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A blood type (see:
Blood typing
(Medical Test)
A1AT test (see:
Alpha-1 antitrypsin blood test
(Medical Test)
A1C (see:
A1C test
(Medical Test)
A1C test
(Medical Test)
AB blood type (see:
Blood typing
(Medical Test)
Abdominal aorta angiogram (see:
Aortic angiography
(Medical Test)
Abdominal arteriogram (see:
Mesenteric angiography
(Medical Test)
Abdominal CT scan
(Medical Test)
Abdominal film (see:
Abdominal x-ray
(Medical Test)
Abdominal MRI scan
(Medical Test)
Abdominal sonogram (see:
Abdominal ultrasound
(Medical Test)
Abdominal tap (see:
Peritoneal fluid analysis
(Medical Test)
Abdominal tap
(Medical Test)
Abdominal ultrasound
(Medical Test)
Abdominal wall biopsy (see:
Abdominal wall fat pad biopsy
(Medical Test)
Abdominal wall fat pad biopsy
(Medical Test)
Abdominal x-ray
(Medical Test)
ABG (see:
Blood gases
(Medical Test)
Abnormal heart rhythm - Holter (see:
Holter monitor (24h)
(Medical Test)
Abnormal heart rhythms - EPS (see:
Intracardiac electrophysiology study (EPS)
(Medical Test)
Abnormal hemoglobins testing
(Medical Test)
Abnormal mammogram - breast biopsy - ultrasound (see:
Breast biopsy - ultrasound
(Medical Test)
Abnormal mammogram - stereotactic breast biopsy (see:
Breast biopsy - stereotactic
(Medical Test)
Abnormal Pap smear - HPV testing (see:
HPV test
(Medical Test)
ABO blood type (see:
Blood typing
(Medical Test)
ABO blood typing (see:
Blood typing
(Medical Test)
ABR (see:
BAER - brainstem auditory evoked response
(Medical Test)
Abscess - transvaginal ultrasound (see:
Transvaginal ultrasound
(Medical Test)
Abscess scan (see:
Indium-labelled WBC scan
(Medical Test)
Absolute eosinophil count (see:
Eosinophil count - absolute
(Medical Test)
Ac-globulin (see:
Factor V assay
(Medical Test)
ACE blood test
(Medical Test)
Acetone bodies (see:
Ketones blood test
(Medical Test)
Acetylcholine receptor antibody
(Medical Test)
Acetylcholinesterase (see:
Cholinesterase - blood
(Medical Test)
Acid fast bacilli stain (see:
Sputum stain for mycobacteria
(Medical Test)
Acid loading test (pH)
(Medical Test)
Acid mucopolysaccharides
(Medical Test)
Acid perfusion test (see:
Bernstein test
(Medical Test)
Acid-fast stain
(Medical Test)
Acidosis - CO2 (see:
CO2 blood test
(Medical Test)
Acidosis - ketones test (see:
Ketones blood test
(Medical Test)
Acromegaly - blood test (see:
Growth hormone suppression test
(Medical Test)
ACTH blood test
(Medical Test)
ACTH stimulation test
(Medical Test)
ACTH suppression test (see:
Dexamethasone suppression test
(Medical Test)
Activated partial thromboplastin time (see:
Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
(Medical Test)
Acute phase reactants - CRP (see:
C-reactive protein
(Medical Test)
Addison disease - serum aldosterone (see:
Aldosterone blood test
(Medical Test)
Addison disease - urine aldosterone (see:
24-hour urinary aldosterone excretion test
(Medical Test)
Adenosine stress test (see:
Nuclear stress test
(Medical Test)
ADN-B test (see:
Anti-DNase B blood test
(Medical Test)
Adrenal medullary imaging (see:
MIBG scintiscan
(Medical Test)
Adrenalin - blood (see:
Catecholamine blood test
(Medical Test)
Adrenalin - urine test (see:
Catecholamines - urine
(Medical Test)
Adrenalin -- blood (see:
Catecholamine blood test
(Medical Test)
Adrenalin-urine test (see:
Catecholamines - urine
(Medical Test)
Adrenaline - blood (see:
Catecholamine blood test
(Medical Test)
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (see:
ACTH blood test
(Medical Test)
Aerobic bacteria
(Medical Test)
AFB stain (see:
Sputum stain for mycobacteria
(Medical Test)
AFP (see:
Alpha fetoprotein
(Medical Test)
Agaston score (see:
Heart CT scan
(Medical Test)
