time
(Medical Test)
- Bradycardia - EPS (see:
Intracardiac electrophysiology study (EPS))
(Medical Test)
- Brain CT (see:
Head CT scan)
(Medical Test)
- Brain MRI (see:
Head MRI)
(Medical Test)
Brain natriuretic peptide test
(Medical Test)
Brain PET scan
(Medical Test)
- Brain positron emission tomography (see:
Brain PET scan )
(Medical Test)
- Brain wave test (see:
(Medical Test)
- Brainstem auditory evoked potentials (see:
BAER - brainstem auditory evoked response)
(Medical Test)
Breast biopsy - stereotactic
(Medical Test)
Breast biopsy - ultrasound
(Medical Test)
- Breast cancer - breast biopsy - ultrasound (see:
Breast biopsy - ultrasound)
(Medical Test)
- Breast cancer - mammography (see:
(Medical Test)
- Breast cancer - MRI (see:
Breast MRI scan)
(Medical Test)
- Breast cancer - screening mammography (see:
(Medical Test)
- Breast cancer - stereotactic breast biopsy (see:
Breast biopsy - stereotactic)
(Medical Test)
- Breast cancer screening - MRI (see:
Breast MRI scan)
(Medical Test)
- Breast cancer-breast biopsy - ultrasound (see:
Breast biopsy - ultrasound)
(Medical Test)
- Breast cancer - MRI (see:
Breast MRI scan)
(Medical Test)
- Breast leakage - prolactin test (see:
Prolactin blood test)
(Medical Test)
- Breast lump - mammogram (see:
(Medical Test)
- Breast lump - ultrasound (see:
Breast ultrasound)
(Medical Test)
Breast MRI scan
(Medical Test)
- Breast positron emission tomography (see:
PET scan for breast cancer)
(Medical Test)
- Breast tomosynthesis (see:
(Medical Test)
Breast ultrasound
(Medical Test)
Breath alcohol test
(Medical Test)
- Bronchiolitis - RSV test (see:
RSV antibody test)
(Medical Test)
Bronchoscopic culture
(Medical Test)
(Medical Test)
- Brucella antibody test or titer (see:
Serology for brucellosis)
(Medical Test)
- Brucella serology (see:
Serology for brucellosis)
(Medical Test)
Buccal smear
(Medical Test)
- Buccal swab (see:
Buccal smear)
(Medical Test)
BUN - blood test
(Medical Test)
- Butyrylcholinesterase (see:
Cholinesterase - blood)
(Medical Test)
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