Two person roll - Procedure, part 1Two person roll - Procedure, part 2

Two person roll - series

Two person roll - Procedure, part 1

To roll an injured person two people are needed. One person is stationed at the head and the other at the victim's side. The person on the side places one hand on the victim's shoulder and the other on the victim's thigh area. The person at the victim's head stabilizes the head and neck so that the head and neck does not bend, move, or twist in any direction.

Two person roll - series

Two person roll - Procedure, part 1

To roll an injured person two people are needed. One person is stationed at the head and the other at the victim's side. The person on the side place...

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Two person roll - series

Two person roll - Procedure, part 2

With the coordinated movement of the rescue team, the victim is carefully rolled on his side while the head and neck are supported and kept in alignment. Paying proper attention to the care of an injured victim can help prevent additional spinal cord injury.

Two person roll - series

Two person roll - Procedure, part 2

With the coordinated movement of the rescue team, the victim is carefully rolled on his side while the head and neck are supported and kept in alignm...

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Review Date: 4/24/2023

Reviewed By: C. Benjamin Ma, MD, Professor, Chief, Sports Medicine and Shoulder Service, UCSF Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, San Francisco, CA. Also reviewed by David C. Dugdale, MD, Medical Director, Brenda Conaway, Editorial Director, and the A.D.A.M. Editorial team. Editorial update 10/16/2023.

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Two person roll - Procedure, part 1Two person roll - Procedure, part 2


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