Agatston score (see:
Heart CT scan
(Medical Test)
Agglutinins (see:
Febrile/cold agglutinins
(Medical Test)
AGUS - colposcopy (see:
Colposcopy - directed biopsy
(Medical Test)
AGUS - cone biopsy (see:
Cone biopsy
(Medical Test)
AGUS - Pap (see:
Pap test
(Medical Test)
AHF (see:
Factor VIII assay
(Medical Test)
Air caloric testing (see:
Caloric stimulation
(Medical Test)
Alanine aminotransferase (see:
Alanine transaminase (ALT) blood test
(Medical Test)
Alanine transaminase (see:
Alanine transaminase (ALT) blood test
(Medical Test)
Alanine transaminase (ALT) blood test
(Medical Test)
Albumin - urine (see:
Urine protein dipstick test
(Medical Test)
Albumin blood (serum) test
(Medical Test)
Albuminuria (see:
Urine protein dipstick test
(Medical Test)
Alcohol test - breath (see:
Breath alcohol test
(Medical Test)
Aldolase blood test
(Medical Test)
Aldosterone - serum (see:
Aldosterone blood test
(Medical Test)
Aldosterone - urine (see:
24-hour urinary aldosterone excretion test
(Medical Test)
Aldosterone blood test
(Medical Test)
Alkaline phosphatase (see:
ALP - blood test
(Medical Test)
Alkaline phosphatase isoenzyme test (see:
ALP isoenzyme test
(Medical Test)
Alkalosis - CO2 (see:
CO2 blood test
(Medical Test)
Allergic rhinitis - allergy testing (see:
Allergy testing - skin
(Medical Test)
Allergy testing (see:
Allergy testing - skin
(Medical Test)
Allergy testing - skin
(Medical Test)
ALP - blood test
(Medical Test)
ALP isoenzyme test
(Medical Test)
Alpha fetoprotein
(Medical Test)
Alpha-1 antitrypsin blood test
(Medical Test)
Ambulatory electrocardiography (see:
Holter monitor (24h)
(Medical Test)
Ambulatory electrocardiography (see:
Cardiac event monitors
(Medical Test)
Amebiasis - ova and parasites (see:
Stool ova and parasites exam
(Medical Test)
Amenorrhea - prolactin test (see:
Prolactin blood test
(Medical Test)
Amino acids - urine (see:
(Medical Test)
Amino acids blood test (see:
Plasma amino acids
(Medical Test)
(Medical Test)
Ammonia blood test
(Medical Test)
Ammonia level (see:
Ammonia blood test
(Medical Test)
AMP (see:
Acid mucopolysaccharides
(Medical Test)
Amphetamines - screen (see:
Toxicology screen
(Medical Test)
Amsler grid test (see:
Home vision tests
(Medical Test)
Amylase - blood
(Medical Test)
Amylase - urine
(Medical Test)
Amyloidosis - abdominal wall fat pad biopsy (see:
Abdominal wall fat pad biopsy
(Medical Test)
Amyloidosis - electrophoresis serum (see:
Immunoelectrophoresis - blood
(Medical Test)
Amyloidosis - rectal biopsy (see:
Rectal biopsy
(Medical Test)
Amyloidosis - UPEP (see:
Urine protein electrophoresis test
(Medical Test)
ANA (see:
Antinuclear antibody panel
(Medical Test)
ANA panel (see:
Antinuclear antibody panel
(Medical Test)
ANA reflexive panel (see:
Antinuclear antibody panel
(Medical Test)
Anaerobe (see:
Anaerobic bacteria
(Medical Test)
Anaerobic bacteria
(Medical Test)
Anal cancer - anoscopy (see:
Anoscopy and high-resolution anoscopy
(Medical Test)
Anal fissures - anoscopy (see:
Anoscopy and high-resolution anoscopy
(Medical Test)
Anal polyps - anoscopy (see:
Anoscopy and high-resolution anoscopy
(Medical Test)
Anal warts - anoscopy (see:
Anoscopy and high-resolution anoscopy
(Medical Test)
Analgesics - screen (see:
Toxicology screen
(Medical Test)
Anemia - CBC (see:
CBC blood test
(Medical Test)
Anemia - colonoscopy (see:
(Medical Test)
Anemia - Hb (see:
(Medical Test)
Anemia - hemolytic (see:
Coombs test
(Medical Test)
Anemia - immune hemolytic blood type (see:
Blood typing
(Medical Test)
Anemia - RBC count (see:
RBC count
(Medical Test)
Anemia - reticulocyte (see:
Reticulocyte count
(Medical Test)
Anemia - serum iron (see:
Serum iron test
(Medical Test)
Anemia -TIBC (see:
Total iron binding capacity
(Medical Test)
Aneurysm - aortic arteriogram (see:
Aortic angiography
(Medical Test)
Angina - angiography (see:
Coronary angiography
(Medical Test)
Angina - cardiac catheterization (see:
Cardiac catheterization
(Medical Test)
Angina - nuclear stress (see:
Nuclear stress test
(Medical Test)
Angina - stress echocardiography (see:
Stress echocardiography
(Medical Test)
Angina - treadmill (see:
Exercise stress test
(Medical Test)
Angiogram (see:
(Medical Test)
Angiogram - coronary (see:
Coronary angiography
(Medical Test)
Angiogram - leg (see:
Venogram - leg
(Medical Test)
Angiogram of the lungs (see:
Pulmonary angiography
(Medical Test)
Angiography (see:
(Medical Test)
Angiography - aorta (see:
Aortic angiography
(Medical Test)
Angiography - fluorescein (see:
Fluorescein angiography
(Medical Test)
Angiography - head (see:
Cerebral angiography
(Medical Test)
Angiography - heart (see:
Coronary angiography
(Medical Test)
Angiography - kidney (see:
Renal arteriography
(Medical Test)
Angiography - left heart (see:
Left heart ventricular angiography
(Medical Test)
Angiography - magnetic resonance (see:
Magnetic resonance angiography
(Medical Test)
Angiography - right heart (see:
Right heart ventricular angiography
(Medical Test)
Angiography of the extremity (see:
Extremity angiography
(Medical Test)
Ankylosing spondylitis-HLA (see:
HLA-B27 antigen
(Medical Test)
Annual eye exam (see:
Standard eye exam
(Medical Test)
Anoscopy and high-resolution anoscopy
(Medical Test)
Anthrax blood test
(Medical Test)
Anthrax serology test (see:
Anthrax blood test
(Medical Test)
Anti-DNase B blood test
(Medical Test)
Anti-gastric parietal cell antibodies (see:
Antiparietal cell antibody test
(Medical Test)
Anti-gastric parietal cell antibody (see:
Antiparietal cell antibody test
(Medical Test)
Anti-GBM antibodies (see:
Anti-glomerular basement membrane blood test
(Medical Test)
Anti-glomerular basement membrane blood test
(Medical Test)
Anti-insulin antibody test
(Medical Test)
Anti-P antibody (see:
Donath-Landsteiner test
(Medical Test)
Anti-smooth muscle antibody
(Medical Test)
Anti-TPO antibody (see:
Thyroid peroxidase antibody
(Medical Test)
Antibiotic associated colitis - toxin (see:
Stool C difficile toxin
(Medical Test)
Antibiotic sensitivity testing (see:
Sensitivity analysis
(Medical Test)
Antibody test for anthrax (see:
Anthrax blood test
(Medical Test)
Antibody titer blood test
(Medical Test)
Antibody to human glomerular basement membrane (see:
Anti-glomerular basement membrane blood test
(Medical Test)
Anticoagulant-prothrombin time (see:
Prothrombin time (PT)
(Medical Test)
Antideoxyribonuclease B titer (see:
Anti-DNase B blood test
(Medical Test)
Antidepressants - screen (see:
Toxicology screen
(Medical Test)
Antidiuretic hormone (see:
Antidiuretic hormone blood test
(Medical Test)
Antidiuretic hormone blood test
(Medical Test)
Antihemophilia factor (see:
Factor VIII assay
(Medical Test)
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing (see:
Sensitivity analysis
(Medical Test)
Antimicrosomal antibody (see:
Thyroid peroxidase antibody
(Medical Test)
Antimitochondrial antibody
(Medical Test)
Antinuclear antibody panel
(Medical Test)
Antiparietal cell antibody test
(Medical Test)
Antistreptolysin O titer
(Medical Test)
Antithrombin (see:
Antithrombin III blood test
(Medical Test)
Antithrombin III blood test
(Medical Test)
Antithyroglobulin antibody test
(Medical Test)
Antithyroid microsomal antibody (see:
Thyroid peroxidase antibody
(Medical Test)
Aortic angiography
(Medical Test)
Aortic arteriogram (see:
Aortic angiography
(Medical Test)
Aortic - CTA (see:
CT angiography - abdomen and pelvis
(Medical Test)
Aortography (see:
Aortic angiography
(Medical Test)
APCA (see:
Antiparietal cell antibody test
(Medical Test)
Apgar score
(Medical Test)
Aplastic anemia - bone marrow aspiration (see:
Bone marrow aspiration
(Medical Test)
ApoB100 (see:
Apolipoprotein B100
(Medical Test)
ApoC2 (see:
Apolipoprotein CII
(Medical Test)
ApoCII (see:
Apolipoprotein CII
(Medical Test)
Apolipoprotein B100
(Medical Test)
Apolipoprotein CII
(Medical Test)
Apoprotein B100 (see:
Apolipoprotein B100
(Medical Test)
Apoprotein CII (see:
Apolipoprotein CII
(Medical Test)
Applanation (see:
(Medical Test)
APTT (see:
Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
(Medical Test)
Arginine - GHRH test (see:
Growth hormone stimulation test
(Medical Test)
Arginine test (see:
Growth hormone stimulation test
(Medical Test)
Arginine vasopressin (see:
Antidiuretic hormone blood test
(Medical Test)
Arginine-GHRH test (see:
Growth hormone stimulation test
(Medical Test)
Arm CT scan
(Medical Test)
Arm MRI scan
(Medical Test)
Arrhythmia - EPS (see:
Intracardiac electrophysiology study (EPS)
(Medical Test)
Arrhythmia - His (see:
His bundle electrography
(Medical Test)
Arrhythmia - Holter (see:
Holter monitor (24h)
(Medical Test)
Arrythmia - His (see:
His bundle electrography
(Medical Test)
Arrythmia - Holter (see:
Holter monitor (24h)
(Medical Test)
Arterial blood gas analysis (see:
Blood gases
(Medical Test)
Arterial insufficiency of the legs - Doppler (see:
Doppler ultrasound exam of an arm or leg
(Medical Test)
Arterial stick
(Medical Test)
(Medical Test)
Arteriogram - abdomen (see:
Mesenteric angiography
(Medical Test)
Arteriography of the extremity (see:
Extremity angiography
(Medical Test)
Arthrogram (see:
Joint x-ray
(Medical Test)
Arthrography (see:
Joint x-ray
(Medical Test)
Ascites - abdominal tap (see:
Abdominal tap
(Medical Test)
ASCUS - colposcopy (see:
Colposcopy - directed biopsy
(Medical Test)
ASCUS - cone biopsy (see:
Cone biopsy
(Medical Test)
ASCUS - Pap (see:
Pap test
(Medical Test)
ASLO (see:
Antistreptolysin O titer
(Medical Test)
ASO titer (see:
Antistreptolysin O titer
(Medical Test)
Aspartate aminotransferase (see:
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) blood test
(Medical Test)
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) blood test
(Medical Test)
Aspergillosis precipitin
(Medical Test)
Aspergillus immunodiffusion test (see:
Aspergillosis precipitin
(Medical Test)
Asthma - allergy testing (see:
Allergy testing - skin
(Medical Test)
AT 3 (see:
Antithrombin III blood test
(Medical Test)
AT III (see:
Antithrombin III blood test
(Medical Test)
Atrial fibrillation - Holter (see:
Holter monitor (24h)
(Medical Test)
Atrophic gastritis - anti-gastric parietal cell antibody (see:
Antiparietal cell antibody test
(Medical Test)
Atypical glandular cells - colposcopy (see:
Colposcopy - directed biopsy
(Medical Test)
Atypical glandular cells - cone biopsy (see:
Cone biopsy
(Medical Test)
Atypical glandular cells - Pap (see:
Pap test
(Medical Test)
Atypical squamous cells - colposcopy (see:
Colposcopy - directed biopsy
(Medical Test)
Atypical squamous cells - cone biopsy (see:
Cone biopsy
(Medical Test)
Atypical squamous cells - Pap (see:
Pap test
(Medical Test)
Audiography (audiogram) (see:
(Medical Test)
(Medical Test)
Auditory brainstem response (see:
BAER - brainstem auditory evoked response
(Medical Test)
Autoimmune liver disease panel
(Medical Test)
Automated perimetry exam (see:
Visual field
(Medical Test)
Autoprothrombin I (see:
Factor VII assay
(Medical Test)
Autoprothrombin IIA (see:
Protein C blood test
(Medical Test)
AVP (see:
Antidiuretic hormone blood test
(Medical Test)
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